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Most UNDER-rated kung fu actor of all time


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Chiu Jian Gao

Fung Hark-On- almost always the baddie and pretty versatile. Quick too.

Yes Fong Hak On- another reliable fighter - I never tire of the opening fight with him and Wilson 'The Footdoctor' Tong in Snake Deadly Act. Top grade choreography wide shots and pure shapes!

Pity he had that terrible part in Legend of a fighter..

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I have to agree with Bruceclones and say Ho Chung Tao.

He started poorly but as his films went on and he veered away from straight up Bruceploitation films, he looked a lot better on screen.

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Hsaio Ho - no explanation needed

the Chan brothers (Chan Kei-San and Chan Shu-Kei) - they appeared only in a few Chang Cheh bloodfests, but they stood out every time. If I remember correctly, Chan Kei-San's monkey style in Two Champions of Shaolin was awesome

Wong Lik- he's fantastic in all his films

Wilson Tong - always adds something to every fight

Lau Kar-Leung's nephew, Lau Ga-Yung (Sammy Lau) - he really impressed me in Strike & Sword

Johnny Wang - perpetual baddy, always great

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thundered mantis

Chung Fa

Hsu Hsia

John Salviatti

Carl Scott

Dai Sai Ahn

Elton Chong

Kwan Yoon Moon

Chia Kai

Chin Yuet San

Cho Wing

Blackie Ko

Yeung Jing Jing

Robert Tai

and countless

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Morgoth Bauglir
Allright, it's official. Elton Chong is now the undisputed greatest underrated action star of all time.


Elton Chong is underrated. I'm surprised he wasn't listed on this thread yet (though nice to see him finally get mentioned by thundered mantis :D) He is a good actor at times, has good fighting skills, decent acrobatics, and really good grounded and flying kicks. And he seems to be willing to do anything, like in one scene in Shaolin Drunk Monkey where he jumps down about 6 or 7 feet into a narrow creek. It looked like he could have been severely injured by rocks, but he must have just been a really crazy guy, and maybe that's why he always plays such crazy characters. I would have liked to see what Sammo or another director could have done with him.

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Morgoth Bauglir
Han Ying.

I don't know if he's underrated, because I think most rate him very high. I mean, how could you not rate him high?!

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Elton Chong is underrated. I'm surprised he wasn't listed on this thread yet (though nice to see him finally get mentioned by thundered mantis :D) He is a good actor at times, has good fighting skills, decent acrobatics, and really good grounded and flying kicks. And he seems to be willing to do anything, like in one scene in Shaolin Drunk Monkey where he jumps down about 6 or 7 feet into a narrow creek. It looked like he could have been severely injured by rocks, but he must have just been a really crazy guy, and maybe that's why he always plays such crazy characters. I would have liked to see what Sammo or another director could have done with him.


Elton Chong does have good skills but is a terrible actor who starred in mostly terrible films, if you want under-rated stars from Korean films then Han Ying and Mike Wong are your men

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Morgoth Bauglir

I agree he isn't that good of an actor, but like I said I thought "at times" he was a good actor. It is a shame he was only in really bad Korean movies (though there are a few I enjoyed). I really think that if he would have had the chance to work with better directors and action directors, he could have done really well.

Another guy I just thought of is Wang Tai Lang. He is amazing in his fight against Lung Fei in Horse Boxing Killer. One of the few movies where he got to really show off his skills. I don't think I've ever seen him talked about on this forum. I also think Kuan Feng is underrated. I think most people rate him high, but he was wasted in so many SB movies. THough I did enjoy his non fighting role in Chinese Super Ninjas. The way he overacts in his death scene fits the cheesiness of that movie perfectly.

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Wang Tai Liang had good skills but because of his looks he was never gonna get any decent roles.

Another decent actor who only got small roles was Chan Wai Lau aka Crowman or Granny as I call him cos he seems to play Grandma roles in far too many films lol usually plays a weaselly character up to no good, he was alright.

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Morgoth Bauglir

haha, you gotta love his granny character in 37 plots of Kung Fu. I have always enjoyed Chan Wai Lau's work too. He is a great comedic actor, and shows some decent fighting skills in movies like Avenging Boxer and World of Drunken Master. But of course we all know his best role was in Shaolin King Boxer where he plays Slasher Pete's "friend". :D

Now what about Chan Lau? He was one badass mofo in Secret Service of the Imperial Court:p:p

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Chan Lau! I honestly can't remember his role in Secret Service, I need to see this film again cos I didn't like it first time I saw it but enjoyed it more the second time so if I see it again it could become a classic XD I do remember him having his balls bitten off in a film though (struggling to remember what film it was, The Dragon The Hero maybe?) This guy actually looks like he may have been a decent actor and he had some kung fu too but yet again his unconventional looks counted against him and he mainly played weak villain roles.

Slasher Pete :D

Jacky Chen Shao Lung is another under-rated guy, he wasn't in too many films, probably most famous for Of Cooks and Kung Fu and Tai Chi Shadow Boxing but the guy was also a great action director, he did the business for Fearless Dragons (Two on the Road), Dynamite Trio, Of Cooks and Kung Fu and also one of my favourite under the radar films Jade Fox, if you ever get a chance to get your hands on this then definitely get it, superb film.

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Morgoth Bauglir

You are right, it is The Dragon the Hero aka Dragon on Fire. And I agree Jacky Chen may have gone unnoticed by a lot of people, but he did put in some great work as an AD. And Chan Lau and Pai Paio have a 2 on 1 fight with Phillip Ko, and then Lau Wing in Secret Service (it turns into a pretty short fight when Lau Wing starts fighting). It's one of the few roles he had where he doesn't do any comedy or play a weird character or anything like that. He did have decent kung fu skills. Well, maybe on a good day he was decent. But why the director of Secret Service chose to try and make him look like a badass, I have no idea :P

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Ngai Sing and Fan Siu Wong. Cool that both of them has been in a Donnie Yen movie as villains though.

But would love to see Ngai Sing as a main star in some new big HK production, he has it all!

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Has anyone mentioned Man Lee-Pang, the hero in My Life's on the Line? That guy kinda outshapes Leung Kar-Yan in the film, it is certainly arguable. I haven't seen any of his other stuff, I think Cunning Kids and Queen Bee's Revenge had him in some main roles. I'd love to hear what people think of him!

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Morgoth Bauglir

I never thought about it but I agree Ngai Sing would be awesome as the lead in a new HK action movie. Somebody needs to get on this!

I don't know how Man Lee PAng didn't become a star. Besides his awesome performance in My LIfe's on the Line, the only other movie I've noticed him in is Kung Fu on Sale where he plays the villain. Good fighting from him, but the editing is really choppy.

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Joh Haau Fu is a great kicker, saw one movie with him for like a year ago.

Nice that you guys agree about Ngai Sing, I thought I was the only one who thought so because you never hear people talk about him..

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oh man Peng Kong! I remember thinking how great it was when a villain was also a solid acrobat. I think Wong Wing Sang also did a lot of flips and all that, at least in a few films. Those kinds of villains always make for a great finale.

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butcher wing

I would have to go with chen wai man, tung wei, and chen sing oh I can't forget cassanova wong i know there are more but its early. hong kong and taiwan have a lot of actors to choose form.

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Morgoth Bauglir

I don't remember Blackie Ko in The Master Strikes. Maybe you are thinking of Eddy Ko. I do like Blackie a lot, especially in Boxer's Adventure. He was always joking around and gambling on everything, and he was also pretty badass.

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I don't remember Blackie Ko in The Master Strikes. Maybe you are thinking of Eddy Ko. I do like Blackie a lot, especially in Boxer's Adventure. He was always joking around and gambling on everything, and he was also pretty badass.

I changed that title. Sorry.


Also see Renegade Monk.

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