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Ong Bak 2


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Guest theimmortaljedi

Sorry to post this but the site will not le post a new post. I use to go to this site all the time. You could go to a link to see all martial arts films a date for dvd or thearter. Anyone know if I don't see the link or if it's just gone? Anyone know of a site that can tell me this if they have stopped. THanks alot!

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Morgoth Bauglir

I wish Dragon Dynasty would have gotten OB 2. No doubt the DVD would be way superior to Magnolia's. Just compare The Protector and Chocolate DVDs. Plus if they had the rights, then it would probably have a wider US theatrical release. The last kung fu movie that came to Omaha Nebraska was The Protector. It's been too long since I've seena kf movie on the big screen.

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The Running Man
I wish Dragon Dynasty would have gotten OB 2. No doubt the DVD would be way superior to Magnolia's. Just compare The Protector and Chocolate DVDs.

Let's compare indeed.

Dragon Dynasty is owned by Harvey Weinstein who cuts up Asian films and alters them. He has done so with Tom Yum Goong. Magnolia has never done this. Although Ong Bak was released through the international version this was because by the time Mangolia picked up the rights Luc Besson already pushed his version forward, it wasn't Magnolia's doing.

Dragon Dynasty's The Protector DVD has one disc with totally inaccurate subtitles and a second DVD with just okay subtitles.

Whereas Magnolia's Chocolate DVD has totally new and improved English subtitles that are perhaps the best that can ever be for the film.

This is also the case for pretty much every single Asian movie Magnolia has ever released because they commission new English translations that are EXCELLENT and far better than the previous English translations for their Asian releases (i.e. Exiled, Dynamite Warrior) rather than DD that just use the same old crap subtitles or actually make new subtitles that are worse than the original ones (i.e. Flash Point, Come Drink With Me).

Yes, it is far better that Magnolia picked it up. They are a better company that actually cares for the films. Too many people get fooled by DD just cause it has more extras but forget that their film presentations suck.

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Morgoth Bauglir

I don't remember bad subtitles on The Protector, but it was kind of hard to pay attention since the movie wasn't all that great, only worth watching for the fights. But even if the subtitles are better on Magnolia, I'd much rather have a ton of special features. So I think it would be far better if the Weinsteins had the rights, because I would enjoy the DVD a lot more, and I may actually get to see it in the theater.

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The Running Man
I don't remember bad subtitles on The Protector

Then you didn't go through the DVD set. Anyone who watches the altered crap "The Protector" and then puts on the "Tom Yum Goong" disc, the real version of the movie, will notice the made up subtitles right away. Even Logan mentions it in his commentary although he words it nicely in Weinstein's favor.

And when one compares the subtitles on the real version of the movie with the UK DVD you see how much better the subtitles were on the UK because they were more accurately translated.

And what you saw in the theater was a heavily altered and cut version of Tom Yum Goong. Wouldn't it be better to see the movie in the theater in and uncut version? Magnolia would never alter it and will always have better subtitles.

Magnolia is a better company.

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Morgoth Bauglir

I actually liked The Protector version more than TYG. I don't agree with the cuts made in the fights, but I thought it was a good idea to get rid of a lot of that footage. I don't care how much they cut up the movie, as long as it gets a wide theatrical release like Ong Bak and The Protector did (or maybe Ong Bak 2 is getting a wide theater release and I don't know it?). But a DVD packed with special features is what I most care about, a theatrical release in Nebraska would just be a bonus. As long as I can follow a movie easily enough, like I could with the Protector, I wouldn't take really good subtitles over a ton of special features.

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The Running Man

It's people with that kind of attitude that gives DD all the reason to do all the alterations to the movies that they do and release them in the crappy fashion that they have been doing all along.

In any case, in this specific case it doesn't matter anyway. Ong Bak 2 is now with one of the good guys.

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Morgoth Bauglir

The Protector DVD came with the original TYG version. So what if they altered it? You still get the original version.

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I wish Dragon Dynasty would have gotten OB 2. No doubt the DVD would be way superior to Magnolia's. Just compare The Protector and Chocolate DVDs.

DD originally had the rights for OB2, but when they first looked at footage and saw what Tony was doing they got pissed off and dropped it! The Weinsteins felt like they had been misled into thinking they had acquired a modern day, at least semi-direct sequel to OB, and when they saw the OB2 footage they balked. So now they're pissed at Tony and probably done with releasing his stuff in the future.

I'm a big fan of extras too, and wish that Magnolia had released CHOCOLATE with more special features. Since they didn't, I opted for the UK release instead- which IMO is excellent. I was very happy that DD released TOM YUM GOONG as a 2 disc set so I could have the extras, but also see it uncut. But I do agree with Running Man that the subtitles were pretty lousy.

As far as Magnolia's subs go- they are wonderful. When it comes to special features though, they can go either way. Their 2 disc release of THE HOST was a really classy affair with lots of extra goodies. I know they had originally planned on releasing their TEARS OF THE BLACK TIGER with a bunch of commercials that the director had previously created for Thai TV. My friend said they were fantastically stylish and original, but they didn't have room for them on the disc without compromising the quality of the feature. And since it wasn't a title that they expected to sell a lot of, they couldn't justify the cost of putting it out as a 2 disc set just so that they could include more extras.

So with the economy in it's current state, and people spending less, will Magnolia put out an extras-laden ONG-BAK 2? Or will they just drop a nicely subbed disc with a ten minute behind the scenes deal? We'll just have to wait and see.

But Morgoth, I'm with you on wanting to see this on the big screen. I'd love to go with my son and all my buddies to see this on a huge screen. I doubt that it'll happen though.

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Morgoth Bauglir

hmmm, so there may be hope yet. I forgot about The Host. Too bad I didn't like the movie too much, because I only like to watch special features for movies that I enjoyed. But maybe OB 2 will come with some good features. I guess it's possible.

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Monkey King

I am sorry if this has already been covered, however, I was waiting for the Hong Kong release of this film, however, HKflix are saying that this does not come with English subtitles. Is the best option the Malaysia Version? Does anyone have this DVD? It says on HKflix that it does not even list the english subtitles on the menu of the DVD and you have to access them while the film is playing? How would you do this. If anyone could let me know it would be really appreciated.

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make believe
I am sorry if this has already been covered, however, I was waiting for the Hong Kong release of this film, however, HKflix are saying that this does not come with English subtitles. Is the best option the Malaysia Version? Does anyone have this DVD? It says on HKflix that it does not even list the english subtitles on the menu of the DVD and you have to access them while the film is playing? How would you do this. If anyone could let me know it would be really appreciated.

There should be a subtitle button on your remote.

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I am sorry if this has already been covered, however, I was waiting for the Hong Kong release of this film, however, HKflix are saying that this does not come with English subtitles. Is the best option the Malaysia Version? Does anyone have this DVD? It says on HKflix that it does not even list the english subtitles on the menu of the DVD and you have to access them while the film is playing? How would you do this. If anyone could let me know it would be really appreciated.

I'm waiting for mine but as far as I know it's the only legit english subbed version. If Premier Asia still existed and had the UK rights I'd wait but since they don't God knows when & what quality the UK version will be like.

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Guest WuxiaFan
Thanks for that information. How long after did the uncut version of Ong Bak come out after the theatrical dvd was released?

Maybe I will wait a bit more and if nothing is mentioned I may just end up getting it anyway.

The Australian uncut version of OB1 was released in 8/2005, and if I remember correctly, there weren't any other English subbed versions available. It was after I saw in the theater and I was waiting to see how the US version was going to be. So, I think it was just timing when Eastern Eye released it. I like the uncut version a lot, but he "cut" scenes are not essential to the movie. But that's just me. It's still available at HKFlix and Chaos.com.

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Guest WuxiaFan
Im trying to hold off as well but these distributors are taking too damn long. I will have to get the malaysia version but its sold out as usual.

DS- HKFlix has it back in stock as of today.

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Guest WuxiaFan
I also don't see the fuss in buying an unsubbed dvd and obtaining fansubs for it. The way I see it, you've paid for a release one way or another. I purchased the Thai release of OB2 (and have an excellent set of fansubs for it) but I will most definitely buy the Eastern Eye version when it comes out (I like to support Australian companies :)). It looks like it might be the first Western release with English subs.

Eastern Eye did an excellent job with OB1. Even though I have the Malay version coming, I will be looking the EE version when it comes out. Isn't Malaysia a little west of Australia? :)

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Guest WuxiaFan
I actually liked The Protector version more than TYG. I don't agree with the cuts made in the fights, but I thought it was a good idea to get rid of a lot of that footage. I don't care how much they cut up the movie, as long as it gets a wide theatrical release like Ong Bak and The Protector did (or maybe Ong Bak 2 is getting a wide theater release and I don't know it?). But a DVD packed with special features is what I most care about, a theatrical release in Nebraska would just be a bonus. As long as I can follow a movie easily enough, like I could with the Protector, I wouldn't take really good subtitles over a ton of special features.

WHAT? "The Protector" was a complete piece of cut-up westernized crap, including that stupid name. I could bearly stand to sit throught it! Especially the English dubbing! :o

It's people with that kind of attitude that gives DD all the reason to do all the alterations to the movies that they do and release them in the crappy fashion that they have been doing all along.

In any case, in this specific case it doesn't matter anyway. Ong Bak 2 is now with one of the good guys.

Sorry, but Running Man is completely right on this one. TOM YUM GOONG was one of the worst examples of how an excellent Asian film gets cut up for a US release. It's just pathetic. :P Highly recommend the Korean 2-disc version by KD Meida. IMO, the best version of TYG, but hard to find.

Morgoth-do agree with you on a US theatrical release. (but only because Magnolia has it)

Kung Fu Bob - I also opted for the UK version of CHOCOLATE, because Magnolia's release was basically a bear-bones DVD, and it didn't need to be. I generally like UK releases, especially Optimum Releasing. Hoping Show-Box will be just as good.

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Eastern Eye did an excellent job with OB1. Even though I have the Malay version coming, I will be looking the EE version when it comes out. Isn't Malaysia a little west of Australia? :)

Yeah it is. I'll probably get the Malay one as well. I've gotten a few Malaysian dvd's recently and I've been pleased with them.

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Monkey King

There should be a subtitle button on your remote.

Make believe thanks for this, I would have never thought to check this!

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There should be a subtitle button on your remote.

Make believe thanks for this, I would have never thought to check this!

I use the "subtitle" button on my remote a lot. If I'm watching a foreign action movie and a cool scene comes up, I'll often hit this button to turn off the subs while I rewatch the scene again. The subs can be distracting when you want to just see the action. Then I click it again before resuming the movie. It's so much more convenient than going to the main menu and all that jazz, though occassionally that's the only way to turn subs on or off. Maybe 95% of the time the "subtitle" button works though.

Also, some DVD players have a setting that the English subtitles automatically turn on when watching a film that's original Audio is not English. That's how I have mine set. :nerd:

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Omni Dragon
it takes some balls to work with elephants like that, one attack from the elephant could of killed Mr Jaa.

Yeah i hear it's his pet elephants he has 2 pet aged 50 & 60 something like that.

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Guest WuxiaFan
I use the "subtitle" button on my remote a lot. If I'm watching a foreign action movie and a cool scene comes up, I'll often hit this button to turn off the subs while I rewatch the scene again. The subs can be distracting when you want to just see the action. Then I click it again before resuming the movie. It's so much more convenient than going to the main menu and all that jazz, though occassionally that's the only way to turn subs on or off. Maybe 95% of the time the "subtitle" button works though.

Also, some DVD players have a setting that the English subtitles automatically turn on when watching a film that's original Audio is not English. That's how I have mine set. :nerd:

KFB - Very cool idea! I'll have to check my manual to see if I can set mine like that. That would have been nice while watching KILL BILL where Uma starts speaking Japanese with Sonny, I had to scramble and turn on the light, find the subtitle button and turn them on, then go back to the screen. What else would be nice is if the DVD player could translate menus that in a Mandarin, Japanese, etc. Anyway, good suggestion!

Also, KFB - 1 more post and you'll be at 1,000!! Whoo Hoo! ;):DXD:kiss:

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KFB - Very cool idea! I'll have to check my manual to see if I can set mine like that. That would have been nice while watching KILL BILL where Uma starts speaking Japanese with Sonny, I had to scramble and turn on the light, find the subtitle button and turn them on, then go back to the screen.

I take it you own the uncut Japanese R2 of Kill Bill.XD

What else would be nice is if the DVD player could translate menus that in a Mandarin, Japanese, etc. Anyway, good suggestion!

great Idea WF:D

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Guest WuxiaFan
I take it you own the uncut Japanese R2 of Kill Bill.XD

great Idea WF:D

You bet! Never got why there weren't dual language menus on a Universal Pictures (Japan) disc that was a US release in the first place. :o

Thanks! :)

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Also, KFB - 1 more post and you'll be at 1,000!! Whoo Hoo! ;):DXD:kiss:

Damn! So I am.:)

I take it you own the uncut Japanese R2 of Kill Bill.XD great Idea WF:D

Glad my "subtitle button" info helped. Unfortunately the uncut KILL BILL has around 15 different subtitle tracks! So everytime you want to turn them on or off, you have to press the button over and over to do it. So for this film it just sucked. I was really annoyed that they didn't have a sub track just for "non-English" dialogue on this disc. If the long promised US release KILL BILL: THE WHOLE BLOODY AFFAIR multi-disc, uncut set would finally get released we would have that option I'm sure! :mad: Oh, but did you want to see the unrated edition of SEX DRIVE? :o Cause that's readily available. :S Groan....

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