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Ong Bak 2


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Here is Jaa demonstrating some techniques on a Thai TV show while promoting ONG BAK 2.

<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BVZ6R0SicdY&hl=en&fs=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BVZ6R0SicdY&hl=en&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>

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ONG BAK and THE PROTECTOR both played in US theaters, but ONG BAK was a limited release. The Weinsteins have picked this up for US release, so I'm sure they will do it in theaters in 2013. :)

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Wonder when this is coming out?

December 4, 2008 in Thailand and more likely than not in September 2009 during the Toronto International Film Festival.

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shaolin drunkard
Here is Jaa demonstrating some techniques on a Thai TV show while promoting ONG BAK 2.

He did not look so good with 3-section staff.OK but nothing more.Ropedart was better,it`s really difficult to handle but tony did well.

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Release has been changed to 5th December, this is the Thai king's birthday and thus is deemed as father's day here in Thailand....

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Here is Tony Jaa performing on stage at the ONG BAK 2 premiere:

<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aY1xLMq5Urc&hl=en&fs=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aY1xLMq5Urc&hl=en&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>

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Apparently there has already been a bit of feedback from some of the people that were lucky enough to see this at the Dec 2nd Premiere. Word seems to be that it is too short but has a surprise ending. Also seems to lead onto Ong Bak 3.

I'm just going by what I read and I'm still absolutely hyped about this movie.

I tend to ignore what I read until I've seen it but I just thought they were some interesting points.

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saw it today, here's my opinion:

a little let down

Action not as good as expected. I think Tom yumgoong was better for action part.

Story, yes improvment over tom yumgoong but slow paste, too slow and some parts was too annoying

Tony Jaa acting, yes waaaay better than the first two. He can truly do drama and can act much much better.

Length film was too short, I suspect that they might have cut it short to go fill in for part 3 because many parts in the trailer aren't in the movie.

Over all: worth seeing, Tony Jaa fan shouldn't miss but don't expect too much or you'll be let down.

That's only my opinion it's best that you see it for yourself and judge

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saw it today, here's my opinion:

a little let down

Action not as good as expected. I think Tom yumgoong was better for action part.

Story, yes improvment over tom yumgoong but slow paste, too slow and some parts was too annoying

Tony Jaa acting, yes waaaay better than the first two. He can truly do drama and can act much much better.

Length film was too short, I suspect that they might have cut it short to go fill in for part 3 because many parts in the trailer aren't in the movie.

Over all: worth seeing, Tony Jaa fan shouldn't miss but don't expect too much or you'll be let down.

That's only my opinion it's best that you see it for yourself and judge

Disturbing news:( But thanks for the quick take Knight!

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Wait where did you see this? I guess the mystery is over. :o

Myhome is in Bangkok,

I want to add to my comment, To me the movie was let down it has to do with extremely high expectation from me but one good thing is that Tony Jaa has finally break through as high quality actor. His acting in Ong Bak 2 was Hollywood quality acting. His did alot of homework on acting and took many lessons and it shows. He was very similar to Chao Yun Fat in Better tomorrow. Perhaps that's why the action was a little less than I expected because he concerntrated so much on his acting. they're trying too hard to show off the area they lacked in the fist two movies so it was not welll balance between action and drama.

Now that he's very good actor and very talented in action he needs a good movie to be in, a good hardcore drama. He needs to team up with some of the world leading screen writer and action director Someone like John Woo.. I can imagine if that ever happened Tony Jaa would be unstopable.

If I have more time I will try to write a spoiler.

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Well I suppose they've compensated for their complete lack of real plots and acting in the first two movies. Maybe over compensated.

I haven't seen this and I'm just hoping that this so called slow pace in Ong Bak 2 is just setting us up for an intense finale in Ong Bak 3 (which is now confirmed!)

Looks like Ip Man might be stealing the show for now then.

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::::::::::SPOILER by Siamknigt:::::::::::::::

Hello this is my first spoiler so Please forgive me if it gets confusing sometimes because I am not a professional writter. There will be alot of missed spelling and bad grammar.

begining:: Opening credit, who's starting, who's directing and so on. It was too long that I got so impatient and thought in my head ..."for god sake, start the movie already"..

first scene was a solider on a horse with a young boy they were riding really fast as they were running from something, the solider threw the boy to the side of the road and kept going and then he ran into big army and he got killed. The army leader ordered the men to look for te boy but They couldn't find him.

A group of caravan passed by a young boy boy who passed out inside the tree so they picked him up and put him in the cage on one of their wagon. The caravan arrived at some kind of trading market and they drag a boy out of the cage. The boy tried to fight and the guy who dragged him out got pissed so he grapped him by the neck and pured a lot of blood on him then threw him in the crocodile pit. The pit surrounded by all kinds of people to watch and bet on how long a boy could servive. on the side of the pit there was a bandit leader who saw the boy tried to fight the big guy that grapped him. The badit was impressed by the fighting spirit of the boy, he decided to signal his fello badit to rescue the boy. After he killed the caravan leader he threw a knife into the pit and said to the boy " Your fate is your decision" A boy took a knife and killed the croc.

Later a boy woke up in a village. The head bandit introuce himself as Shernung the leader of this villeage. A boy introduce himself name "Tien". Shernung told Tien that he sees alot of potential in Tien that Tien got Killer instinct, Shernung offered Tian to stay in Bandit village and train in martial arts and Bandit skillls. Tien explored the village and saw all the training. He agreeed to stay and train.

Tien has grown up and was tested his skilled. He captured a great elephant, The head of the pack. He beat all the best fighters in the village. Shernung was impressed that he put Tien incharge of robery mission.

First Robery scene... :::It was alot of explosion alot of fighthing but I relly couldn' t tell what was going on because it took place at night time and it was too drak to see what's going on. Anyway, the Robery was a success. Tien and his men killed alot of people. Tien was very satisfy and had real evil smile then he looked up at one of the statue from his Robery.. I guess it was some kind of Hindo godess or a Buddha i'm not sure.. as he looked at the statue, his satisfy face turned into sad face and then a flash back as a young boy..

::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::Flash back scene::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

He was a young boy with his father he told his father that he wanted to be a Genral like his father, learn weapon skills to protect civillians and innocent people. Tien's father did not allow Tien to learn martial art, instead he took Tien to his friend who is a master of classical dance. Tien attened and lived with that dance master away from his home. He also met a girl who also a dance student and became close friend to him.

One day at the dacing school, a solider came to pick Tien up to take him back to his home saying it was emergency. Tien went home and saw his family got killed. The solider took Tien and ran away on a horse and that is the same scene at the begining..

Tien father was one of 4 great genral of the King. One of the 4 general was bad.. i forgot his name.. I'll just call him a bad general. The bad general killed Tien's Father, Mother and burned his home. Then the bad general killed the King and established himself as new king. Tien also remember an assasin in black suit with face covered who killed his father...

::::::::::::::::::::::::::::End of flash back::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

Back to reality.. Everyone at the Badit village celebrated the victory of this robery mission.. Tien did not attend the party.. he sat by himself in a cave and drink alone.

Market scene...A big big guy(The guy who grapped Tien and threw him in the croc pit in the bigining) shows up and tried to sell many slaves. he took a girl out of a cage to try to offer the sale to people. The girl bit him on the arm so he started to beat the girl up.. Then mystery clay pot was thrown out of the crownd and hit him in the head. he got pissed and started to grap people out of the crownd and kept asking "Who did that?".. he happened to grap Tien who was drunk on the ground.. Tien punched through the clay pot and beat ta crap out of him and threw him in the crocodile pit then free all the slaves.

Back to the village:: Shernung wanted to ask Tien to replace him as new Bandit village leader. Tien told shernung that he must take care of unfinish business first before he can accept the position. Tien left the bandit village..

The palace scene... The new King (That bad general).. Celebrated his new dynasty with performers. A girl, Tien's friend back at the classical dance school performed a dance for the king (The dance started out beautifully, but it was too long and I was so annoyed by it).. After the girl finished her dance (finally).. Then come a man with Garuda masked (Gruda is some kind of Asian god, half man, half bird).. as next performer.. obviously that is Tien (How did he get a job as performer for the King?? got me.. they didn't mention any of that).. He was doing the dance with acrobatic martial moves.. It was interesting but it was also too long and annoying.. Finally he threw a smoke bomb and got close to the king fought a few gards and took a few slashes at the king then ran away.. I gess he assumed that he killed the king.. After Tien left a gard picked up a knife that Tien dropped.. and I guess he (the gard) recognized where this weapon came from.

Tien came back to The bandit village.. The village was all quite. no sighs of his fellow bandit friends. Then a bunch of ninjas and weird dressed assasins showed up.. He fought all of them and killed them..After he killed these men... A little guy in black crow uniform showed up (That's Dan Chupong from Born to fight). The black crow beat ta crap out of him and kicked his butt down to the ground. After that the King and his army showed up. The King was like... ha ha... you didn't kill me.. he opened his shirt and show off his steel armor under his cloth.. Ok so Tien slashed the armor. I was wondering why didn't he just cut the king's head off... and if the knife slashed a steel armor ... shouldn't he have noticed? In real life if you cut the meat or metal..you should be able to tell right? yeah yeah... The King called out a black dressed assasin.. Tien recognized right away that this is the guy who killed his parents.. he got up, picked up a sword and gone crazy... he fought the assansin in black and killed him.. The king called his army to arrest Tien and ordered to torchtor him make sure he die slowly.. The army moved in the capture Tien.

:::::::::::::::::::::::THE END:::::::::::::::::::::: Everyone in the theater got up and said "WHAT??" really loud and walked out of the theater......... I looked at my watch.. the movie was exactly 90 mins, included the long opening credit and two long annoying calssical dances by the girl and Tien.... Ok.. that's it.. I hope this clear all the mystery for all who can't wait to watch this..

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Thanks for sharing SiamKnight!

I guess they're going to split this movie into two parts, maybe to increase potential profits to make up for all the shenanigans on this film. Anyways, Ong Bak 3 (or whatever it will be called) better be quick on the heels of this movie. I think it sounds good that Tony has improved his acting ; hopefully, this Kill Bill strategy works for everyone involved. I have to admit I'll be a little pissed if the second half is released a full year later.

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That would officially suck if we had to wait another year.

Maybe Tony was a tad too premature on taking up directing. I hope we have part 3 by next summer at the latest.

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Ok.. Obviously people at tonyjaa.org have different point of view. Most of them who saw Ong Bak 2 think IT ROCKS and Tony Jaa best EVER in everyway!! so Here's the link to tonyjaa.org forum below. I really think that you can't judge the movie by my review or others.. You have to see it for yourself and it is all depends on the level of expectation.


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Damn I can't believe they made this movie so short, I'm kind of disappointed seeing how long it took to make it, I mean at least get in all the scenes from the trailer, well at least it was completed. I can't go by what all the people at Jaa.org says either as they gush way to much over him, still can't wait to see this and come up with my own opinion.

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Here is an ONG BAK 2 fight (in crappy quality) if you are interested in seeing it:

<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eLU9vGN9uyQ&hl=en&fs=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eLU9vGN9uyQ&hl=en&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>

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Here is an ONG BAK 2 fight (in crappy quality) if you are interested in seeing it:

Pirate DVD of Ong Bak 2 are already on the Street.. How sad... Please don't watch above video.. It is horrible.. not only you don't get to see full screen on it.. It will ruin what you're about to see in real movie.

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