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I'm posting this on behalf of somebody else; any help would be much appreciated!

About 30 years ago I have acquired an old Derann Super-8 colour/sound scene-selected anamorphic ratio 17 mins movie called "Kung-Fu Killers" ( code label :- DERANN T353 ) which the film label and it’s package is not well-informed after been in vain to search for that particular title thru internet, especially on DVD. That film title might be misleaded but there is also the other title written in Chinese :- 功夫殺星. The film probably been made in Hong Kong during the Hey Day of Bruce Lee somewhere around in 1973 - 1974, or in 1975. No excalty release date was given. The main story was focused about a beauty Chinese lady with her great Kung Fu skills to eliminate the street thugs with knives on their hands and walking backward so cautiously to defend themselves near the shipping pier from the 'fearless' woman who approaches them. The lead thug man tried to overtake her and she kneed him in his leg ( ? ) and he starting hoppin' on pier and she elbowing him to cause him fell over to sea and was killed by the ship's whirring propeller. That scene of 'Thug guy fell in the water and killed by ship's propeller' was performed by the stiff dummy body, not by real stuntman. The Kung Fu lady breathes with sign of relief with her shame of vengeance expression, and darts off for other incident event. Later in the film, she met a 'hidden-faced' ruthless giant broad black moustache tough guy with his suitcase on his hand at the pier and tried to knock him down but without success. The other sincerely-bound guy whom she is associate with, is also after that moustache guy on his hot trail. The sincerely guy was stunned to discover the whodunnit guy, after he turned around to reveal his face, was his own brother ! The tough moustache guy wins the brief fight with the Kung Fu lady and tried to kill her in vengance action after she was injured and unable to continue on but sincerely guy prevented him from approaching her. The tough guy then knocked him down, and the sincerely guy pleading him not to hurt his lady with blood dripping down on his chin, greviously. The tough guy then continues beating him to plop him down. The lady follow him to finish the tough guy off with 'up and down' kung-fu actions. The tough guy then threw the old storage crate at him and sincerely guy then smash-chopping the flying crate into several pieces by his two flat stiff hands with his frenzied face expression to prove that he is capable to continue on with the tough guy. Lastly near the end of the film, the tough guy was knocked down by couple’s foot-kicking action and rolling on ground, and arrives to edge of path with his gun left on the edge of the stair (?) ( knocked it off from his hand by street-wisp guy’s back kick in the middle of film ). He then pick it up and standing up so unsteady to point-out his gun at sincerely guy. The lady posed no immediate movement, only stunned at him with bit of blood dripping down on her chin. Then the next second, a big bang noise went off and the tough guy prong down, as the camera zooming in bit faster to revealing the gun-pointing stance jungle-helmet ‘cop’ man behind the fallen tough guy. The sincerely guy then expressing his horror and rushing toward at his fallen brother as he yelled out " My brother !!". The tough guy tried to say something of his last word at him while sincerely guy hugging him, but he died on spot. That’s all what I saw it on countless time. I have tried to look for the complete film version on DVDs, etc, but at no avail. The Super-8 film that I still have it is around at 17 minutes long of running time at 24 FPS, shot in anamorphic 2:35:1 scope screen ratio. I think that the film was made around in 1973 - 1975, so if you have sufficient knowledge of that Chinese Kung-Fu lady and the black broad moustache toughie guy, and the sincerely-looking guy then please research that ‘lost’ film and let me know by your immediate response.
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