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Some of the greatest dubbed, one-liners from classics...

Guest stormybman

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Secret Executioner
"you bucket of bullsh**..."



Duel Of The Tough contains an awful lot of swearing, but the "bucket of bulls**t" line is easily the best one.

One line I just LOVE is "Damn you" from Bruce Lee Fights Back From The Grave:


(around 0:33 in the video)

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I can't find a clip of it without posting the whole damn movie

basically, in Deadly Strike...starring Bruce Li, Cheng Sing, and a slew of Shaw and Indy regulars..including Lung Fei.....there is this line. A prisoner is trying to escape, and a guard is questioning him......i can't do it justice....you have to see it, but I will try

Guard: "Hey there! What are you doing? Why are you so far away from the camp/"

Other Prisoner: "Who? Me? I was just going for a pee! Aheeeee!"

Honest to God. Again, i can't do it justice, but I still laugh my ass off everytime i hear it

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Killer Meteor

Snake & Crane Arts Of Shaolin

Jackie: Tell me, are you interested in the book?

Girl dressed as a boy: (crossly) I certainly am not! BUT...(all cute like) STILL, could I have a look eh?

Lady Suen: You're very smart...what's more, you're nice!

Jackie: I am quite smart...BUT STILL, not nice!

Miao Tien: You may be a pretty smart fellow...BUT STILL, you're finished!

Jackie: BUT STILL, I'm not dead yet

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The Dragon

From Enter The Dragon:

Mr. Han: Are you shocked, Mr. Williams?!

Williams: Only at how sloppy your man works.

Williams: I'll take you, honey... and you, and you... and you!... Please excuse me, if I've missed anyone, it's been a big day. I'm a little tired.

Williams: Mr. Han, suddenly I'd like to leave your island...

Mr. Han: It is not possible!

Williams: BULLSHIT!!!, Mr. Han Man!!!

More to come....

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Killer Meteor
From Enter The Dragon:

Mr. Han: Are you shocked, Mr. Williams?!

Williams: Only at how sloppy your man works.

Williams: I'll take you, honey... and you, and you... and you!... Please excuse me, if I've missed anyone, it's been a big day. I'm a little tired.

Williams: Mr. Han, suddenly I'd like to leave your island...

Mr. Han: It is not possible!

Williams: BULLSHIT!!!, Mr. Han Man!!!

More to come....

Tattoo Connection

"I've been known to be called The Black Six Million Dollar Man!"

The funny thing is, he says this in the Mandarin version too!

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I know this has been posted before. But one of my all-time favorite dubbed quotes is from Mystery Of Chess Boxing.

Ghostfaced Killer: "I'm a killer, and killer's don't die so easy!".

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Killer Meteor
I know this has been posted before. But one of my all-time favorite dubbed quotes is from Mystery Of Chess Boxing.

Ghostfaced Killer: "I'm a killer, and killer's don't die so easy!".

"Just drop the knife...act like a man!"

"Don't preach at me!"

"I must try..."

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From Kung Fu:The Invisible Fist:

Yasuaki Kurata: "I don't approve of women".

Well, it was more of Chen Sing's reaction to that statement that had me rolling,lol.

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Snake & Crane Arts Of Shaolin

Jackie: Tell me, are you interested in the book?

Girl dressed as a boy: (crossly) I certainly am not! BUT...(all cute like) STILL, could I have a look eh?

Lady Suen: You're very smart...what's more, you're nice!

Jackie: I am quite smart...BUT STILL, not nice!

Miao Tien: You may be a pretty smart fellow...BUT STILL, you're finished!

Jackie: BUT STILL, I'm not dead yet

Jackie: You let go, or I'll curse you!

Old Lu: You do that. I love nothing but a good cursing match. I'm a real expert.

Jackie: Sh*thead! You g*dd*mn stupid son of a b*tch!

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Ordinarily, well, I wouldn't say you had a prayer - but you could go around the corner and practice.

Bruce Li, to the old dude with glasses in the street in San Fransisco.

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Killer Meteor
Ordinarily, well, I wouldn't say you had a prayer - but you could go around the corner and practice.

Bruce Li, to the old dude with glasses in the street in San Fransisco.

"Bruce Lee, I hear you say Chinese kung fu is better then Japanese Karate!"

"It is! And you know it!"

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"She likes men. Lots and lots of men."

- Killer Meteors

"You promised me fame and fortune!"

"So I did... But I was lying!"

- Invincible Armour

"Who taught you to have FEELINGS?"

- Avenging Eagle

*two bad guys go "huh!" in succession*

"Why do you two men... want to bully... these two people? Do you think... that is a fair thing... to do?"

- Born Invincible

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The Dragon the Hero must be watched for all its classic one liners. Every line is a classic one liner. But the one that tops the cake is where Dragon Lee says: " You.(slight pause) Are a mad dog,(slight pause) that aught to diiieee! Wahdaaaahh!" Before putting out the light on the bad guy with a punch to the gut.

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Secret Executioner

From the Filmark classic Bionic Ninja:

cop to guy being interrogated: "Why are people trying to kill you then ?! Don't try and tell me it's cause they don't like your face !!!"

guy being interrogated: "It's not a joke, sir."

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Chinatown Kid

HK cops to Tang Tung in Chinatown Kid: "What's this, icing sugar?" "I don't know, never saw it before." "And I suppose you didn't know it was cuhcaine?" :wink:

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Killer Meteor
Hwang Jang Lee in Invincible Armour:

"A great irony, boiled beans and beanstalks...I see".

You know, I never got what the heck that was supposed to mean!

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Killer Meteor

Boxer's Adventure

"Think you can do it....WONG CHAT???"

"Reckon I can....CHANG LU!!!"

"Yeah, you're famous...you're a famous nancy boy!"

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