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It's October baby....Horror flick time!


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I understand why people dislike BLAIR WITCH, though. However, it worked for me and after seeing it in the theater the first time, it stayed with me for several days and was the first film in years to give me goosebumps. Just the thought of being isolated in a wooded area such as the one in the film and later stumbling upon a spot riddled with spooky cross-like figures of all sizes dangling from the trees; not to mention waking up and finding someone, or something has been near your camp the night before having left objects in a ritualistic fashion nearby. Also, the supernatural element of the trio walking in circles as well as the decrepit house that seems to appear out of nowhere during the final moments.

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My wife was just watching BLAIR WITCH a few hours ago! When I showed her the list I put up, the first thing she said was "Where's the BLAIR WITCH PROJECT?"

We saw it within the first few days of it's release. The theater was packed, and it really scared us. Right as they were approaching the house, one of the loudest thunder cracks I've ever heard made everyone jump and scream. I didn't realize that it was real, and not part of the movie until later. When the audience filed out into the lobby we saw that it was pouring sheets of torrential rain. Nobody ventured out into it. We all just stood there looking out silently. Then something unique happened- since we were all sort of trapped together, all these strangers started talking about the movie together. Most everyone seemed to have loved it. But within a few days the hype had built up so much, that everyone who saw it started saying "I thought it was going to be so much more." We watch it almost every year, and even though I'm in a different room, when I heard the last five minutes playing, I got goosebumps up and down my arms!

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5 Element Boxer

I watched THE EXORCIST the other night, for the...umm...5th or 6th time, I think. It was around 2am. I was laying in bed trying to find something to watch before I doze off, and there it was on some movie channel. And right when Father Maron gets there (my favorite part). From there to the end is really good stuff. I watched it until the end and fell asleep happy.

I don't know what the big deal is with that movie. I know a LOT of people who absolutely will NOT watch that movie. My mom is deathly afraid of it. Sure, it was frightening to me, too, when I first saw it at age 6 or 7. But after a few viewings, I can watch it by myself, 2am, no one else in the house but me, no problem! lol Anyway, it's now one of my all-time favorite movies.

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As for the scare factor of my choices, it certainly comes with having seen them as a kid. I was just a little younger than the boy that was the lead in PHANTASM when I saw the film.

Almost every film I consider "my favorite/sacriest" are films I watched as a child. And I remeber being about the same age the boy in "Phantasm" as well. I remember lying in bed not wanting to open my eyes because I had Angus Scrimm's image in my head, and I just knew he was standing above my bed! I keep hearing people mention "Let's Scare Jessica To Death". I HATED that film, I thought it was just terrible (terribly boring). "Texas Chainsaw Massacre" is a great flick but hard film for me to watch. Not because its scary, but all the damn screaming towards the end is annoying. Have wanted to see the original "The Vanishing" for a long time now. Netflix doesnt have it, need to track it down. Great lists so far, here's some of my favorites:

Suspiria - soundtrack (GOAT) alone is scary as hell

Exorcist (Newer version)- crabwalk

Deep Red - beautifully disturbing

Evil Dead - the trees in my back yard made it almost impossible to sleep afterwards

Evil Dead 2 - not as scary as 1, but an absolute blast to watch!

Phantasm - midgits and a Tall Man

Dead And Buried - very underrated, smart psychological horror

A Tale Of Two Sisters - agree with Mark, underrated gem

Audtion - very hard movie to finish

Near Dark - My favorite Vampire film (besides Mr. Vampire, ha)

Devil's Backbone - Great ghost film from Del Torro

The Shining - terrifying imagery

The Changeling - classic ghost story for the whole family

Nightmare On Elm Street - masterpiece imo

Halloween - of course

An American Werewolf In London- favorite Werewolf film, just a funny as it is scary

The Thing (remake) - great make up & special effects

The Lost Boys - probably seen this one 50 times

The Hills Have Eyes (original) - I liked the remake, but the original still rocks

Fright Night - good homage to classic horror

Howling - classic, my second favorite werewolf flick

Dog Soldiers - underrated, fast and brutal

Bram Stoker's Dracula - great film

Uzumaki - very surreal twisted film

From Dusk Til Dawn - a blast

Pet Sematary - little boy was frightening

Superstition - not great, but scared me as a kid

Dust Devil - different but I dug it

Cube - maybe more sci-fi, but had some horror elements

28 Weeks Later - better than the original imo

House - funny & scary

Witchboard - 80's classic

Hatchet - not a great film, but alot of fun

Them - creepy

Kill Baby Kill - my fav Bava

Scarecrows - not great, but loved the atmosphere and some good scares

Lord Of Illusions - unique horror-detective noir

Sleepy Hollow - I loved Tim Burton's version

Pulse - original Japanese version

Cemetary Man - Anna Falchi is gorgeous!

Demons - crazy Lamberto Bava flick

Blade 1 & 2 - great action horror

Feast - suprised by this one, great fun

Phone - better than I expected, well made Korean horror

Silent Hill - alot people didnt like this, I dug style and tremendous visuals

Frailty - small but effective film, great first watch

The Host - best monster flick in years

Aliens - more sci-fi than horror, but still awsome

Blind Dead Series - Enjoyed these films, the first two being the best

Jeepers Creepers - cool monster/villain

The Eye - original Thai version

Inferno - not the strongest Argento, but the underwater sequence was amazing

Tenebrae - good film, great ending

Opera - visually amazing fiilm

Session 9 - very unsettling psychological horror

Hellraiser 1 & 2 - the Cenobites are truly disturbing

Dead Alive - forget LOTR, this is Peter Jackson's masterpeice! (Just kidding)

Just Before Dawn - ver well made classic 80's drive-in slasher

Blood And Black Lace - classic stylish Bava Giallo

The Ring (both versions) - original is a litte slow but creepy. Remake was great

Return Of The Living Dead - 80's punk rock & zomies "Brains!!"

Severance - not great, but I liked it

Army Of Darkness - Bruce Campbell rules

Candyman - saw this in high school with a huge group of classmates, had a blast

Dead Silence - one of the better recent horror films

Dawn Of The Dead - I like the remake better than the original, original moved so slow

Inside - thought the first 3/4 was amazing, last 1/4 was a little OTT

Re-Animator - off the wall horror

High Tension - the title says it all

In The Mought Of Madness - "Do you read Sutter Cain?"

Night Flier - very good DTV horror flick

Pan's Labyrinth - Del Torro's best fantasy/horror imo

The Beast Within - have seen this in a long time, but still remember it freakin me out as a youth (drive-in)

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Night Of The Living Dead - 80's punk rock & zomies "Brains!!"

You mean RETURN OF THE LIVING DEAD, GwaiLoMoFo. Saw that one in the theater, a shame they couldn't get clearance (or didn't want to spend the money for them) for all the original songs on the DVD releases in the US.

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5 Element Boxer

That crippled lady (Zelda) in Pet Semetary. That freaked me out BIG TIME when I first saw it back when I was a youngster. It still disturbs me to watch it to this day. That little kid ain't shit.

The "elf-revealing" scene at the end of DON'T LOOK NOW!. That scene gave me super chills. I wasn't expecting that. Plus, the little fucker looked scary as hell to me. I had a few nightmares because of that.

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The "elf-revealing" scene at the end of DON'T LOOK NOW!. That scene gave me super chills. I wasn't expecting that. Plus, the little fucker looked scary as hell to me. I had a few nightmares because of that.

Argento lifted this plot point for his 1985 horror movie starring Jennifer Connelly and Donald Pleasence entitled PHENOMENA. You seen that one, 5 Element Boxer?

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No one's mentioned The Legend of Hell House (1973) or Quatermass and the Pit (1967), yet.

Hell House is one of the great haunted house movies, surpassed only, perhaps, by The Haunting (1963). It's got Roddy McDowell, Clive Revill, Pamela Franklin, and Gayle Hunnicutt with a screen play by Richard Matheson (from his novel). What's not to like?

Quatermass and the Pit is the best of the Quatermass films. Science and superstition clash when an 'unexploded bomb' is found during a subway excavation. It's more low key, but there's plenty of dread.

One more, Uzumaki. Weird, weird, weird. Plenty of scares. Isolated Japanese mountain town starts going to -- not hell; they should be so lucky.

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Way of the Dragon

I watched Encounters of the Spooky Kind recently, I like that film.

I really like The Decent, 28 Days Later and the creepy Japanese Horrors like The Ring- but they really do scare me lol

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5 Element Boxer
Argento lifted this plot point for his 1985 horror movie starring Jennifer Connelly and Donald Pleasence entitled PHENOMENA. You seen that one, 5 Element Boxer?

Nope. Never heard of it. Is it any good?

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I liked it. I guess it depends if you're a Dario Argento fan or not. Some of his best are SUSPIRIA (1977), DEEP RED (1975), TENEBRAE (1982) and OPERA (1987). His first film, BIRD WITH THE CRYSTAL PLUMAGE (1970) really opened the flood gates for the slew of giallo films that followed. His films usually make little narrative sense but feature nightmarish imagery and extremely gory violence.

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Terror Train

My Bloody Valentine

Blood Sucking Freaks


Raw Head Rex

Motel Hell

MY BLOODY VALENTINE and TERROR TRAIN are both great slashers and both have remakes in the making. Not sure if the TT redux has begun or not, but the MBV reimagining is nearing completion. Wish they'd just release an uncut version of the original instead. MOTEL HELL is supposedly being remade, too.

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Raw Head Rex

Motel Hell

Another 2 childhood favorites! Another underrated video classic! Ha, Rex baptised that guy by pissin on him.

"Phenomena" is a very cool Argento flick as well. I remember seeing it when it was first released (& butchered) in the US as "Creepers". They cut so much out that I didnt care much for it, didnt make much sense. But it greatly improved after I picked up the uncut Anchor Bay disc.

I remember seeing alot of these old fright flicks at the drive-in when I was young. Me and my brother layin outside on top of my dads pickup truck conopy made you feel even more vulnerable. Thats was an awsome atmosphere to watch these films in.

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while i am not a very big fan of argento, this movie does indeed rule. pleasence is terrific. if there was anything argento did propose a sequel for, i wish t his one he actually made. i thought mother of tears was absolute garbage.

and i cant remember which forum member talked about the most shocking or controversial, but does anyone like tf mou's men behind the sun, and the two that followed? hows about untold story, or its literal remake ebola syndrome?

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Mark Pollard

BLAIR WITCH... what killed that movie for me was the snot-leaking girl screaming and blubbering to the point where I shut the sound off. Thankfully, I never saw it in the theaters or else I would have walked out. That was easily one of the most irritating films I have ever seen.

Two more suggestions:

BLACK CHRISTMAS and DEAD OF NIGHT. Yes, both from Bob Clark, the director of PORKY'S and -- dear god -- THE KARATE DOG. I've heard that his first horror flick, CHILDREN SHOULDN'T PLAY WITH DEAD THINGS, is pretty good too.

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"Phenomena" is a very cool Argento flick as well. I remember seeing it when it was first released (& butchered) in the US as "Creepers". They cut so much out that I didnt care much for it, didnt make much sense. But it greatly improved after I picked up the uncut Anchor Bay disc.

The AB disc wasn't uncut. It was missing some extra dialog bits, no extra violence. The recent AB reissue (I thought it was a Blue Underground disc!) seems to be the same slightly shorter version. Doesn't necessarily mean it's cut, though, just the foreign versions have some longer dialog scenes.

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I've heard that his first horror flick, CHILDREN SHOULDN'T PLAY WITH DEAD THINGS, is pretty good too.

Clark was prepping the remake of this when he and his son were both killed in a car accident last year. Another great horror movie from him is DEATHDREAM (1972) which featured some early FX work from Tom Savini. Are you referring to this film using one of its aka's (DEAD OF NIGHT) Mark?

Clark also worked on the very accurate depiction of Ed Gein, DERANGED (1974) and possibly the best Jack the Ripper movie, MURDER BY DECREE (1979).

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Mark Pollard
Are you referring to this film using one of its aka's (DEAD OF NIGHT) Mark?

Yes, that's the one. I have to say, he was ahead of his time when it came to horror. It's a shame he passed away with this son.

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