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Martial arts master Wong Fei Hung

The Amazing Psycho Per

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The Amazing Psycho Per

For a long time, I saw Chin Kar Lork as a very underrated martial artist. When I saw what moves he could pull of, be it as a supporting actor or a stunt double, I asked myself over the course of the year, why don't they give him a chance in a more significant role? Of course there is Operation scorpio, but until the final fight, he doesn't get to do much.

Then I heard about Martial arts master Wong Fei Hung. A small budget movie, portraying Wong Fei Hung, starring Chin Kar Lok in the title role and Lam Ching Ying as the main vilain? Why not! Those are two stars that are so underused.

Well, if the movie underlines the strenght of Chin Kar Lok, it does the same for his weakness... He does unleash an impressive array of cool, athletic moves and some great kicks, but, his upper body skills leaves alot to desire. I don't know if it's the fault of the choreographer, but his punches and blocks look unsure, and since Wong Fei Hung was an Hung Gar specialist, it makes it a bit frustrating. Talking about the portrayal of Wong Fei Hung, Chin Kar Lok definately lacks the screen presence and the commending grace to incarnate the Legend.

As far as the movie goes, even though it has poor production values and some crappy wire effects (they sometime blur part of the image to hide wires)

it still entertaining enough to warrant a viewing. Lam Ching Ying gives a correct performance as the samuraï in search of a worthy opponent, and it is nice to see him in an action role (must be one of his last), although he's doubled a great deal during the fights.

Grips aside, watch it if you can, what Chin Kar Lok does good, he does plenty in the movie. There are a good number of entertaining, pretty grounded fights (i.e. not too much wire), wich is surprising for the time it was made (1992).

By the way, the DVD is out in Asia, I know sensasian as it... Don't know about the quality though.

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I thought it was a decent movie, nothing special but pretty decent.

I enjoyed it more than Kung Fu Kid which I watched around the same time which also starred Chin Kar Lok.

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i liked this movie, i just wish that it actually showed some southern style, instead of the wushu tripe, which made me hate the entire OATIC series(thats right i said it)

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I enjoyed this movie a lot more than I thought I would. It's been so long though it's probably time for a rewatch.

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