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The Green Hornet (2010) - Seth Rogen, Jay Chou, Cameron Diaz, Christoph Waltz


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Awesome news on the upcoming big screen adaptation of The Green Hornet. If anyone hasn't heard any news yet, Seth Rogen (The 40-Year Old Virgin, Knocked Up) is writing, producing, and is getting in shape to play Britt Reid, aka The Green Hornet. Rogen and partner in crime Evan Goldberg are writing the script and producing.

Rogen has wanted Stephen Chow to play Kato. Well, Sony made this official announcement:

Stephen Chow IS NOT ONLY going to play Kato in the movie, but Chow is going to DIRECT the movie as well.

Chow said the following confirming the announcement:

“I’m excited to be taking on The Green Hornet–obviously, I’ve been a huge fan of the show since I was a kid. The idea of stepping into Bruce Lee’s shoes as Kato is both humbling and thrilling, and to get the chance to direct the project as my American movie debut is simply a dream come true.”

The Green Hornet is scheduled to be unleashed on June 25, 2010!!!

With Chow at the helm, one word: SWEET!

Edited by AlbertV
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Best possible news there could be for this film! I've been a Stephen Chow fan ever since I saw a double feature Of God Of Gamblers 2 and Island Of Fire at my local Chinatown theater in the early 90's and I've been a fan of Seth Rogen ever since Freaks & Geeks so to have a movie starring both of them and having Seth write it and Chow direct it is nothing short of the perfect movie orgasm. If movies were women, this is the woman I want to make love to the most.

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Stephen Chow has been known to be pretty authoritarian on the sets of movies he directs and has butted heads with the actors/crew on many occasion. That's what worries me. In HK he can get away with it, but what about in Hollywood? Not to mention that the track record for first-time HK directors in Hollywood is horrible.. I'd be more excited about this project if this was a Chinese production.

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It looks like it is shaping up to be an action comedy like Hot Fuzz . With the talent involved, I think it's going to be something to look forward too.

Earlier developments had George Clooney and Jet Li being considered for the roles. That was what I had more envisioned for the movie. But this latest version could definitely add a unique aspect that would make it more than a standard action movie.

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Guest Markgway

Definately got to be a comedy first and foremost. But I'm sure Chow will put in enough action to satisfy fans. He's a capable martial artist so that shouldn't be a problem for him.

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Actually, Rogen said it's going to be a more intense action movie based on his script, but there is going to be touches of comedy. Besides, Rogen has lost 50 pounds so far as he is training for the role. He was on MTV's Total Request Live last month and he definitely has slimmed down. The host asked Rogen how he lost the weight and he said he has been training for The Green Hornet and he admits, it's been hell, but he's pushing through.

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This beats another CJ7. Assuming this is a comedy and I think it will be, another potential concern is how well Chow's brand of humor will fit in a Hollywood movie. A lot will depend on the script and how much freedom the producers give Chow. Also, one of Chow's greatest strengths is his ability to cast the right supporting actors. I wonder how that will work this time.

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It may be an intense action movie by Rogen's standards but Chow has been mixing heavy action with comedy for years. We still call flicks like FIGHT BACK TO SCHOOL and SHAOLIN SOCCER comedies.

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I really enjoyed Rogen in PINEAPPLE EXPRESS, and thought that he did a good job in the action scenes in that. I'm thinking this could be one of the crazy projects that works out just right.

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So Rogen is the chubby guy from The 40 Year Old Virgin? I would have never pegged that guy as the star of an action movie so i'm guessing too that this must be more of a spoof.

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So Rogen is the chubby guy from The 40 Year Old Virgin? I would have never pegged that guy as the star of an action movie so i'm guessing too that this must be more of a spoof.

Rogen has said that it's not a spoof and that it will be an action movie with comedy. He also said that when people think of Green Hornet they always first think of Kato and that The Green Hornet is less famous than Kato. So that is one of the aspects that is explored in his script.

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Rogen also said he wanted Kato to be this fast and furious fighter with a sense of humor. So that will help out in the film considering Chow's brand of humor. Rogen said in an interview that when he was younger, he did Karate for ten years and in this clip from David Letterman, he admits that while he has lost 30 pounds at the time of the interview, his personal trainer's routines at first made him vomit:


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I'm not a fan of The Green Hornet, so TBH I dont really care about the project.

If it's bad I wont lose any sleep over it, and if it's good, than that will be a nice surprise.

I love Chow, but TBH I liked him better when he was chruning out 1-2 movies a year, instead of the slow output he has now. We'll have to wait and see how he will handle an American movie, if he will demand final cut etc and if he gets all the creative freedom he needs and wants.

It could be good, but I'm affraid they'll just make a dumb 'stoner' version of The Green Hornet which will be nice for a certain crowd, but it wont be a movie for the comic-fans, or the action fans, or the Chow fans, etc etc.

But like I said, I dont REALLY care all that much. I would rather have seen Chow in Hong Kong doing some fast and funny movies again.

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It is really good to see Stepehen Chow in a familiar role behind and in front of the camera - however I'm a bit tired from these leaps and tries od blending the East & the West... I'm looking forward to Kung Fu Hustle 2 though... Where the true Chow emerges :)

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Stephen Chow will no longer be directing the film, but he will still play Kato. Sad news but at least he's staying on as Kato. Seth Rogen always had wanted Chow as Kato. Sad though that he's not directing anymore due to "Creative differences" apparently.

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Even more sad news...Chow may not be able to work on the film at all now! He is planning another superhero film with Jack Black and as a result, his schedule might not permit him to work on Green Hornet. Plus, some Chinese sites have Kung Fu Hustle 2 for a 2010 release, so at this point, it's only Chow who truly knows what his schedule will be like.

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Frankly I'm not surprised. Stephen Chow is a control freak --- I mean that in a neutral sense, not as a knock. He is a perfectionist and, after he has tasted total control on HK movies, I cannot see him fitting into the Hollywood machinery in which very few directors have that much control. And studios would certainly not trust a large sum of money with a foreign actor/director with no built-in popularity to guarantee US box-office return.

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Good point Jun.

I sure hope he plays Kato though. It would be a great way for him to be really seen by a bigger audience, and could help him get closer to the control he desires as far as creating a US based film in the future.

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Well, it was confirmed that Chow is still playing Kato. Chow's friend, co-star, and Star Overseas director board member Tin Kai-Man confirmed it.

Chow still isn't going to direct the film, but he will remain as Kato.

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