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Looking for the title of these movies


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I wanted to congratulate authors for this great forum and all the people who

help a bit others to find some great kung fu movies or just chat.

I wanted to ask you peple for the title of a movie which I saw when I was little. It was played on German channel PRO7. What I can remember of it is this and it isn't much but although it was a great movie:

1) there was an evil empress, a girl in red silk dress. I think she wanted to become am man through the film and in one time I think she even seduced some girl in her chaimber. Her special kung fu technique was and this was what I most remember she had magic powers and her weapon were flying needles on a wire. She faught very good and elegantly.

In the oposite of her were I think "five or less" great warrior champions ( 4 men and one girl ). It comes to a final duel in the end between all of them on a somekind of a big training ground. The good guys win and the empress was traveling somewhere with a ship. It is all I can remember. Please, please help me with this one. A beautifull movie I would really like to have it in my collection.

2) another one was also a good kung fu movie on a high level fighting sceenes but as I can remember it had a very strong element of humor and erotic or sex in it. I cannot remember the plot and so but what I can remember was that someone was spying one one couple who were abaut to have sex and he sees this man through a white blanket or this paper glass that asian wooden houses have and he sees his shadow.

The man inside the house is taking of his clothes and you can clearly see the shaddow of his penis and his penis vas very very big and so on. It was so funny and the whole movie I mean. The whole perception and representation of sex in eastern way but I do not believe it was a cheap movie because I can remember there were great fighting scenes in it and video efects.

3) when I was watching this one I was very very little but I can remeber that I was stunned by it. I think it was a samurai movie because of the swords. It is definetly an asian movie. There were great fighting scenes in it and nature. The men I think wore white samurai clothes and these wide hats. The figting scenes were with samurai swords. What I can mostly remeber was the great battle in the end. I think the white samurais had a master in a wooden cottage and were ambushed by samurais in black or blue dresses. The old man or their master positioned his warriors by moving round pieces or figures on a wooden or paper board. the warriors protected their master by building a circle around him.

Much similar like someone would move chess figures which would represent warriors to demonstrate battle tactics.

I liked this movie the most but I was to young to remember anything more and never thought I would like to see it again. The memory is very shallow abaut this one and I am not even sure if I got the description of this final battle in the end right.

Can someone suggest any quality kung fu movies with magic ( flying ) and great battle scenes.

Thank you all in advance and stay cool...XD

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Hi Borec, welcome to the forum!

I'm almost positive the first movie you're asking about is SWORDSMAN II. It stars Jet Li, and he is fighting a character like you described called "Asia the Invincible" played by Bridgette Lin. She is the star of a followup film, playing the same character, called THE EAST IS RED. Also an entertaining film. I know what you seek is one of these two (I think it's SWORDSMAN II), but I haven't seen either in about ten years so my memory of them is fading .;)

The second film, your details are a little vague (understandably after all the years passed), but I think it's SEX AND ZEN you're referring to. Do you remember if it has a scene where a man's penis is transplated with one from a horse? If it does, that's the movie.

I'm sorry, the third one I have no idea what it is. But I'm sure someone will be able to help. My first time posting on the board was for help too, and all the members were very cool and told me the info right away!

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This type of film is not my favorite. I prefer straight up kung fu. But I'll tell you a few along those lines that I do really like.

The Shaw Brothers films BUDDHA'S PALM and HOLY FLAME OF THE MARTIAL WORLD are lots of fun.

I'm also a big fan of THE BRIDE WITH WHITE HAIR, and to a lesser extent it's sequel.

STORMRIDERS is a lot of fun, with good special effects for it's time.

ZU: WARRIORS OF THE MAGIC MOUNTAIN, and it's sequel (which I warn you, everyone seems to dislike, besides me!) LEGEND OF ZU.

Many people seem to love the Jet Li film KUNG FU CULT MASTER too. Not one I care for, but that's because I like to see the star- Jet Li, in more grounded combat scenes.

Hopefully you'll get a lot more suggestions from members who are bigger fans of this sub-genre.

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hello borec!

I'm pretty certain the 1st movie you asked about is Swordsman 2. I'm not too sure about the other two though. sorry :S

If you want to see a really cool kung fu movie with lots of over-the-top flying action then you can't go wrong with Duel to the Death, starring Damien Lau and Norman Tsui, and directed by Ching Siu-Tung.

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I agree! That's one of my favorites. From start to finish it is pure entertainment. I didn't mention it though, because I thought you were looking for more fantasy oriented stuff.

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Yes KUNG FU BOB you are right abaut those two movies. The first one I was looking for is Swordsman 3. I've checked it out on Youtube and the second one in Sex and Zen.

Thank you both guys for helping me out. I will check some lists on your forum for top ten movies and I think I can't go wrong with those. On Wikipedia this fighter Asia The Invincible is descibed as castrated man who is slowly turning into a woman. So I got it wrong but at least you managed to help me out.

Is anyone from you from China or east. Does anyone know why all stories or mostly end up unhappy. This is the only thing I don't understand abaut these movies. I often cried at the end. It was like that when I wached Crounching tiger Hidden Dragon. Why couldn't she save him. It's like you enjoy the whole movie and you cry the last ten minutes of it and think of the story how you would make a better end for another day or two. It was like that in Hero, The flying dagger, ...

Does anyone know if this technique stile like drunken boxing and tiger claw, etc. really exist or are they pure fiction.

Thank you all and I'll be writing. :D

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Yang Wu Liang

3. The Valiant Ones has got a chess scene similar to what you described but I've also seen it in other films but I can't remember which ones off hand. If it is this one you might like to check out the remake (Valiant Ones New) released a year or two ago.

My favourites with flying and magic are Dragon Chronicles - Maidens of the Heavenly Mountain, Legend of Zu, Zu Warriors, Bride With White Hair, Chinese Ghost Story, Holy Flame of the Martial World, Touch of Zen and Magic Crane to name a few.

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The movie I saw was probably japanese ( not for sure ) and I saw it like 20 years ago so it had to be filmed around 1960 to 1978.

The actors had black hair and pony tails binded hair and big round hats of grain straw or something similar and white kimonos and samurai swords as far as I can remember it. The battle scenes were extremly fast and intense with quality music and the battle scene I've described before took place in it. It was definetly an old man probably their master ( teacher, etc. ) who had a board and moved round pieces on it to display tactics of his soldiers or friends. He was most probably a good guy or one of them. I now remember that he used a wooden stick to move the pieces around the board not his fingers. He was in a wooden cottage and his students defended him by sorrounding him. The enemy samurais came from all sides.

I think that one guy was separated from other during the battle and I believe that he was the main character of the movie. He fought the final battle on a plain somewhere near a river or lake. He stood on little stones that usually lie on sides of rivers. The cottage and river were in woods.

I also now remembered that they used a lot of these flying stars as weapon that usually ninjas use.

It was a movie played in color.

If anyone has any other suggestions of the title so I could check it out.

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<Yes KUNG FU BOB you are right abaut those two movies. The first one I was looking for is Swordsman 3. I've checked it out on Youtube and the second one in Sex and Zen.

Thank you both guys for helping me out.>

Glad to help! ;)

<Is anyone from you from China or east. Does anyone know why all stories or mostly end up unhappy. This is the only thing I don't understand abaut these movies. I often cried at the end. It was like that when I wached Crounching tiger Hidden Dragon. Why couldn't she save him. It's like you enjoy the whole movie and you cry the last ten minutes of it and think of the story how you would make a better end for another day or two. It was like that in Hero, The flying dagger, ...>

I'm not from the Far East... I'm from the East coast of the USA. How about you- where are you from?

Yes, there are a lot of tragic endings in Asian cinema. But I like that it's not always phony, fairy tale endings like so many American movies.

But if you want to see a good kung fu movie with an upbeat message and ending, I highly recommend CHALLENGE OF THE MASTERS. It makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.

<Does anyone know if this technique stile like drunken boxing and tiger claw, etc. really exist or are they pure fiction.>

Both of these styles are TOTALLY REAL.

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Kung Fu Bob I'm from Slovenia. A country in middle of Europe.

I so much wanted Li Mu Bai to live on with this girl he loved instead to die for some spoiked child who wanted adventure. But then again tis makes him probably great to sacrifice himself even for those who are not close to him but need help. I've heard thoose teachings before...:S

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Yes, people who are born romantics shudder at these endings. But that's good for two reasons. It seems that in this day and age chivalry is a rare thing. So it's good to see in a film at least. And also, there is more suspense during these films, because you're not already sure all the characters will live happily ever after.

One of the reasons I recommended CHALLENGE OF THE MASTERS to you is because of a moment in the film of great humanity and kindness. A hero chooses mercy over domination. I think that's beautiful.

You should really see it.

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I didn't want to start a whole new thread, however, I am also looking for the name of a particular movie.

Basically, the hero has his family or village killed by these bad guys and he trains, grows up and later finds more people who used to be part of his village to kill these guys, yeah I know, real descriptive...the thing I remember the most about it was that he would find these other allies by not really saying much, they would give a HAND SIGNAL that is basically palm facing forward and the index finger is folded down. I remember one of the key weapons for either the bad guy or the hero was like that 3-part metal spear like thing.

Hopefully someone knows what I'm talking about.


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5 Shaolin Masters.

That hand signal was from 5 Shaolin Masters.

It was after the temple was destroyed & to identify each other without the enemy knowing that they were from shaolin, they used the hand signal to identify each other.

That "3-part metal spear" was used by David Chiang.

<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YnXswHQA8NI&hl=en&fs=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YnXswHQA8NI&hl=en&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>

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Does anyone know why all stories or mostly end up unhappy. This is the only thing I don't understand abaut these movies.

I'm not an Asian, but I love bad endings.

It seems to me that Asians (Chinese and Japanese, at least) are more prone to fatalism than westerners... As a result - they much less often force happy endings upon stories that can't end well. They also seem to be more aware that certain things always come with a price - and that violent solutions tend to have - y'know - consequences (consequences, which are generally accepted as inevitable and without much protesting - see Hero, for example). That's just my theorizing, though.

And it's not like *all* those films end in doom and gloom (though I generally prefer those that do so).

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... As a result - they much less often force happy endings upon stories that can't end well...

Well... I disagree. Did you see the ending to SPL? That was by no means a happy ending. As a matter of fact, the first time I saw the film, it had an original Chinese DVD release, carrying one ending, and when I saw the main SE release, I saw the real ending, which was far superior, and blew me away.

Infernal Affairs is another which comes to mind.

...Btw, in case you're keeping it strictly Kung Fu, what about the endings to so many of the Chang Cheh films, or even Fist of Fury? I believe that's what I didn't like about Fist of Legend. They watered down the violence tremendously in the sense that revenge wasn't exacted "at all costs", and went for the cheeky ending. Chen Zhen should have gone out on his shield.

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Well... I disagree. Did you see the ending to SPL? That was by no means a happy ending.

I agree... My formulation was somewhat clumsy, I guess, but read it again:

they much less often force happy endings upon stories that can't end well


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