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Shaw Bros websites: Going ... going ... gone!


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After reading the Golden age for Fu fans? thread, I began thinking about this. True, some here didn't get to experience SB flix on the silver screen, buy BootlegScope® tapes at 42nd Chamber or were around to watch Black Belt Theater on the tube. But that doesn't mean you're missing history. History happens all the time - except its usually something that doesn't get acknowledged until its in the past.

The internet, while limitless, has a pretty short shelf life. Lots of websites come and go and few are remembered. So, let's take a look at some of the Shaw sites that seemed to have drifted into history....

Green Venom Theatre. [status: deceased]

Run by a gal named Jill (think she went by razorlizard on the old forum), this website was pre-Celestial. One of the best early 2000's websites for the Venoms & clan. Back in 2001/02, I saved most of it to my harddrive.


Venoms Con 2003 aka North American Events, Inc. [status: deceased]

Another great effort. Run by Audrey and Belinda who attempted the ill fated V-Con some years back. They did get to HK however and meet up with V-alum Lo Mang, Kuo Chui, and Johnny Wang. Their BB is still on-line. 20+ pages of posts dating back to 2001!


While the Venoms Con site was far from huge it certainly made up in grandness for the valid attempt to do what still has yet to occur - a Venoms reunion. I have several pages saved of this one; including this Lu Feng bio by the late Linn Haynes (from 2003).


Five Deadly Venoms [status: comatose]

Run by Kioko (aka VenomsFan). This site is actually still up and probably the most Venoms dedicated one out there. The BB has slowed to a crawl in the last year and there hasn't been much for updates. Hope this one doesn't make like a dinosaur.

Shaolin Chamber [status: deceased]

While not a Shaw only site, it had plenty of good Shaw material and tons of great covers. Where'd you go Ray....?


UPDATE FEB 2009: Ray is back with a new site/URL: http://www.shaolinchamber36.com/

Shaw Brothers: The Kings of Asia's Film Industry [status: comatose]

Run by someone named Black Tauna. This site is still around though last updated in 2006. First came across it back in 2002.

Chang Cheh: Godfather of Kung Fu

Immense site with plenty of great articles run by a guy named Steven. He was one of my first online contacts about these films who lead me to other collectors like Sevenhooks, Ric Meyers, and Victor Lim. Don't know how much updating has been going on here but this is one site you want to get some pages saved to your hard drive in case it ever did cease.

Kung Fu Cult Cinema

Also known as KFC Cinema or KFCC, it was a popular Asian-film website that features news, reviews, and had a lively forum with several thousand of members. Created in 1999 by Janick Neveu and Peter Zsurka, it closed its doors in 2009 though it did have a rebirth of sorts in the form of www.filmsmash.com.


Wuxiasociety [status: deceased]

Shut down in early 2012, this site was the site to go for Wuxia related info. Had a very active forum with sections that included translations, literature, TV series, movies, celebrities, comics, media and more. A true treasure source of material forever lost.


A few others mentioning....

Mantis Fist G's kung fu movie website

Various reviews. (2000-2006)

wwwgunners1.demon.co.uk (1998-2005)

SHAW BROTHERS Movie Collector website by Andy G.

Always had the word "sample" sprawled across his images.

Oh, one last capture. Hopefully this site will be up and running for a while. A little retro rewind back to 2002...


So there you have it. If you know of any other Shaw sites that have bitten the dust, please let us know.

And remember, history is always happening. Save them webpages to your drive before they're gone -- for good.

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good thread...and it's true especially for fansites, as they are run by individuals and there's many reasons why they stop updating it or decide just to close the site.

I've never saved any webpages from sites but i think i should start...good idea indeed :)

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Anyone notice the errors above in the Lo Lieh article saying he starred in such King Hu films as Golden Swallow and The Singing Thief which are both Chang Cheh films.

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Aren't you forgetting a site Teak;)

Im sure at least two members of this board is feeling snubbed right about now:quiet:

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Mark Pollard

Very interesting. I never found a few of those sites. When I used to host a links directory on KFC I was always noticing how lots of fan sites would gradually disappear or stop being updated. Anyone who has ever run one of these sites knows how much work it can be to keep it going. I have respect for anyone who puts the time in to put together and maintain a fan site.

On a side note, it's strange looking at old versions of KFC. Believe it or not I don't keep any of the old layouts around, not even screenshots. (I'm not the nostalgic type.) I've changed layouts so many times I don't even remember what half of them look like. That was one of the few custom HKFlix banners I made too, before they started making their own. Thanks for the memories Teako!

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Chinatown Kid

Five Deadly Venoms Fansite was a goodie, hope there still around. Loved the fan made DVDs they had of Chinatown Kid and KWTGA as well! I went to most of those now defunct sites you listed teako before I found KFF back in the 90's. Why did Shaolin Chamber fold? The guy that ran that was a great trader too! I remember Carl Jones Bruceploitation is a Crime site which was good and another one called The Kung Fu Fan's View from the Brooklin Bridge.

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and another one called The Kung Fu Fan's View from the Brooklin Bridge.

Are you referring to the "Hong Kong Cinema: View from the Brooklyn Bridge" site?

That's still up and running. Old site too. Run by someone named Brian, I believe.

Don't think its Brian Camp (of Mobius) though.

Camp is another Shaw fan who's posts I've seen over the years but have never spoken with.

Thanks for the memories Teako!

No prob. Just call me the KFF archives guy. :)

I plan to do a little end-of-year summary each New Years for that 'History of KFF' thread I created a while back.

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Chinatown Kid
Are you referring to the "Hong Kong Cinema: View from the Brooklyn Bridge" site?

That's still up and running. Old site too. Run by someone named Brian, I believe.

Yes that was the name, my feeble mind sometimes when recalling past names get's things a little mixed up. Just like me spelling Brooklyn "Brooklin" lol. :D

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I remember seeing some of those old Venom sites, can't remember which one it was but remember someone broke down the "Venom" movies, their aliases and how many Venoms was in the movie, I think it's agreed 3 "Venoms" still made a "Venoms" movie.XD

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I remember seeing some of those old Venom sites, can't remember which one it was but remember someone broke down the "Venom" movies, their aliases and how many Venoms was in the movie, I think it's agreed 3 "Venoms" still made a "Venoms" movie.XD

Think that might have been Steven's Chang Cheh site.

I'd look but his site's popups always crash my browser. :S

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Beijing Video has been around for a very long time. I remember doing business with this site. A lot of rare stuff there and he certaintly knew a great deal about the genre. There were a few mistakes or (hear say) fabrications of some individuals ie. Tommy Lee was supposedly in Texas as a breakfast cook. Anyone been to Beijing Video and what was were their experiences.

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Added a few more sites that are no longer with us (KFCC and WuxiaSociety)

If anyone can think of other fu related sites (doesn't have to be Shaw) that are no longer in existence, please post.


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Jesse Smooth
Really? Well, RA drops in from time to time. Maybe he can post an update on that.

I tried visiting, but noting comes up.

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Are you referring to the "Hong Kong Cinema: View from the Brooklyn Bridge" site?

That's still up and running. Old site too. Run by someone named Brian, I believe.

That one's a really thoughtful and well written site. Hope it's kept up and running, I enjoy reading it.

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The site is still up, but it hasn't been updated in several years. Brian started a blog, but that has also been dormant for quite a while.


Thanks, I just bookmarked it. Brian's stuff is always a good read so here's hoping he resumes blogging at some point.

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Been to the FLK board lately? It's like a graveyard over there. Not much of an active poster there myself, for various reasons, but still..... you can hear crickets. KFC must be the most active board for this genre, for sure.

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Been to the FLK board lately? It's like a graveyard over there. Not much of an active poster there myself, for various reasons, but still..... you can hear crickets. KFC must be the most active board for this genre, for sure.

Myself, for many reasons, have not posted on FLK for years but I lurk from time to time to see what's going on. Their forum has been super quiet for many months now.

Long live KFC!!! :tongue:

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