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Lethal Panther (1991) & Lethal Panther 2 (1993)


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There's this twofer that's intriguing me.

Has anybody seen it?

I wanted to buy it but Amazon UK is charging around 10 pounds for it and I think that's overpriced, right?

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Guest Markgway

'Deadly China Dolls' is the UK title for 'Lethal Panther' (slightly cut) and 'Lethal Panther' is actually 'Lethal Panther 2'. The films aren't related though; LP2 is a Filipino co-production. £10 is way overpriced. I wouldn't pay half that.

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So I finally got around to watching both Lethal Panther films. The first isn't too bad and entertaining enough but part 2, wow. It was so bloody awful you couldn't help but watch. I don't think it has anything positive going for it other than the one stunt in the supermarket. The fights were so poorly done, Yukari Oshima was criminally under used, and that lead tough guy actor was so hysterically awful. I'm not sure if I can recommend this movie on the basis of being so laughable, you have to see it to believe it. Does it get any worse than Lethal Panther 2?

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I know... here's a scathing review I wrote some years back....

Lethal Panther 2

Oh Philip, how could you? Well, he could, and he did...many times over. One cheap-ass, mindless, uninspired Filipino flick after another. And this one is no exception.

It really pains me that the once mighty Philip Ko Fei, a name that to me use to mean quality, chose this path for himself. I also feel bad for poor Yukari Oshima, who he dragged through more B-movie schlock than I care to remember. And I doubt this would have happened had the two not been an item at this time. But I guess "the Osh" was just standing by her man, and I admire that.

This movie is as about as cheap as it gets. Well, maybe not, but it's pretty damn cheap. Philip, Yukari, and Sharon Kwok are the only known actors in the entire movie. The rest (including the male lead) are just Filipino no-names who look like they just stepped on the set in whatever clothes they were wearing, and whose sole motivation seems to be the paycheck at the end of the day. Forget the story, forget the characters. At this point, Philip had just stopped caring, so you don't have to either.

But at least the action delivers, right? Wrong! Yukari was one of the best female screen fighters of all time, and I love that little snaggletoothed Japanese tomboy to death. But not even she could save this clunker. There are odd moments of halfway-decent choreo. But for the most part, it is just a messy mix of awkward, acrobatic gunplay, retarded use of slo-mo, poorly edited fight scenes, and wonky wirework. What a waste.

But the silver lining here is the final showdown, which is pretty damn awesome! Actually, no, it's not, I'm lying. It's just more of the same crap, set to the theme from "The Terminator" and complete with a blatant rip-off of the car jousting battle from "Bullet In The Head". And they couldn't even get that right.

To sum up, this movie is piss poor, and a complete and utter waste of time. I wouldn't even recommend this for Yukari completists, 'cause this would be a shitstain on any movie collection; and I will in fact go and throw out my copy right now.

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Filipino co-productions usually are atrocious.

I think there's worse than LP2 out there.

Ah, so that's why there are no Filipino films made for export these days...you know like a Filipino Ong Bak.

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So I finally got around to watching both Lethal Panther films. The first isn't too bad and entertaining enough but part 2, wow. It was so bloody awful you couldn't help but watch. I don't think it has anything positive going for it other than the one stunt in the supermarket. The fights were so poorly done, Yukari Oshima was criminally under used, and that lead tough guy actor was so hysterically awful. I'm not sure if I can recommend this movie on the basis of being so laughable, you have to see it to believe it.

Thanks for the warning !

i have an entire binder devoted to the films i had to get rid of, since i would never consider watching them again and certainly would never add to my collection.

i dont collect films just to amass huge numbers, but rather films i enjoy.

anyone else feel the same?


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Thanks for the warning !

i have an entire binder devoted to the films i had to get rid of, since i would never consider watching them again and certainly would never add to my collection.

i dont collect films just to amass huge numbers, but rather films i enjoy.

anyone else feel the same?


No, I don't feel the same. I only collect films that aren't that good. That way I don't waste a lot of time rewatching stuff. Now get back to translating! :xd: LOL Just kidding buddy. :bigsmile:

I must admit, I keep a lot of films that I probably won't watch again. For trading, etc.

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This Filipino co-production is actually entertaining with plentiful (not the greatest) action scenes. Watch all the other Ko Fei films from this era and you'll understand. If you haven't or have no intention of doing so then shut the fuck up.

Best to compare this film with others within it's sub-sub-genre rather than your favorite modern day HK production.

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This Filipino co-production is actually entertaining with plentiful (not the greatest) action scenes. Watch all the other Ko Fei films from this era and you'll understand. If you haven't or have no intention of doing so then shut the fuck up.

Best to compare this film with others within it's sub-sub-genre rather than your favorite modern day HK production.

Why don't you shut the fuck up.... douche!

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Of course you're entitled to your opinion TWC albiet misinformed and ignorant as all hell. There's probably a lot of different films from all countries that are bad and good but to be judgmental, shut the door and never find out is not what I'm about. You never really know how good or bad a film is until you actually watch it. I can say you're a total dick and write you off but how true would that be considering I've never sat down and actually talked to you.

There are probably unknown amounts of never to be spoken of films from the Philippines (or any country for that matter) from all sorts of genres. They deserve some sort of exposure so the general public and the hardcore fans can have the freedom to decide.

With your type of mentality TWC lost films that may in fact be good (good/bad is not even really the issue) will never see the light of day. Ignorance will prevail and the ability to learn will be banished.

But correct me if I'm wrong if you've seen countless Filipino films and are in fact an expert on the said industry then hey you may in fact know your stuff. I fuckin doubt it though, so please educate me what Filipino films have you seen? If you've "seen em all" and they do in fact suck. Please your educated view points and opinions would be greatly appreciated.

Going back to the OP, yes it does get worse than LP2.

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Yikes, some people take their Filipino co-productions really seriously.

This Filipino co-production is actually entertaining with plentiful (not the greatest) action scenes. Watch all the other Ko Fei films from this era and you'll understand. If you haven't or have no intention of doing so then shut the fuck up.

Best to compare this film with others within it's sub-sub-genre rather than your favorite modern day HK production.

I bet every one of us like some bad films that make us question our self respect but we still like them partly because they're so bad. It would be your right to think this is the best martial arts / action film ever mad, but you're really not going to convince anyone that this is actually a well made film because it's simply not. I bet Philip Ko would agree. As Tibetan White Crane sort of put it, it's almost as cheap as cheap can get. I hope most of the films budget went to Yukari Oshima for agreeing to be in that movie.

Plus I did compare it to the first film which as I said wasn't that bad a movie. It too was a pretty cheap movie but definitely not deserving of any 'as bad as it gets' awards.

What Filipino co production in the same vein would you recommend that are good examples of this sub-genre?

oh yeah here's some info on that "no name" Filipino lead


even import prints couldn't get his name right, so how would you know?

Something tells me he doesn't consider this movie to be his proudest moment looking back now.

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One Armed Boxer

Wow, I doubt there has ever been a coversation about `Lethal Panther 2` filled with so much passion before this thread, or `Lethal Panther` for that matter!:tongue:

You guys should really check out this documentary, `Machete Maidens Unleashed`, to get a very entertaining look at the history of the wild world that is the Filipino movie industry of old, it`s a real eye opener!


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Drunken Monk

Lethal Panther (1991) - Godfrey Ho delivers a film filled to the brim with action sequences and full frontal nudity. I shouldn’t have expected anything less (or more).

Considering this one is standard Ho stuff, it does actually have some meat on its bones. The characters are actually given a degree of depth (apart from Sibelle Hu) and the story isn’t exactly terrible. It’s actually fairly good.

The hand to hand action won’t blow anyone’s socks off. It’s fairly standard with a ton of doubles stepping in for the leads. It’s the gun play that’s most fun in this one. Ultra violent shootouts are found throughout.

While I liked this one, I feel it’s very forgettable. I can’t see myself returning to it any time soon if I’m honest. But I’m glad I’ve seen it.

Grade: C+

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Morbid question: Is there any Girls n' Guns film that manages to out-sleaze Lethal Panther? Or at least match it? Or is Lethal Panther the ne plus ultra of sexy and raunchy Girls n' Guns movies? Asking for a friend.

Edited by DrNgor
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One Armed Boxer

I'm an unashamed fan of both these flicks (I listed 'Lethal Panther 2' as one of my Top Five Guilty Pleasures back in the day), and love the fact that a move like 'Lethal Panther' can get a deluxe Blu-ray release! (With accompanying artwork by our very own @KUNG FU BOB!).

As an interesting aside (although admittedly likely only to myself), @Mike Leeder's interview with Godfrey Ho that's contained on the release as a special feature confirmed something I'd long suspected, which is that Miyamoto Yoko is in fact Korean, and was (typical Godfrey Ho style!) re-named for the release to make it more sellable to the Japanese market. 

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