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New Realese from the label ~NEW~

Guest Jason

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Das Label ~NEW~ will folgende neue filme Veröffentlichen.:

01. Superior Youngster ( DER HENKER SHAOLIN )

Starring: Cheung Lik/Bolo Yeung/Mars


Bild: 2.35 (4:3) das Ausgangsmaterial ist für eine 16:9 Konvertierung nicht geeignet es würde der Qualität nur schaden.

Ton: Deutsch, Englisch, Mandarin

UT: Deutsch (1x komplett / !x gekürzte Dialogstellen)

an Extras gibt es dann:

Deutscher Erstaufführungs-Trailer ("Ling Fu - der Karate-Killer des Todes")

Deutscher Wiederaufführungstitel ("Henker der Shaolin")

Originalvorspann der HK-Kinofassung in Vollbild

Französischer Vorspann (etwas länger als der Deutsche, aber mit Französischen Credits)

komplette Creditsequenz in Vollbild, völlig ohne Schrift!

Leider konnte der ursprüngliche Englische Ton der Kinofassung nicht gefunden werden, es wird als Englische Tonspur nur die Videosynchro der 80er aus HK enthalten sein.

Ein Termin für die Veröffentlichung ist noch nicht im PLAN ! :hat


02. Knight Errant a.k.a. Ying xiong ben se ( WANG YU - DER KARATEBOMBER )

Starring: Jimmy Wang Yu / Yasuaki Kurata

Deteils für den Film gibs noch nicht!

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Guest Knetan


any facts to back up the bootleg claim, Jason? NEW have during the last 6 months or so released a small number of titles clearly a far cry from bootleg status.

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Guest spannick

Superior Youngster will be LEGALLY done in a Deluxe Edition in Germany. will be released in:

2.35 (4:3), German, English and Mandarin Audio. uncut Version, cobbled together from a German Digi-Beta from the 80s (Letterboxed, cut) with a French uncut Source (in 2.35).


Two German Trailers, one for the banned Version, one for the re-issue (censored Version of the Movie)

Credit Sequence (2.35, with French Credits, but a bit longer)

the Scene without Credits, Fullscreen.

Original HK Credits Sequence, Fullscreen.

Two Cover Designs. no English subs thanks to BOOTLEGGERS. the previous DVD Release was the last of ours to feature English Subtitles. too bad, eh?

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Guest spannick

...because the Bootleggers already have that? we just won't give them extra stuff to steal - and subtitles involve lots of Work and Money :(

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Guest VonHumboldtFleischer
.because the Bootleggers already have that? we just won't give them extra stuff to steal - and subtitles involve lots of Work and Money :(

I suppose I just don't see the point in a Mandarin audio track without English subtitles, particularly when a set of English subs are already out there.

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Guest spannick

but as this is a German Release, German Subs are there for the complete Movie. and as there are English Subs somewhere - we won't need to put them on there anyway. thanks for the hint, so people can get the English Sub Version if they want. any source to get it? would be interested in it myself... (no, we WON'T steal subs when there is a legit dvd out there with them)

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Guest Markgway

No offence, but I wouldn't touch the German release, I'll wait until someone adds English subtitles to the Mandarin track, and get a DVD-R. It sucks that the Germans are being ripped off by bootleggers, but I don't see why I should pay for it.

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Guest spannick

why should i be offended? i didn't post it here in the first place... i only post stuff which which includes that.

and i doubt bootleggers are capable of doing a complete English subtitle set... i don't see a perfect REBEL OF SHAOLIN 2-DVD set yet from outside of Germany ;)

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Guest Markgway

Sorry, when you said "ours" I assumed that meant you worked for them.

I'd rather support legit releases, honestly. But how can I pay good money for a release without subs? Doesn't make any sense.

Bootleggers have too much sway over the market as it is and a German distributor bowing to this pressure really doesn't help. It's not like it's gonna stop them booting the discs for the English dub. Only the real (non-German) fans get punished.

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Guest spannick

the German Fans are happy with optional German Subs, even i am. I don't need English Subs. and to see this Movie uncut, in 2.35, in Mandarin with subs was ...nice. after all - it's bad luck for all others, and i'm sorry we can't do otherwise, but we go with the Market. The sorry bootleggers won't bother to do subs, as they are too much a nuisance for them. better not spend the money needed to invest and have it english only - people will buy anyway. by the way, the English Dub is a horrible new one from the 80s i guess - mady by Ocean Shores. it surely is NOT the Original English Dub, which i suppose is lost at the moment. so Mandarin or the excellent German Dub are the only Option for me here.

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Guest Markgway
the German Fans are happy with optional German Subs, even i am. I don't need English Subs.

That's what I'm saying. Only the non-Germans get shafted.

I happen to thing you're reasoning for excluding English subs is wrong-headed but there's nothing I can do about it except not buy. I hope other fans do likewise.

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Guest spannick

we don't cater anymore for the English Market. The Bootleggers are there for it, but in a lesser quality. not our fault.

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Guest VonHumboldtFleischer

Perhaps I'm being dense, but WHY is it the fault of 'bootleggers' that there aren't going to be any English subs?

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Perhaps I'm being dense, but WHY is it the fault of 'bootleggers' that there aren't going to be any English subs?

Because the pervasiveness of bootleggars stealing makes it less likely legit DVD makers will work on English friendly options when their work is simply going to be bootlegged. It costs money to get legit dvds together, and then English options is just an extra cost they don't have to make. Hell, I'm supprised they have ANY English content, as most don't.

I don't see what the problem is. Why would a company outside the west spend the extra money on creating a sub track, when it's clear that bootleggars will simply copy it and sell their work for a lower cost? The sales would be slight to English speakers anyway when talking of a German title, as many cannot be sold outside of Germany. In all honesty, if they wanted to truly make their DVDs "bootleg-proof," just offer the English subtitles. It's FAR less likely they will be booted and more likely fans will buy it. Adding the English dub track nearly makes it a certainty. Hell, most fans want the dub track anyway. ;)

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Guest spannick

but see DRAGON INN for stolen English Subs....

the crappy English Dub is widely available on Bootlegs anyway, so here i just don't care, really.

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Guest chen lung

The Chinese credits may actually be 2:35:1 squished into 4:3 (lots of movies tend to do that for the credits). If that is the case, it'll be possible to reinstate them back into the film or something. Will give you to opportunity to present them in the correct ratio; making use of the anamorphic.

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Guest VonHumboldtFleischer

The logic at work here seems spurious. As far as I can make out, the assertion is that making an English-friendly edition of the DVD makes bootleggers want to copy it, so in order to protect themselves financially they're releasing a DVD that virtually nobody in the English-speaking world actually wants. So in protecting themselves from 'bootleggers', they're also 'protecting' themselves from the lucrative English-speaking market.

Seems like a perverse train of reasoning.

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is creating subtitles for the release would cost money that they don't HAVE to spend. Since English sales would be minimal(widespread US releases of kung fu films don't often make their money back even factoring in world sales), it makes perfect sense to me. Do I like it? Nope, but I understand it.

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Guest spannick

see what i mean...

the people who support this should be punished, not the one offering it:


even stole the Audio Commentary. shameless rip-off, thief, etc. no, an Audio Commentary is NOT "Public Domain" - but too @#%$ dumb to steal the subs, it seems. still, NEW won't risk...

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Guest chen lung

Yeah, I noticed that bootleg earlier on this week.

Pretty saddistic, HK Flix probably stocked it because it's cheaper and NTSC (a lousy conversion too likely).

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