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Terminator Salvation (2009)


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Well,without Big Arnie I guess many hardcore fans say this is destined to fail.But I believe we are going to have decent movie.In part 3 Arnold was not as major character as in 1&2(well,in my opinion) but it did not make me feel not enjoying it a lot.I still have terminator2-directors cut to be watched:)

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I actually hated T3 I thought it was a horrible movie the actor who played John Connor sucked he ruined it for me. This one I think is really gonna be good the War between Man & Machine can't wait to see it. Plus Christian Bale is coming off a Great Movie like Batman I don't think he wants to sign onto a bad movie when he's riding high right now.

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T3 was terrible, it might as well have been a stand alone film because it took everything that happened in the 1st two movies and threw them out the window. According to T2 there shouldn't have been a third movie.

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OK I just got back from seeing this new Terminator movie, all I can say is that it exceeded my expectations of what I thought. I thought it was an Excellent movie! Christian Bale was awesome. There was a very special tribute to Arnold in this movie, when you see it you know what I mean. The new Terminators were awesome as well.

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I simply can't wait for this movie. My favorite parts of the original movies were the "flashbacks" to the future!! This looks awesome!!

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We just got back from TERMINATOR SALVATION. My son gives it a 9 out of 10, but I thought it was not quite a 9 (let's say an 8.5). Very good, exciting action, nice twists in the script and great action. They kept the kick ass score from the other movies (I still have the original's soundtrack on audio tape!), and there were a few cool surprises too. That being said (and of course I'll keep everything spoiler free), I had a few problems with it. Like Gorhama, I am a big fan of the flashbacks in the other films. I loved the dark, oppressive atmosphere, where you almost felt like it was Hell on earth, eternally night, and the terminators were like metallic demons moving through the fog and debris with their red eyes glowing out in the darkness. In this, the future felt more like THE ROAD WARRIOR or DAMNATION ALLEY, with everything dusty, and mostly taking place in the bright daylight. It took away a lot of that ominous feeling that the flashbacks had. I mean, it looked very authentic, just... too bright. I kind of remembered them saying that the nuclear clouds had permanently blocked out the sun? Maybe that was in THE MATRIX? And even though there was good "drama" and characters, it didn't quite have the same heart that the other ones had. Maybe it's just me- a diehard romantic- but in the first one when Kyle says to her "I've always loved you. I came across time for you Sarah Connor" I got the chills (and truth be told, still do when I watch it). TS never had a comparable emotional moment along those lines. And a small complaint- not a single dog in the movie! The resistance used dogs to spot terminators in the other films, and there wasn't a single canine in the resistance forces in the film? Hmmmmm. But... for a summer action movie? Very cool. I definitely recommend you see it on the big screen too, just for the sheer spectacle of it all.

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I read some soso reviews on it, I agree it's a shame they didn't go more with the feel of the flashbacks, my favorite part of the first one was when the terminator made it into their camp and starts shooting, (edit)Reece watching the picture of Sara burning. I don't understand why they have to throw in so many nods to the other movies, even recycling the cut lines, I don't need a nod to the first movie as I've seen it a hundred freaking times over the years.

The problem I have with hollywood is all the movies look the same, the previews reminded me of the Transformers, I never bothered to watch the 3rd one as I thought it was a waste of time, I'll check this out though. Good point with the dogs KFBob, wtf?

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I've read reviews that also say this movie isn't so great. I'm not sure if I want to go see it if they've dumbed it down so kids can see it. I was hoping for some gore like in the Rambo film from a year or so ago. That was awesome, even if the acting and dialogue was shite.

The trailer made me think of another film that is similar in theme. Have you guys seen that film from 1995 called 'Screamers'? It stars Peter Weller, and it basically is similar to the Terminator theme, except they're on a non-Earth planet. I don't recall if there's a super computer operating, but essentially the story is that Peter Weller represents a bunch of human fighters who are fighting a robotic enemy that has kept evolving to the point that they're able to mimic human beings. It's really well done, and even though it's non-stop shoot-em-up type film, it moves along at a great pace. It's worth checking out if you guys like the Terminator theme but hated Salvation.



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You know what Bob I didn't even realize that point in the movie, but remember that the Machines, this was the beginning and the Skin Job terminators weren't really being made yet, and you're left to believe there will be another Terminator movie so maybe that part with the dogs will be added in!

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good points Bob. That is what I also was afraid of them messing with the dark scary atmosphere.QUOTE]

Yeah, that bummed me out a bit.

What?! :oDamn you McG! :l

Ah yes... bodybuilder Franco Columbo as the infiltrating terminator. I loved the shot where he's backlit, calmly firing his gun and you can see his eyes glowing! This scene you mentioned with the picture burning is a prime example of James Cameron's great directing skills. To me, the original is a near masterpiece of sci-fi action, and TS is simply a cool, exciting action film. It doesn't have that extra something to take it to the next level.

As for my observation about the dogs, Im not sure my point was as valid as I first thought...

Normally I'm a "don't skimp on the carnage" kind of guy. And I did enjoy the splattery action of RAMBO. But when I was watching TS I never felt like they were holding back. It worked for me.

Good call! But remember, even the first terminator they show in TS- I guess it's a T-600- that's chasing Reese and the girl, has skin on it. It's just mostly blown or burned off already. In the first film Reese says they had "Skin Jobs before" but that they were easier to spot than the newer models. So I guess right around the time period that TS ends on, the T-800s were arriving on the scene and they realized that dogs could spot them. However, if there were an apocalyptic occurence like the film depicts, then there would still be millions of animals roaming around. And dogs and humans are drawn to each other for protection and companionship- even when food is scarce. So even though they weren't needed as a plot point yet, I still feel that we should have seen at least a few of them around the camp.

This is the only one I didn't see in the theater. But despite not really feeling the actor they chose to play John was a good choice, it had some incredible action scenes and is well worth seeing.

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See I hated the 3rd. movie the Actor playing John I thought sucked big time! I really have to watch that one again. And Bob your points about the Dogs are true again, there should've been some Dogs in this movie but hey that's Hollywood!

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Just saw it with the wife and we both enjoyed it very much. I'm a fan of all three previous films and I would give this one a strong 8/10.

And Bob your points about the Dogs are true again, there should've been some Dogs in this movie but hey that's Hollywood!

As someone else stated, THIS movie takes place BEFORE the Terminators have human tissue (see how young Kyle's character is). So they didnt need the dogs to spot them.

Here's a critical summary from Rotten Tomatoes

I quit going to RT for reviews a long time ago. They have negative reviews for most of the films listed there (at least the "professional critics"). I stick to mostly normal fan based review sites. Try this one instead http://www.joblo.com/arrow/reviews.php?id=1306

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I agree most review sites even AICN read more like payola reviews.(Maybe it,s a swag shakedown thing)TS for me is an excellent film.

My score 10/10.It has everything I would want from a Terminator sequel & a bit more.

McG who has that bitter reviewer hate thing going did an outstanding job.

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Man, this movie really surprised me. I was practically forced by a friend to go, and the whole time I kept on thinking "isn't this directed from the same guy who did Charlie Angels?" Lets just say I haven't had this much fun in a movie theater in a while. For me it's on par with the first two movies, and I'm going back again tomorrow.

And a small complaint- not a single dog in the movie! The resistance used dogs to spot terminators in the other films, and there wasn't a single canine in the resistance forces in the film?

I may be wrong here, but I think the canines were used to detect the humanoid Terminators, and in this movie, those models aren't created until the end..

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I may be wrong here, but I think the canines were used to detect the humanoid Terminators, and in this movie, those models aren't created until the end..

Please see my last post.

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I thought it was just OK. Not bad, but nothing to rave about.

The first one was a great sci-fi thriller, the second showed some groundbreaking FX, the third had a superb car chase and some decent cyborgs' fights. The fourth... I don't know... Lots of explosions and one half-way decent scene with the Harvester. The rest was just forgettable. Pretty bland sci-fi action. I mean how many explosions I have to sit through? CGI Arnold was onscreen for, like, 3 seconds - I thought, at this day and age they could create something much more impressive.

I'm not a fan of the third one, but I can watch over and over again that chase with the crane. I don't think I want to re-watch anything from the fourth.

What pissed me off the most is the fact that they revealed Marcus' identity in the trailer! WTF?! It was supposed to be a a shocking discovery in the movie, but they ruined it for everybody by showing it in the trailer!

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What pissed me off the most is the fact that they revealed Marcus' identity in the trailer! WTF?! It was supposed to be a a shocking discovery in the movie, but they ruined it for everybody by showing it in the trailer!

I agree about the trailer. There are way too many spoilers in them now days. Speaking of which- maybe edit your post and put a spoiler warning before that "3 second scene" you mention? No one has mentioned this yet.:o

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What pissed me off the most is the fact that they revealed Marcus' identity in the trailer! WTF?! It was supposed to be a a shocking discovery in the movie, but they ruined it for everybody by showing it in the trailer!

D1 Ma: I do have to agree with you on that one thing they really did ruin it by letting you know right away that Marcus was indeed a Terminator in the previews that would've been an awesome surprise to everyone! But these Guys are A-Holes who put out the trailers to get everyone hyped over the movies! Believe Me I Think Less Would've Been More Better!

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Thanks for modifying your post D1 Ma. :D Let's keep what few surprises there are that weren't ruined by the trailer.

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The Amazing Psycho Per
I thought it was just OK. Not bad, but nothing to rave about.

The first one was a great sci-fi thriller, the second showed some groundbreaking FX, the third had a superb car chase and some decent cyborgs' fights. The fourth... I don't know... Lots of explosions and one half-way decent scene with the Harvester. The rest was just forgettable. Pretty bland sci-fi action. I mean how many explosions I have to sit through?

This also sums up my feelings on the movie. I didn't go in with big expectations son I can't say I'm disapointed, but I wasn't agreably surpried either. It's your run of the mill poorly written loud with big explosions summer blockbuster. Characters are paper thin and I couldn't feel any empathy for any of them... I mean come on, what do we learn on them? Who is Marcus? a guy who killed two people... Who is Kyle Reese? Aguy who lives alone in a devastated city with a random mute child. Every character is underdevelopped. We hardly learn anything about anyone, or as a matter of fact about anything period. But stuff blows and people shoot...a lot. Like Mark pointed out, what made Terminator 1 and 2 was James Cameron, without him, this franchise is going downhill.

Like some of you pointed out, this feels nothing like the dark future portrayed in the first two. The human race also seems a lot more organised too, with planes and military firepower. As far as the plot twists, goes, I didn't see the trailer and saw Marcus Identity coming from the beginning... Didn't you see the beginning of the movie? All the twists are extremely previsible...

Anyway, I'm definately out for the next installments... Unless of course James Cameron is back, wich is as plausible as the scene where John Connor drops from a plane to come aboard the submarine...

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The Amazing Psycho Per

I know that Cameron doesn't have the rights anymore... Did you read all the phrase?

Yes it is action packed, and if you like it good for you, you got more out of your money then me. I just think think action is just big, unimaginative, unrealistic and on the limit of dull. The submarine scene, that old resistance lady that get thrown around by the giant robot and that doesn't even have a sprained ankle. The way the motorcycle cyborgs way of moving feels just too fake, they spin around, roll in the air and get back on their wheels. Bullets flying everywhere with people hardly dodging. I don't know, the action scenes are just so easy. I hardly watch hollywood big action blockbusters, or at least a lot less, but TS just felt like a random one, nothing more nothing less... Since the implantation of CGI, action movie directors became lazy. In the "old days", limitations forced creativity. The more it goes, the more hollywood blockbuster ressembles Harlequin novels in their form.

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