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Dark Knight breaks BO record!


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That breaks the old record for the biggest grossing weekend of all time (domestic US sales) - held by Spidey 3.

Factoring in another $40M for overseas and you've got $195,340,000.

That's a lot of greenbacks folks. I bet Bob Kane would have been proud. RIP Kane...

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Morgoth Bauglir

This movie is showing on more screens than any movie ever made. It's way overhyped, but still good.

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The moive was tremendous. I was expecting to be mildly disappointed becasue of the hype, but it was better than I hoped. All the hype about Ledger's Joker was also WELL deserved. Strong performances by all the actors, Bale was money as usual. My only complaint was with Maggie Gyllenhaal. Ive never liked her much as an actress, and her performance was very BLAH.

The trailer for "The Watchmen" was pretty dope, and my man Bale is the new John Connor in the next "Terminator" flick!!

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Morgoth Bauglir

Heath Ledger lives up to the hype, no doubt. I just wish he had a better movie surrounding him. And that Terminator trailer did look sweet. All 10 seconds of it:p And speaking of Terminator, I thought that Two Face looked like a skinless terminator. Except not as cool looking. Kind of a cheap and plastic looking Terminator.

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Just watched this yesterday in one of the nicest theaters/bars I've ever been in, I didn't care for the last one though I thought it was better than the last couple (It started out great but went downhill from there imo), but I have to say Dark Knight delivered for the adults, my only problem was the running time, I also don't care for Maggie Gyllenhaal. Best movie I've seen so far this year.

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Overhyped? Nah , it is a rarity in that it actually lives up to the hype. I first thought the Oscar talk was because of Heath Ledgers death, but after seeing his performance i feel he deserves it. Hes now in my Top 5 movie villians. Terminator trailer sucked[just keeping it real]. You could tell they havent really shot anything yet, but i guess just having an official announcement was cool. dark Knight WAS a little long , but that doesnt hurt a great movie. Plus love that it wasnt CG driven[love the Hulk and Iron man, but...]. the whole time i was thinking ,i cant wait for the DVD. Will see this again if i can get tickets.Next stop...IMAX.

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doug maverick

That breaks the old record for the biggest grossing weekend of all time (domestic US sales) - held by Spidey 3.

Factoring in another $40M for overseas and you've got $195,340,000.

That's a lot of greenbacks folks. I bet Bob Kane would have been proud. RIP Kane...

its actually 158mil not 155 the real numbers came out yesterday.

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And the movie broke the fastest record for $200 million...in only 5 days it made 203 million!!!

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I loved everything in the movie, especially the story and buildup. maybe without too much Two-Face and more Joker would've perfected the balance but at the same time that's what made the movie so epic and exciting. no complaints here.

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seen the dark knight yesterday and man was I blown away heath ledgers

Joker is going to be one of greatest movie villians of all time.

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Guest Markgway

Saw this today. Though it was quite good, not brilliant. Yes, definately overhyped. I thought Ledger did some great work as the Joker, but surprisingly was left off screen too often. I never felt the intensity between him and Batman reached full potential, and the psychological games got lost a bit in the desire to please the blockbuster crowd with bigger and better explosions. The realism of the drama was at odds with some of the gimmicks (sonar monitoring, anyone?) and whilst techie types and kids might drool, that kind of thing leaves me a touch cold. I prefer a more visceral, personalised kind of action. Eg. the stunt where Rachel slides off the roof. That's more exciting to me than Batman flying around the sky on a cable like a, well, bat! The combat was better shot than in BEGINS, but amazingly unimaginative in its choreography. Some of the violence and threat was too strong for a 12 rating (in the UK, natch) - that bit with the pencil got quite a few gasps in my audience. Bale was alright as Batman, same as before, Morgan Freeman and Michael Caine add a little old school charm. I thought Maggie was an improvement over Katie Holmes (and, despite some of the negative comment, quite hot). I like the character of Harvey Dent, not so sure about Two-Face though

I didn't buy the burnt-face equals psycho act. He lets the Joker go, but intends on killing Gordon's child? Bollocks.

That kind of thing lets the otherwise interesting story down for me. In fact, the whole ending was a disappointment. After two plus hrs I was waiting for a momentous confrontation between the Joker and Batman... and it just didn't happen. I felt a bit like: is that it?

He just hangs there?

Despite my grumbles I was mostly entertained, but I just had to put some cap on the overpraise. I've heard the term "masterpiece" bandied about(!) Must mention the dreadful soundtrack - everything was LOUD except the dialogue, a lot of which I couldn't hear. Gary Oldman could've been reciting his shopping list for all I knew.

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Saw this today. Though it was quite good, not brilliant. ...

My man Mark - you got to use that spoiler tag brother. ;)

A sad note about this film. My Chi-town bud who died of cancer a few months back had asked me (his dying request unfortunately) to secure a copy of this flick before he passed. I still haven't seen the movie but when I do, he'll be right by my side.

Sorry all - didn't mean to be a downer...

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Guest Markgway
My man Mark - you got to use that spoiler tag brother. ;)

Oh ****. I thought I did. I copied and pasted from another forum where my spoiler tags worked. What are tags for here and I'll fix them?

EDIT. I've made the text white so you have to scroll over it.

All the spoiler tags appear to have done is create new paragraphs(!)

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I was very impressed w/ the movie Ledger was phenominal. I couldnt help, but feel a little upset during the movie though, knowing the whole time that we would never see Ledger back for the return of joker and I doubt anyone will be able to live up to the job he did

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OK just to back from seeing this Movie and I thought it was Excellent! Heath Ledger was Awesome as the Joker very Dark & Morbid, I really hope that the are making a 3rd. movie in this series, Christian Bale is the perfect Batman.

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I seem to be in the minority with this, but, I thought it was pretty rubbish. It was nowhere near as dark and atmospheric as the first. Heath Ledger's Joker was totally unmenacing, all he did was lick his lips and swallow a lot. If he was still alive, I believe he would be getting slated for his performance. All they seemed to do was up was the number of explosions. It reminded me of a straight to video sequel that has nothing to do with the original. I actually fell asleep in the cinema and I've never done that before.

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Its hard for people to come out and say they didn't like the movie because you have a mass of people, who for some reason, think its the greatest thing since the sewer system. I didn't care for it myself, i thought it was 1 hour too long. The pyrotechnics were lame, the plot took itself way too seriously, batman was a drag and really needed a cough drop. It's probably the most over rated movie in the history of all movies. It was allright at points where i wasn't falling asleep, but the best ever? I liked Batman begins better.

And i absolutely don't mean to put anyone down who likes the movie. This is just my take on it. I have an ex-friend who won't talk to me now because he thinks The Dark Knight is masterpiece and i dis-agreed... yeah, he's that much into the movie.

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Chinatown Kid

I gotta see this! Can anyone elaborate on the fight scenes, are they shot tight and fast edited or can we see them better and tell more of what's going on than in Batman Begins?

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Morgoth Bauglir

Luckily Dark Knight doesn't have the crackhead editing that Batman Begins had. I liked the first fight scene, but then it seems like every fight has the same choreography, and BAtman looks pretty robotic in his movements. So overall I didn't think the fight were too good. But the non fighting action scenes, those are really good.

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Chinatown Kid

Thanks for the info Morgoth, a shame that the choreography is unimaginative and boring. At least maybe I can get a better view of what's happening in the fights in this film.

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