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I want to pay my tribute...

Guest stormybman

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Guest stormybman

... To my personal favorite Kung Fu film star, Bruce Lee.

It's over thirty years now since he's been gone and love him or hate him, his impact on the film industry is as hard hitting as ever.

I came to know of him by way of Big Boss, then known here as Fists of Fury, and Fist of Fury,

then known as The Chinese Connection. I remember my dad taking me to the drive-in one summer night, back in '73, and minutes into the film, right as Lee was entering the Japanese dojo, it began to rain. We had to leave because of the downpour, which was nothing compared to my tears, for I was leaving just as Chen was kicking a$$! and taking names!

We did receive a rain-check, and saw the film at a later time, however, I'll never forget driving away and looking through the rain splattered, rear window of dad's Chevy Impala watching Bruce for the first time. Big Boss had already played and I distinctly remember; The killer stare, the 20 ft leaps in the air, and the blood from the knife fights. The Big Boss' chain-watch hanging in his pocket, him slowly, removing his spectacles before the big showdown, the freed birds from the cage, the long pauses in the action (a Lee signature), Malaline's breasts... this was good stuff!:P I also thought it was cool the way Bruce was munching on his chips, took a pause to kick his adversaries in the groin, and resume munching as if it was no problem. He seemed to be the first whom I can recall to get a reaction out of a male audience; " ... right on, brother! Whup that m@#$@#'s a#$!" , they'd say.

It's those nastalgic times that make me want to relive those days again, knowing the feelings it gave me and my brothers, making us take MA lessons, getting our a@#$# whupped, play fighting Karate as if we're living out scenes from the films... :rolleyes

Yep, those were the days, man. Yeah, he was the best.


"Whenever you're ready, I'll take on any Japanese here."

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