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Pumping Iron

Chinatown Kid

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Chinatown Kid

Anyone remember this classic Bodybuilding movie from 1977? It shows Arnold in his Bodybuilding heyday going up against Lou Ferrigno(pre-Incredible Hulk) and Serge Nubret for the Mr. Olympia title. It's a pretty fascinating look at the world of professional BB and history of the sport, showing what these dudes go through to get into such incredible shape. Use to have a vhs copy of this years ago but lost it, don't know if it's on DVD but I'm going to try and find out. I 'm getting back into weight training after a long layoff and want to get this to help motivate me. :cool:

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I remember this one, man these guys were juiced and Arnold is a conceited bastard, ain't he?

They released a special edition of this back in 2002-03, but they have it at FYE at a mall where I stay.

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Chinatown Kid

Ha, Arnold was never a modest one was he, kind of like Ali or Bruce. Yeah most if not all pro bodybuilders are on the roids, it's easy to tell because they have that freaky look. My goal is to have a physique similar to Van Damme which is muscular but not freaky looking although at 200 pounds I'm bigger than him. Thanks for letting me know this has been released on DVD, I'll see if I can track it down. :)

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I've got it (special edition) if you want it. My Dad was always into bodybuilding, and as a young teen I finally started working out with him. I was a chubby kid that liked to draw and watch movies, so I really needed something. Anyway, I used to watch this with him all the time on HBO as a kid. I picked it up for him (and one for me) on Father's Day. After watching it again as an adult, I was shocked at some of the stuff that was in there that just went straight over my head as a kid. They ask Arnold why he likes B.B. and he says "It feels like when you're cumming. When I'm working out on the beach, when I'm in the gym, it's like I'm always cumming and cumming". I fell on the floor laughing. I've left phone messages for friends doing the "Arnold cumming speech"! LOL

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Ha, Arnold was never a modest one was he, kind of like Ali or Bruce. Yeah most if not all pro bodybuilders are on the roids, it's easy to tell because they have that freaky look. My goal is to have a physique similar to Van Damme which is muscular but not freaky looking although at 200 pounds I'm bigger than him. Thanks for letting me know this has been released on DVD, I'll see if I can track it down. :)

Van Damme's physique is a bit over the top for my taste. I'm trying not to put on too much muscle, as I am more interested staying ripped instead of bulging out all over the place. Don't really know a lot about weight training though, so it's mostly experimenting. Wouldn't mind getting a hold of Chi Kuan Chun's workout routines though. I read in an interview that Lo Meng preferred going out in the forest and bending small trees and such instead of lifting weights. That's pretty awesome.

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John Littles Bruce Lee's book is good art of expressing the human body,pretty intresting,tells you all about his exercise routines.

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My brother was heavily into bodybuilding for a while and Arnold was like a god to him. Not to mention Lou Ferrigno, not only because he would go on to become the Hulk either. They came out with a sequel in 1985 that focused on women's bodybuilding, called what else??? Pumping Iron II: The Women.

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Chinatown Kid
Van Damme's physique is a bit over the top for my taste. I'm trying not to put on too much muscle, as I am more interested staying ripped instead of bulging out all over the place. Don't really know a lot about weight training though, so it's mostly experimenting. Wouldn't mind getting a hold of Chi Kuan Chun's workout routines though. I read in an interview that Lo Meng preferred going out in the forest and bending small trees and such instead of lifting weights. That's pretty awesome.

I hear ya Endsang, I can understand not everyone wanting the bulky look. I like that muscular, slightly bulky physique Van Damme has and it won't interfere with my kicking techniques as long as I keep my strecthing up, the added mucsle actually increases my kicking power as well. I just have to keep my cardio up because the extra muscle weight tires me out a little quicker. That Lo Mang strength training method sounds cool, I'd feel like I was actually in a kung fu movie doing that.;) Chi Kuan Chun is definately a ripped dude, at least he was in the 70's and early 80's, that dude looked like he had zero bodyfat. I can't say the same as I like to eat too many fattening foods.:D

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Chinatown Kid
John Littles Bruce Lee's book is good art of expressing the human body,pretty intresting,tells you all about his exercise routines.

I actually have that book Hangman and your right it does have some great training routines in it. Bruce definately saw the value in strength training and had the ripped body to prove it.

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Chinatown Kid
I've got it (special edition) if you want it. My Dad was always into bodybuilding, and as a young teen I finally started working out with him. I was a chubby kid that liked to draw and watch movies, so I really needed something. Anyway, I used to watch this with him all the time on HBO as a kid. I picked it up for him (and one for me) on Father's Day. After watching it again as an adult, I was shocked at some of the stuff that was in there that just went straight over my head as a kid. They ask Arnold why he likes B.B. and he says "It feels like when you're cumming. When I'm working out on the beach, when I'm in the gym, it's like I'm always cumming and cumming". I fell on the floor laughing. I've left phone messages for friends doing the "Arnold cumming speech"! LOL

I sure would like to have a copy if you have it Bob, just pm me and we'll work out a trade. I can send you the new Japanese movie Kuro-Obi aka Black Belt in return if you want, it features some authentic and realistic looking Karate fights and a nice story as well.

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I hear ya Endsang, I can understand not everyone wanting the bulky look. I like that muscular, slightly bulky physique Van Damme has and it won't interfere with my kicking techniques as long as I keep my strecthing up

Yeah, it didn't seem to be an obstacle for JCVD. :D

I find it a bit hard to maintain an optimal level in strength, flexibility and stamina at the same time, and I usually have time to train in all the different fields and do all the exercises I wish to. I was planning on running the marathon this year, but my long time jogging programs always keeps getting cut off by various scheduling issues or injuries whenever I'm on a roll, and it feels like I'm back to zero when I start running again. Recently I've decided to cut strength training down to a few exercises before bedtime that targets large muscle groups, as I focus more on agility and stamina. I find the muscles to be the easiest to maintain without putting too many hours into the workout.

Can't say I know much about it though. I'm not really much into the literature though. I prefer doing things my own way when it comes to training. I feel I'll get burned out if I take it too seriously.

I can't say the same as I like to eat too many fattening foods.:D

Hey, who doesn't? Diets are for chumps. ;)

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What do you guys do for your workout regimine?

I run 2 miles twice a week-few weeks i'm gonna up it to 3 miles 3 days a week

trying to get to where I can run at least 5 miles a day

4 sets of sit ups 25 reps 4 days a week

4 sets of 50 push ups 3 days a week

Jump rope 1/2 hour 3 days a week

A few minutes on a heavy bag, i use to box; old habits die hard.

A few nights a week, before I lay down, I punch until I cant punch any more,

makes me quicker, faster and stronger.

bench 2 sets of 150 at 5 reps Once a week

I don't work out to bulk up, mostly for endurance, even though i do want to put on another 20-30 lbs; right now I weigh 190 @ 6'1.

My work outs last around 45min to an hour with the exeption of running.

I don't REALLY eat pork, every once in a while I eat bacon and scrapple for my breakfast, fast food in moderation, not a lot of red meats, not a lot of sweets.

I do other things, but I won't bore anyone with it, just curious about how you all work out and train.

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Chinatown Kid

Well first off I like to eat and don't really follow a strict diet, I just try to eat plenty of healthy vegetables along with alot of meats and poultry. Also try to drink plenty of water because I take creatine off and on as a supplement, it helps me workout longer and recuperate faster. Also take a daily multi-vitamin. I usually lift 2 days a week and usually go heavy because right now I'm training for strength and muscle size. I'm strongest in my legs and can squat about 305 max and close to 900 pounds on the leg press(i do cheat on this as I put my hands on my knees while i'm pressing). I can bench about 235 and am trying to work up to 250. Do bent over rows for the back with about 125 to 135, and do french curls for the triceps and barbell/dumbell curls for the biceps. I'm a member of a health club that has all the nautilus machines and I use them to do refinement exercises and higher reps. I also train in TKD at least twice a week where we do alot of cardio exercises and practice techniques, forms, and kicking on the pads and airsheilds. Also have a BOB punching man dummy at home in which I practice my kicks and punches. Now sometimes I do miss workouts depending on how I'm feeling and if I've had a tough day at work(I have a moderately physical job as a water meter field service man). I do need to start doing some running and jump rope on my own because my stamina isn't the best right now. I'm about 5'11 and weigh 200 pounds. It's hard for me to get wash board abs because like I said I like to eat, especially Chinese and Japanese food(lots of rice)! :D

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Chinatown Kid- why do you have to punch something named Bob? That doesn't seem right. LOL We had one at my dojo that I would beat silly myself.

I haven't done any weight training in years, and am in the worst shape of my life. I still practice the arts, but I just stopped watching my diet and started binge eating like a fool. I think I'm finally back in control of that craziness.

Side note: I mentioned my Dad has always been into body building. Well last summer, at the ripe old age of 59 he benched 500 lbs. in a competition. He's incredible. My Father Is Hero! :)

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The thing in Pumping Iron that never fails to crack me up is Lou Ferrigno's dad oiling him up and saying in that incredibly thick, comical NY accent, "Looouuuu, your like Ahhh-donis. Your'e bee-yoo-tee-full , Looouuu..."

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The thing in Pumping Iron that never fails to crack me up is Lou Ferrigno's dad oiling him up and saying in that incredibly thick, comical NY accent, "Looouuuu, your like Ahhh-donis. Your'e bee-yoo-tee-full , Looouuu..."

LOL, yeah his pops was a little too into it all. He would've killed for his son to be number one.

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Chinatown Kid

Wow Bob your dad is incredibly strong if he can bench 500 pounds! :eek: If I can get to 260-70 I'll be happy. Your dad can tell everyone else in the gym it must suck to be weak. :D

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Actually the guys my Dad trains with make him look wimpy in comparison. They are world champion powerlifters and such. I'll have to get some names from him, I can't remember anything but "Big Mike"! LOL

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I called my Pop. Here are the facts: He's benched and deadlifted 500 lbs., and squatted 525 lbs. The guy that he trains with, Mike Miller, squatted 1200l bs. at an official IPA competition (International Powerlifting Association). Big Mike is appearing in the latest Mickey (used to be cool-then sucked- then after SIN CITY was kinda cool again) Rourke movie. Another guy that lifts with them at the Nazareth Barbell Gym, Gene Rychlak Jr. has benched 1,005 lbs. but his record has since been beaten by a guy that benched 1,050 lbs! Me on the other hand, I just benched a half pound Burger King Double Cheesburger all the way up to my mouth a bunch of times. :D

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Chinatown Kid

lol I hear ya Bob, hey a man's gotta eat! Wow those poundages are unreal, it's amazing the human body can lift that much. I do wonder how many of those lifters is on the roids? I imagine they would drug test them before competition though?

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I don't know how often they test for drugs. Some of them definitely are using, and some of them are serious champions of the fight against steroids. These guys are all huge though. I'm just shy of 6'3 and they were like freakin' monsters towering over me.

Funny story- My family went to watch the last time my Dad competed and I was backstage helping him get his lifting shirt on ect. Now my Pop is a really laidback guy, and Big Mike is all about screaming, and metal music, and getting crazy psyched for each lift. So he sees my Dad and thinks he too chilled and starts kind of getting in his face and yelling. He meant it in a supportive way, but I never saw my old Man take **** from anybody, ever, and it was shocking to witness. He was fine with it though, knowing Mike is just trying to pump him up for his lift and means well. But my instinct is telling me to grab this guy that's screaming at my Dad. I knew logically what was happening, but my "spider sense" is going nuts, dig? LOL A few years into my martial arts training, I stopped feeling intimidated by anyone. I learned that these feelings are just a waste of time, and a distraction from what you're really capable of. So even if I thought someone could easily have beaten me, it didn't effect me. I've actually backed down a few guys that were much more skilled than me, and would have kicked my ass, by not letting fear control me. When someone blows hard and you don't blink, it often deflates their confidence- lucky for me in the early days! :D The problem is, Mike's one of the only dudes that I've ever felt totally intimidated by! This guy could rip my arms off "wookie style" and beat me to death with them. I thought if I make a move on this colossus "I either kill this guy, or I die"! So I'm biting my lip, trying to stay reasonable, they call my Dad's name. As he's walking by Mike to go out on stage Mike screams "Do it!!!" and slaps my father on his back so hard it sounded like somebody hit a leather sofa with a baseball bat, and actually made him stumble a few feet. I go to grab Mike by his eye socket and one of my Dad's giant buddies grabs my shoulder and says "It's all right. It'll piss him off and he'll get the lift". Thank God or right now Mike would have one eye and I'd probably be in pieces in a pine box somewhere! Dad got the lift. But he was really mad, and there was a giant, red, perfect imprint of Mike's hand on his back like they show from Buddha Palm strikes in our movies! If I can find the picture I took of it I'll post it up. He said his back hurt for about two weeks!

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Chinatown Kid

lol that's quite an amusing story Bob, I guess some guys really "get into it" if you know what I mean. It's definately good you have confidence and are mentally strong enough not to be intimidated, good for you man. Just remember, you have to know when to fight and when to run. ;)

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Oh don't worry, everytime I stared down a stronger opponent my survival was foremost in my mind. Just because I wasn't intimidated didn't mean I didn't know I might have to run to survive!:D

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