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The Big Boss and Fist of Fury HKL dvd questions


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Why is he so secretive about it??? If it is the uncut version then why not put up a a little bit of footage that has not been widely seen as proof??

The only other person I know of that has the uncut version is Steve Kerridge. From what I hear he did have something planned with HKL but all that fell through when Brian White left.

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Yeah he could put at least one of the deleted scenes up so we kno.

So i wonder why steve kerridge cant get someone else to release it

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Hate to burst anyones bubble but the missing footage is not much.

I saw the Mandarin version in London in the late 70's and while the extra footage is interesting theres not much extra fight footage of Bruce, not like the missing Game Of Death footage which was worth seeing.

And before anyone asks, no, the saw in the head scene was not in this Mandarin version but lots of other little bits were, as detailed in the Hart article.

I would love to see this released but all i say is dont expect too much.

The last i heard Brian White and others found Mandarin versions of all Bruce's films in a lock up in London including the uncut Boss.

If this is true or not i dont know but if it is, perhaps there are copyright reasons, ala Fortune Star, as to why it has not been released.

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Still would be nice to see the extra scenes even if the saw in the head scene is still missing.

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does that mean the only way to see it, is probably from the middle east prints and digging up the original copy?

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Steve has confirmed his print is the full uncut version and that it contains the saw in the head scene as well as another scene that went pretty much unmentioned except for an article from the 70's in one of the old Bruce Lee Hong Kong magazines.

I've seen a longer print but it was still missing the 'saw' scene as well as some of the other missing scenes so I'm guessing that there are various prints of varying lengths that are still in existence on reels.

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Not a chance of him loaning out the print and I don't think I would just loan it out to anyone either if it was mine. If it was possible to do something with his print with regards to releasing it then he has more than enough contacts to be able to do that himself....that is if he even wants to though!!!

He is definitely contactable although I believe at the moment he is away from home in the states working with the Bruce Lee Foundation.

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Guest Markgway
The last i heard Brian White and others found Mandarin versions of all Bruce's films in a lock up in London including the uncut Boss.

Dragon Dynasty have the cash to back such a venture. Since they now deal exclusively with Fortune Star getting the rights from Fox shouldn't be that difficult for the right price. All it takes is the right people and the will to make it happen. But some collectors would rather die than share. I don't understand that mindset. Think of all the Bruce Lee fans in the last few decades who've died never having had a chance to see an uncut Boss because some uberfan(s) didn't want to reveal their rares. That's real lives gone. These sad horders need to get things into perspective. If you have something of value to people you share it. Anything else is grossly selfish and elitist. Unless legal threats have been issued I can't see why HKL couldn't have obtained the full version if it was known about in time. And there's little stopping DD now. I suspect the only reason Fortune Star haven't released this in HK is because they don't have it.

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I agree Markgway. It's not as if we are asking the collectors to part with their material, simply share it. Like you said, so many big real fans have died not even with the chance to see footage like in A Warrior's Journey. My best pal, Carl died over 13 yrs. ago, a huge Kung Fu Film fan. He was the one who called me to tell me Brandon Lee had been killed on the set of The Crow. He has missed so much that he would have enjoyed, especially the Celestial remasters.

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Anyone know a contact email for steve Kerridge?

If all the private collectors that have it dont do something with there copys i think this film will be lost forever,as we dont know what sort of condition there prints are in.

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In all due respect, why in hell would anybody "loan" you a copy from their collection(be it a rare or even readily available copy)? From the perspective of the person owning that print, they stand to lose alot while the person receiving it has every bit to gain. It just plain makes no sense.

In regards to hoarding, i cant stand that sh)t at all. Who gives a flyin fck if they spent x amount of dollars and spent 30 years tracking it down? If I were a rich man, I would buy all rares and give them to people for free to piss off the hoarders.

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In all due respect, why in hell would anybody "loan" you a copy from their collection(be it a rare or even readily available copy)? From the perspective of the person owning that print, they stand to lose alot while the person receiving it has every bit to gain. It just plain makes no sense.

Yep!!! That was exactly what I was thinking!

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Even if kungfusinema put up abit that hadnt been seen for ages that would be something,for all we kno it could be bull and he may not even have an uncut copy.

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well, if anyone's interested, he posted a new video, apprantly being a deleted scene:

can anyone confirm this?

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Killer Meteor
Explained in comments section.

I nearly did piss my pants in excitement :(.

What a cheat!

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Killer Meteor
Dam i wanna see the Saw in the head scene

Is it correct it was never in the finished film, much like the "piranha bait" scene from Cannibal Holocaust. I seem to recall Maria Yi being quoted as it never being used

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