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The Big Boss and Fist of Fury HKL dvd questions


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The Big Boss- does the original HKL release (not platinum) contain the finger jabbing/blood running scene at the end, or is it cut? is anything else cut, where it would differ from the Fox/Fortune Star version? it definitely has mono audio? also, just curious is the english track the same on the hkl dvd as it is on all us dvds, including the music track?

Fist of Fury- the original hkl release (not platinum) is it totally uncut? do the 5.1 tracks sound good, or do they have any annoying added sound effects and music like those on Fox/Fortune Stars'? lastly, on the english dub...is it the same as on all the us dvds and does it have the original theme music playing during the opening credits and the mandarin song at the end (on the eng dub track) or is it those weird english songs like on the eng track that's on the fox/fortune star?

that's it, thanks!

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Boss' HKL has the finger stabbing at the end, still no saw to the head scene.

The music is what I believe to be the original eng. track, I'm not so certain about the mandarin. I recently found there are so many versions of this film it's ridiculous.

As for FOF, the 5.1 sounds a lot better than the fox but the video isn't as good. No extra sounds, but the present ones have been amped. Original Joseph Koo music is intact, no guy singing the lyrics!:P

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thanks. you're positive though that on Fist of Fury, the "da da daah" theme music in the opening credits and Mandarin song in the closing are present in the english dubbed track though? someone else said the hkl dvds have the english songs on the eng track. maybe the platinum edition corrects this if it's true, or maybe the other guy was mistaken?!

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talking about the film's DVDs, does anyone know of this DVD that's known as 'The Version You've Never Seen' of The Big Boss? its been said to be complete but contains the british english dub that was rejected at the first time being submitted.


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lol one of my articles mentioned it. It's cut, but indeed features the Golden Harvest export dub.

Reported by Abbotwhite (aka Toby Russell).

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damn...is it cut??? man, isnt there anywhere a copy of the cut premiere of this film??

i know one person, and that person is a turkish collector who has the original 35mm when it was shown in turkey back in the day. i messaged the person ever so gracefully about having it preserved and restored, but refused and even didnt reply for my 3rd message to him regarding this. i urged him about having it restored, but he claimes he knows studios himself there that can do the job (even though i am unsure of this, i am withut a doubt know companies here and in the US that can do the best job) and still initially refused.

is there any other place??

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If we're talking about the same person, they posted a clip of it on Youtube whilst I PMed without response.

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Abbotwhite is one who i messaged a day ago, but the one who holds the 35mm print of the film is youtube user Kungfusinema, that lucky ....!

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hmmm, i knew i should kept my mouth shut :D this was a deal between me and him, even though we are both from the middle east (but myself being brought up in the west and have a better understanding thn him probably), so not even religious talk helped out.

i tried quite hard, but nothing seems to budge him whatsoever. there must be another source somewhere!

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i sent him a message and got this

Re: Re:Big boss

Yes it´s Uncut and i cannot say anything else on the matter sry.



At this rate the uncut version of the big boss will be lost forever :o(

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same here, except i manage to get abit more of a conversation regarding for me 'borrowing' the print and having it back to him, offering money or something will not work.

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Did he say he would loan you it? if its on a video surely he could do a copy of it anyway?

That would take some restoration judging by the qualty of the clip on youtube,cant believe how some people are selfish with regards to things like this,i wonder wether this will see the light of day anytime soon.

Theres so many rumours of people having it but wether there greedy or want loads of money for it or just selfish i dont kno.

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i know what you mean, but he didnt say he would loan it to me, i ask for it to be loaned, and that i would 'restore it' or have it preserved (probably the wrong word for a dituation like this).

however, he says he had this for almost 30 years and it was very hard for him to find it, and that he is a serious collector and would not let it out whatsoever.

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Dam i hate those sorta collectors!

If i had it i would wanna get it cleaned up and released that would be awesome.

Hope someone else releases it i think Fred Weintraub has a copy still.

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One of the producers of enter the dragon he was sent the 1st few Bruce Lee films when they had just been finished cus they was workin on doin a deal together for a film,which was Enter the Dragon and apparently he has an uncut Mandarin copy aswell.

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Guest Markgway

God, I detest horders. They'd rather die with their grubby little paws clutching at film reels rather than let any lesser beings see their precious rarities. Sad bastards the lot of 'em.

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i dunno how you would be able to contact him im afraid

Contacting is one thing, negotiation is another.

I asked him a question in the comments section, but he wouldn't reply to my PM.

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Im sure there is someone out there who has it maybe a few people have it im suprised its never leaked onto the net at anytime really.I guess we will all have to wait and see

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had this message :

Re: Re:Big boss Re: Re:Big boss

Yes it is Uncut and i cannot say anything else on the matter sry.



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