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looking for classic english dubbed fight movie quote's


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Morgoth Bauglir

THE MAGIC BLADE- "I practiced 20 years to move the nerve center of my body, just one inch, so that your paralyzing blow had no effect."

BOXER'S ADVENTURE- "What, you're dead? You die easy!"

KILLER CONSTABLE- "Hold on now. I said I would forget your doings, but I didn't promise to spare your life. Take his head."

UNDAUNTED WUDANG- "We always hit back hard."

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Morgoth Bauglir

LAST HERO IN CHINA (not oldschool, but one of my favs)- "Wong Fei Hung, I was prepared for that powerful kick of yours!"

SHAOLIN VS LAMA- "We lamas are traditonal enemies of the shaolin."

HELLZ WINDSTAFF- "Master your devil's stick was really made in hell."

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Bruce Long

LAND OF THE BRAVE - I think you'll be sorry you said that, when you're toasting your ass in hell!

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if anyone's got any links to fight movie's on youtube with good quote's, that would be even better.

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Morgoth Bauglir

SHAOLIN VS LAMA- "You may have mastered one of my styles, but that is enough!"

KILLER IN WHITE- Tung Wei- "So you're a master fighter huh?"

Roy Chiao- "At 3 I started, at 4 I was good, at 5 and 6 I continued. I know different kung fu techniques, Shadow Boxing, you name it, I know it."

ONE ARMED BOXER- "Never insult Tibetan martial arts."

And then there's some where you really have to be watching the movie to get the full enjoyment.

NINJA IN THE DRAGON'S DEN- You call yourself a ninja, AAAHHHHHHHH!!!"

36 DEADLY STYLES- "Twin snakes from the grave!"

DAGGERS 8- "I'm a killer!"

And here's a link I thought that you may find interesting- http://www.wired.com/entertainment/music/magazine/15-11/pl_music

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The Dragon

The Dragon, The Hero: "This coin can pay your ticket to hell."- Ko Fei

The One Armed Boxer: "I don't need to relax, I take hardships as a part of my training!" - Lung Fei

5 Element Ninja: "This ring is a memotto from the Supreme Ninja... The next time you see it, it'll mean your death!"

Enter The Dragon: "Man, you come right out of a comicbook" -Jim Kelly

Almost any Kung Fu Film... "You Bastard!!!!"

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Not a dub but a sub which made me laugh on the Casanova Wong film Blow Up, Michelle Lai finds her dads dead body and she asks him "Father who killed you, say it" lol

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Not a dub but a sub which made me laugh on the Casanova Wong film Blow Up, Michelle Lai finds her dads dead body and she asks him "Father who killed you, say it" lol


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From Super Power:

"Your hands must reach for the sky, feet pressed firmly, good breath control...You've none of these"

From Eagle vs. Silver Fox:

"I'm after Silver Fox, not two boiled eggs!"

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...however, I always got a kick out of the dialog in Rocky V, near the endfight between Roc and Tommy Gunn. With Gunn and his Don King look-a-like promoter outside the bar challenging Rocky to come out and fight...

Two rather rotound slobs at the bar asking Rocky as he's walking out:

" Hey Rock, you need some help?"

Rocky: "Naw, this ain't no pie eatin' contest!"


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Invincible Armor:

"And now I shall do you a favor, I'll strike you with the greatest of accuracy and you'll hardly feel a thing" Hwang Jang Lee to Lee Hoi San

Savage Killers:

"You're wrong, I assure you, there won't be any trouble....dead men have no troubles, HAHAHAHA!"by Lung Fei.

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DRAGONS CLAWS-"Youre not yet a man but nearly a corpse".

I think this ones MY KUNG FU 12 KICKS-"Funny face...Glasses,

get your asses out here now".

And 1 more, I CANNOT remember what movie this is from.Somebody please help If you can.Bad guy walks into bar/restaurant? Does something to piss the owner off.The owner stupidly starts yelling @the baddie(who has a gun)and says "I have half a mind to...Then the baddie shoots him in the head and says "Now you've only got half a mind".

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Drunken Master, Hwang Cheng Li: "Who the hell teaches you Kung Fu? I wouldn't hire him to wipe my ass!"


"Killing a nobody like you would only ruin my reputation... Crawl under my legs, then go clean toilets or something!"


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Disciples of Shaolin- "You idiot, his stomach's been ripped open!" Chiang Tao

Magnificient Ruffians-"Feel free to come in, apart from this sword there's no danger"-Lu Feng

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The Association, Wang Ing Sik, near the end of the film, when the bad guys are just about done:

Chui Hung:" Boss the cops are outside and got the place surrounded." (or something like that)

Wang:" It's every man for himself now... You're on your own."


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Pai Ying, Hapkido: after attempting to goad Angela Mao into a fight... "Scared Huh? Hahahaha!... From the look of you, you're not my match anyway! So you probably made a wise decision! But still... your best performances are probably in bed!"

Liang Shao Lung, Hapkido: "There's only one thing better than drinking... and that's looking at little girl's behinds!"

Carter Wong, Hapkido: "I think my arm's done for... I reckon the muscles have been ripped out!"

Again Hapkido, Angela Mao: "You keep your hands to yourself... I'm not a Korean!"

Japanese Villian: "So, Chinese, are you?... and a very pretty one too! Good face, good figure!...Japan will soon take over China! and when it does, I'll have all the Chinese girls I want!... and when that happens, I may even get you then huh?!"

and after saying that he gets blasted in the mouth by Sammo! I love it!XD

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"Are you shocked, Mr. Williams?" -Shieh Kien

"Only at how sloppy your man works!" -Jim Kelly

Han's mocking face expression is great, given Shieh Kien spoke no English in real life.

Enter The Dragon

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Shoalin v Lama

“Who said that! He just learned a few styles, whats so good about that?! You meet a real fighter, and you aint gonna stand a chance!”

Classic, when i first heard that i choked on my drink and spat it all over my Sega Megadrive!

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