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Choi Lee Fat Kung Fu: Pan Pan Um Um Good!

Guest teako170

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Guest teako170

Watched this Rarescope flick this evening.

Not bad at all.

Cliff Lok was kicking it and Pan Pan was certainly no slouch either.

Any other films to recommend with her showing her stuff?

Duel Of The Seven Tigers?

Story of Drunken Master??

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Guest ironfistedmonk2003

Her fight in Lion vs Lion is quite good and she has a fairly large role in Kung Fu Master Named Drunk Cat which is a decent movie. She is also credited in Kid From Kwantung which I am eagerly awaiting the celestial release

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Guest thundered mantis

In Lion vs Lion she´s totally insane.

Her other two more complete works in terms of fightin´are Two Wondrous Tigers and Angel Terminators. She also gets many fights in Story of DM and KF Master called Drunk Cat.

Duel of 7 Tigers is more Cliff Lok & Ko Fei game (plus a blistering cameo from Ca Sa Fa)

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Guest GwaiLoMoFo

Thought this was slow and forgetable. Not bad, but I didnt watch it long ago and have already forgotten about it. Ive gotten to the point where Ive seen so many mediocre old school kf films its hard to sit through them. Had I seen this 5 years ago I might have enjoyed it more. Glad I only spent $7 on it.

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Guest VonHumboldtFleischer

She does lots of twisty turny flex-o stuff in STORY OF DRUNKEN MASTER. She's not all that impressive in LION VS. LION. She runs away from a scrap, leaving Lo Meng to do her dirty work for her, and then Wang Lung Wei knocks her on her ass without breaking a sweat.

I honestly don't remember her in KID FROM KWANTUNG.

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I honestly don't remember her in KID FROM KWANTUNG

come on, the print couldnt of been that bad u didnt recognise her :D , hwang jang lee gives her some serious boot at the end , quite nasty

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Guest VonHumboldtFleischer

I really wouldn't hold my breath if I were you, unless you're salivating at the thought of enduring interminably long, unendurably dull scenes of alleged 'comedy' with the tooth-grindingly, arse-clenchingly unfunny Wong Yue and Chiang Kam.

I still don't really remember much of Yeung Pan Pan in this movie. I think I remember her training with her Auntie... but not much else.

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Guest Yakuza954

Didn't she make a lot of TV Series in the 80s? She pretty much stopped making movies after the kung fu boom ended in the early 80's and didn't return until the GWG genre started up. In between she worked on ATV Series, undoubtedly they're only available raw, but I wouldn't be surprised if that's where her best work is.

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Guest dager in the cotton

She was good in KFKT - Her fight in the alley with Ku kwan chung was short but sweet, any Female who can go up agianst Wong is all that in my book.and using them connecteddouble daggers aint easy,

thought her Moon dagger fight in Lion v Lion was tremendous.

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I'll have to give this another watch as I wasn't as impressed the first time around, I don't remember to much about it as I watched this amongst a KF marathon, but I thought Phillip Ko was a bit wasted till the last fight.

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Guest VonHumboldtFleischer

I re-watched KID FROM KWANGTUNG last night because of this thread, and it's even duller than I remembered. The comedy scenes drag out interminably, Hwang Jang Lee arrives onscreen much to late to drag the movie out of its stupor (and maybe I'm getting old but that old HWL "Excuse me while I pointlessly put my foot on your shoulder" schtick is just tired), the unbearably protracted comedy vampire scene adds nothing to the movie (least of all humour), and Wong Yue's persistent, almost heroic, failure to be even remotely funny makes me want gouge out my own eyes with a spoon and eat them.

Yeung Pan Pan's contribution is negligible. The aforementioned fight in the alleyway is about forty seconds long, and at least twenty of those seconds are just Ku Kwan Chung sticking his yellow fan out and Yeung Pan Pan slapping it away. Her performance in the final fight with Hwang Jang Lee is hopeless; I think she exchanges maybe four or five ineffectual blows before she's lying on the ground gargling blood. Wong Mei Mei (as Yeung's mother, not, as I said, her auntie) comes off a lot better, although like everyone else talented and interesting in this movie, her potential screen time is eaten up by what feels like several thousand hours of dire attempts at humour.

On the other hand, Yen Shi Kwan, when he's allowed to fight, is incredible, the training scenes are a hoot, and the final showdown is creative, exuberant and enormous fun. But it's really too little, too late.

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Guest VonHumboldtFleischer
Her fight in the alley with Ku kwan chung was short but sweet

For what it's worth, here's a clip of

on Youtube.
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Guest morgoth

I thought that clip was good, but it doesn't come close to what she does in CLF. Is Celestial going to remaster KId From Kwangtung? I have heard so much about it over the years, I need to see it soon!

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I'm reviving this thread because I just watched this movie and I was equally enamored with Yeung Pan Pan. She kicks so much ass in this movie. What other movies does she show her stuff? Thoughts above seem mixed, but it sounds like Lion vs Lion maybe?

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Yang Wu Liang

You should definately check 'Two Wondrous Tigers'. For a run-of-the-mill shapes film it's top tier. There's great chemistry between the leads, some genuinely funny comedy and Yeung Pan Pan has a co-starring role with a big part in the final showdown. The action is top notch too. I'd highly recommend it.

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You guys got me wanting to visit movies with the beautiful Yeung Pan Pan!! Can't figure out if I like her more than the lovely Lilly Li :squigglemouth: I LOVE her in Lion vs Lion.

Do they square off in any movies lol :) Definitely wouldn't mind checking out Two Wonderous Tigers!

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I think Two Wondrous Tigers is one of the few films to give special attention to the leopardo/panther style, along with Sun Dragon.

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I'm reviving this thread because I just watched this movie and I was equally enamored with Yeung Pan Pan. She kicks so much ass in this movie. What other movies does she show her stuff? Thoughts above seem mixed, but it sounds like Lion vs Lion maybe?

I agree that KID FROM KWANGTUNG has too many long scenes of "comedy" that don't work, but I enjoy everything else a lot, and think it has some smoking hot (pun intended, for those that have seen it) kung fu, particularly the climactic battle. I like Yeung Pan Pan in this, but didn't feel it was an especially great showcase for her.

It's been way too long since I last saw LION VS LION for me to remember it (when the IVL/Celestial release came out), sorry I can't help with your question.

Check Duel of the 7 Tigers. :smile:

There's no reason not to check out this film. A terrific fu flick! Highly recommend the German DVD release. As an extra, there is a version of the film with the cut scenes re-inserted back into the film.

I agree that

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