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The Karate and The Karate 2 starring Tadashi Yama****a


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Can anyone tell me about these karate films made in the mid 70s: regarding how good/bad they are and if a possible DVD release is on the horizon. Video clips, if available is more than welcome.

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I've been trying to find out about these for ages now with very little luck. I've heard wildly different opinions on their quality, some say they're as good as the Street Fighter Series.

hopefully you'll turn up more about them than I did

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I believe they're actually 3? The first one is available dubbed, unfortunately this version is cut. The original Japanese VHS for these movies show up from time to time on Ebay. There were rumors a couple years ago that a company like BCI Eclipse or Rarescope would release these movies, but nothing ever materialized. Things don't look good for anything else in the near future. As for the movies themselves, the general consensus is that the first movie is nothing special-- entertaining, but not on the level of The Street Fighter. I have heard however that the series gets better as it goes, but the same person told me that about the Sister Street Fighter Series and I wouldn't really agree with that.

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does anyone have a copy the old warner brother's clamshell of "bronson lee, champion"? i believe that might be "the karate" if im not mistaken...or perhaps it's sequel.

from what i remember of bronson lee was an overuse of slo mo fighting and some bruce impersonation going on (hence the name lee i suppose). its a shame because the film seemed to avoid showing yama****a's real talent. saw it about 10 years ago and had high hopes. ive always been a fan of yama****a since seeing him in black belt magazine and other MA books and publications from the 80's.

oh and check him out in the "shinobi ninja". now that is a good flick. campy fun

wow my first post. awesome

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Morgoth Bauglir

Someone needs to find out what version of Bronson Lee, Champion is on the netflix insta-watch thing. I can't say the movie is very good, but the picture quality is crystal. And nice first post Jiujitsu77. Score!

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I recently got my paws on The Karate 2 & 3 - no subs, sadly - and they are both FANTASTIC!!

Certainly on a par with Chiba's SF series, although slightly more cartoonish.

2 in particular is great - with a guest shot from...Bolo!!

PM me for more details :)

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Hello people. Yes, from everything I've ever heard/read, BRONSON LEE, CHAMPION is an english dubbed edit of the first THE KARATE movie. It was released by Warner Bros. during the martial arts craze in the late 70's early 80's. I own the original, full-frame (it's cropping is criminal!) VHS in the clamshell packaging. It was a rental before I bought it, and it's on it's last legs. Tadashi Yama****a is an awesome, real-life karate master (and a practioner of many other styles too) that has rarely been given a chance to show what he can really do on film. This move is at times LOL silly due in large part to the horrific dubbing- Yama****a's character was raised in the US mid-west and speaks with a ridiculous southern drawl! But his face-pulling antics rival even my main man Sonny Chiba. Yama****a flickers his eyes, and sort of rolls them up into his head while he does the nunchaku, which makes him look like he's going into a seizure or something. But I have to admit that I still love this flick. He has an intense presence, and his on-screen fighting skills are definitely impressive. Unlike Chiba, Yama****a doesn't have an alternate side- a cool, gentlemen's mode. He always looks like he's about to destroy someone. His face always reminded me a bit of the Japanese demon masks! His main opponent in the film acts like a ferocious tiger-man (the way he bares his bottom teeth rivals even Lon Chaney Jr.'s Wolfman), and their scene in a dining room, where they unsuccessfully try to hold their tempers, is classic. I thought it was similar in quality and structure to the STREETFIGHTER flicks and have always hoped that it would get a subbed DVD release. Hell, I'd even buy a widescreen DVD of the dubbed version if Warner Bros. released it.

Hope this helps.

Karlos, did you say "I recently got my paws on The Karate 2 & 3"? Wow...

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a little treat

tadashi yama****a and the late great howard jackson in the magnificent 3 (which i believe has yasuaki kurata in it as well....would love to get this one)

very versatile martial artists here. some muay thai. phillipino arts...even some jkd dumogs goin down in this fight.


sorry hard to post the video

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Hey, JiuJitsu77!

Magnificent 3 is out here in the UK on a budget label - if you can't find it, pm me if you want a copy!

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I'm a big fan of Bronson Lee, Champion. I bought the big box vhs back in the mid 80's, made it one of my first vhs-to-dvd transfers, and then got teased with the Netflix OnDemand widescreen version (its freakin' gorgeous). Even though they tinkered with it, I'm a fan of the old school dubs and everything from the retitling to the faux-cowboy accent they give Yamashida adds to the fun. Still, I want to see the orig version too.

Needless to say as I got more cult film educated and found out it was part of a trilogy, I sought out the sequels and after years of searching got some unsubbed dvrs a year or two back that I haven't got around to watching. (hey, I'm busy)

Yamashida is very underrated. He holds his own in action scenes but lookswise he certainly doesn't have the mug to be a compelling action lead. Because of his roles in Gymkata, Sword of Heaven, American Ninja, etc, he's one of the few Japan to US 80's action crossover stars, a distinction he shares with with Sho Kosugi.

I'd love for BCI to pick the films up, so long as the transfers look like Sister Streetfighter and not the garbage Soul of Chiba discs.

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I thought the first movie, which I saw as Bronson Lee, was pretty good. The movies get progressively silly as the series goes on. Still, they'd be worth owning with subs. The way the movies are filmed is similar to the Street Fighter series. If you like Yama$hita (yeah, I'm spelling his name this way because of the overzealous spell checker on this board that is mucking up his name), he's also in Soul of Chiba.


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He was also in the Magnificent Three with Yasuaki Kurata, a film where they're fish out of water in the Dominican Republic. In this movie they get into it with sadistic prison guards, evil Mr.universe bodybuilders, American chicken-style kung fu experts, and assassins on rollerblades. They also team up with a chinese martial artist to kick all of their butts. All while the film seems to be a sales pitch to "please come to the Dominican Republic!!" Yeah.. I'd say all of Yama$hita's films are a bit weird.

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Thanks to one of you kung fu brothers I watched THE KARATE 2 the other night. No subs, but it didn't matter. It was great fun. I was surpised that it began with him in the same state he's in when the first film ends. ***No spoilers here*** The story starts right from the last one. There's some comedy, but it's actually pretty funny, not annoying like I find it most times. The comedy relief is provided by the same guy who played that part in the STREETFIGHTER films- "In karate you learn many lessons- like not to pick up a hot rock" (I'm quoting this line from memory so if I'm off a bit, sorry). There's plenty of action, both hand-to-hand and weapons stuff. Tadashi (damn those anti-obscenity blocker doo-hickeys) uses kama, a staff, tonfas, and even four pair of nunchaku... at the same time! The action looks a little sloppy, like they only had one take to do each movement. Kicks and punches sometimes miss by a mile, the camera work is a bit pedestrian, and there are some flighty bits of editing. But Tadashi for the most part looks powerful and like he's always giving his all. He's fast and versatile, and his weird look (I hate to say it, but he does look like a cross between Charles Bronson and Bruce Lee!) in conjunction with his crazy Lee like catcalls makes for an entertaining lead. Blood flies in the combat scenes, and the villains are unforgettable, ridiculous characters like in most '70's karate flicks. There's Bolo, as Karlos mentioned, playing Dracula the Fighter. A main bad guy with a fake hand (anyone ever seen this kind of thing in a movie before? Anyone...?)A crazy scar-faced white guy that dives through the air like a champion diver, to rip into his opponent's ribcages. And of course rolly polly karate master extroirdinaire Suzuki (who seems to always basically play himself). Speaking of which, in this movie, Tadashi's name is: Tadashi Yama$hita! I mean it's one thing for the goober US distributors of JC's films to dumb it down so we Americans could tell which one of these Asian people was "Jackie Chan" by giving him the same first name (insulting, codescending #@%!!!- Sorry, was I ranting about the treatment of HK cinema in US? It just happens sometimes...), but why did a Japanese production do that with a Japanese actor? Was he supposed to be portraying himself in the movie? Was Tadashi really raised in the deep south of the good ol' U S of A? Can you tell I'm getting tired? I only slept a few hours last night and I'm getting loopy.

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Thanks to one of you kung fu brothers I watched THE KARATE 2 the other night. No subs, but it didn't matter. It was great fun. I was surpised that it began with him in the same state he's in when the first film ends. ***No spoilers here*** The story starts right from the last one. There's some comedy, but it's actually pretty funny, not annoying like I find it most times. The comedy relief is provided by the same guy who played that part in the STREETFIGHTER films- "In karate you learn many lessons- like not to pick up a hot rock" (I'm quoting this line from memory so if I'm off a bit, sorry). There's plenty of action, both hand-to-hand and weapons stuff. Tadashi (damn those anti-obscenity blocker doo-hickeys) uses kama, a staff, tonfas, and even four pair of nunchaku... at the same time! The action looks a little sloppy, like they only had one take to do each movement. Kicks and punches sometimes miss by a mile, the camera work is a bit pedestrian, and there are some flighty bits of editing. But Tadashi for the most part looks powerful and like he's always giving his all. He's fast and versatile, and his weird look (I hate to say it, but he does look like a cross between Charles Bronson and Bruce Lee!) in conjunction with his crazy Lee like catcalls makes for an entertaining lead. Blood flies in the combat scenes, and the villains are unforgettable, ridiculous characters like in most '70's karate flicks. There's Bolo, as Karlos mentioned, playing Dracula the Fighter. A main bad guy with a fake hand (anyone ever seen this kind of thing in a movie before? Anyone...?)A crazy scar-faced white guy that dives through the air like a champion diver, to rip into his opponent's ribcages. And of course rolly polly karate master extroirdinaire Suzuki (who seems to always basically play himself). Speaking of which, in this movie, Tadashi's name is: Tadashi Yama$hita! I mean it's one thing for the goober US distributors of JC's films to dumb it down so we Americans could tell which one of these Asian people was "Jackie Chan" by giving him the same first name (insulting, codescending #@%!!!- Sorry, was I ranting about the treatment of HK cinema in US? It just happens sometimes...), but why did a Japanese production do that with a Japanese actor? Was he supposed to be portraying himself in the movie? Was Tadashi really raised in the deep south of the good ol' U S of A? Can you tell I'm getting tired? I only slept a few hours last night and I'm getting loopy.

I wonder if I spell Tadashi Yamacrapa if that'll be censored? :)

Yeah, he uses his name throughout the movie. Heck, doesn't he even wear a jacket with his last name written on the back? I think the movies must have been done as comedies, rather than serious blood thirsty angry exploitation flicks like the Street Fighter films.

I hope someone does eventually get the rights to distribute them in North America. I'm guessing the first one might have problems if Warner still owns the rights under the Bronson Lee name. Has it received a release in Japan on DVD?


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Yes, his name is on his gi top. I'm sure Warner Brothers still owns the rights, but I'm just as sure that this is at the bottom of their list of things to release on DVD. Just for the record: If they put out HOT POTATO before BRONSON LEE, CHAMPION or BLACK BELT JONES I'm going out to WBs with the chucks to set things right! LOL

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This thread inspired me to dig out my copies of 2&3 and watch them this weekend, and all I can say is, why did I wait so long?


Part two is hands down the best of the series, freaking fun from start to finish and packed with oddity and action. I mean, Bolo is the freaking villain for petes sake, so that alone merits a viewing. The third is the weakest but still moves at a brisk pace and is just so weird and colorful it isn't really a letdown.


No surprise, typical Japanese 70's karate flicks, so there are large doses of humor, pulpy comic book villainy, terrible clothing, and just plain mean, posturing, crazy-screech, and rigidly choreographed karate action. I disagree with Bob here on the action being "sloppy" and the camerawork "pedestrian." Most Toei films of this era were still pretty tight in comparison to B grade quickie flicks from other places and, while certainly having ultra-cheap spots, The Karate series are no lower in quality than, say, the Streetfighter flicks.


If you aren't into karate flicks form this era, The Karate trilogy certainly wont convert you. But if you are a fan, like me, these films are a great discovery of this small martial sub-genre. It would be great if someone could subtitle these suckers and give them a decent DVD release.

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SSKF- I'm glad you finally watched them and liked them. You are quite right about what I said. I was literally falling asleep as I wrote that post, and when I read your comments I thought "I said what?" What I meant to say was: On occasion the action looks a little sloppy, like they only had one take to do each movement. Kicks and punches sometimes miss by a mile, the camera work is a bit pedestrian, and there are some flighty bits of editing. But for the most part it's just right.

I actually love that ridiculous '70's style cinematography. It's only a disadvantage to the films once in a while. For instance, I could have used a few less shaky shots during the STREETFIGHTER movies. I actually want to see Chiba's skills, you know?

There were plenty of other mistakes (grammatically) in the post too. Not worth correcting though.

I agree that KARATE 3 wasn't as good as 2 which had action scene upon action scene, but was it still a ton of fun. To watch two movies without subs and not get bored or even fast forward once? Good stuff!

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bobo, karlos, morgoth and the gang....just going back to my first post almost a year ago.

thank you guys for being so friendly and making this spot a daily treat to go to

i was typing this thread as i was going through my karate phase (every year i revisit a movie "phase'...i think i have about 14 phases a year...this month it is taiwanese kf flicks)

well...thanks to karlos ive watched magnificent 3 about 20 times and loved it. thanks to bob...the hwang jang lee stuff (i am returning the favor....after i murder several UPS guys...kidding ups!)

needless to say i thank you all for your friendships. this place sure does beat mma.tv and sherdog...buncha meatheads

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Right back atcha, mate!!

If it wasn't for these flicks, I may never have been introduced to you and Kung Fu Bob, and for that I am hugely grateful!!

I would love to see the Karate trilogy re-mastered and released properly, as they are great, great films.

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I was hoping BCI/Brentwood would have gotten around to putting out all three, but that is not going to happen now. Maybe Cliff will bring it at his new company? I'm still hoping he'll put out Fight! Dragon with Kurata.

Yamashita does a nice job in the Soul of Chiba too! Sans moustache!

Here's a cool clip of him in action on youtube. At the 2 minute mark, there's what looks like a choreographed fight sequence with some guys in an alley. Is this from a movie? Or was it made for the instructional tape?



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Thanks for the clip, KungFuSamurai - I had no idea this doc ever even existed!!

Just watching it now made me realise it's a shame Yamashita-San didn't do more films!!

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bobo, karlos, morgoth and the gang....just going back to my first post almost a year ago.

thank you guys for being so friendly and making this spot a daily treat to go to

well...thanks to karlos ive watched magnificent 3 about 20 times and loved it. thanks to bob...the hwang jang lee stuff (i am returning the favor....after i murder several UPS guys...kidding ups!)

needless to say i thank you all for your friendships. this place sure does beat mma.tv and sherdog...buncha meatheads

Hey JJ, time flies huh? I'm really happy to count you and Karlos among my friends. This site has been fantastic for meeting people, doing trades, reading and sharing info, and having fun.

I just watched MAGNIFICENT 3- also courteous of Karlos- last night for the first time. Damn! That was great. Thanks for sharing that with me brother! :D

Right back atcha, mate!!

If it wasn't for these flicks, I may never have been introduced to you and Kung Fu Bob, and for that I am hugely grateful!!

I would love to see the Karate trilogy re-mastered and released properly, as they are great, great films.

Yes, that would be a great 3 disc set wouldn't it? :)

I was hoping BCI/Brentwood would have gotten around to putting out all three, but that is not going to happen now. Maybe Cliff will bring it at his new company? I'm still hoping he'll put out Fight! Dragon with Kurata.

Yamashita does a nice job in the Soul of Chiba too! Sans moustache!

Here's a cool clip of him in action on youtube. At the 2 minute mark, there's what looks like a choreographed fight sequence with some guys in an alley. Is this from a movie? Or was it made for the instructional tape?


I was looking forward to that series too. Cliff surely took care of us when he could. I'll cherish the awesome DVDs he helped put out as an important piece of my collection. I hope he's doing okay now.

SOUL OF CHIBA is one of my favorite bad movies. Chiba-san and Bronson Lee together?! The "monkey fighters" sequence alone is worth the price of addmission!

KFS- thanks for posting that clip. Very cool! I didn't recognize the alley fight from any of his films that I've seen.

Thanks for the clip, KungFuSamurai - I had no idea this doc ever even existed!!

Just watching it now made me realise it's a shame Yamashita-San didn't do more films!!

I'll second that!

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WOW!! A year already since I met you guys on here - time sure does fly!!

Glad you dug Magnificent 3, KFBob! A LOT of crazy fun, isn't it?!

There are some awesome clips of Yamashita-San in action on YouTube - his nunchuck demos are incredible!!!

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There are some awesome clips of Yamashita-San in action on YouTube - his nunchuck demos are incredible!!!

In that clip I posted, there was one section where it shows him delivering karate chops onto a set of three apples on a samurai sword blade! Yamashita is half phenom, half crazy, I think! :)


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