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Challenge of Death (1978)

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Morgoth Bauglir

Yeah I agree. Chang Yi ws just amazing in Phantom KF, and the directing was definitely a huge part of it. I have Bellof of Death but I've never seen it. I'm gonna have to check it out soon.

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Morgoth Bauglir

Hey Tosh I just watched Bells of death. Great movie. I loved pretty much everything about it. And great performance from Chang Yi, the best performance I have seen from him in a movie where he plays a good guy (though i have only seen like 5 of those).

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I really like Challenge of Death alot, but since this thread has become about Chang Yi, I must get in on it. Chang Yi is absolutely fantastic is every single film he's in, but the films I love him best in are, in no particular order: Eagles Claw, Phantom Kung Fu (I'm sorry, I love this film--this is one of the few films that, after I watched it for the first time I immediately started it over from the beginning to watch it again), and Shaolin Kung Fu Mystagogue. I had a hard time getting into Mystagogue at first (mostly because of the crappy copy I had at the time) but it was his performance that really drew me into it--what a character he plays, I think this is Chang Yi at his most despicable--and the way he handles those bloody birds, it's hard to believe that it's not real! I also loved him in The Bells of Death, but I really enjoy him more as a villain. Another great role: Shaolin Iron Claws--he's only in it for like ten minutes, but it's so worth it for that final fight scene at the end. Also, Seven Commandments of Kung Fu...I really can't get enough of Chang Yi.

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Morgoth Bauglir

haha! I totally agree. When I first got Phantom KF I watched it at least 3 times in 3 days, and many more times after that. And he is great in Shaolin Iron Claws. I didn't like that movie very much, but the final fight with Chang Yi doesn't disappoint. What about Shaolin Traitor (not "Traitorous")? i loved the way he would laugh and cry at the same time. Such a great actor! I agree you can't get enough of Chang Yi :D

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Morgoth, I haven't seen Shaolin Traitor yet, but I've seen a trailer for it and it looks like a blast. (Traitorous is probably my least favorite Chang Yi film--he's really hard to like in that one).

ps--I like your quote--what movie is that from?

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Morgoth Bauglir

Oh man!! I thought Traitorous was the most badass Chang Yi has ever been. He even scared me a bit he was so good in that role! I think a lot of people like that movie a lot, but I thought it was just a little above average, nothing too special. But the directing job is good for a fu flick. And the quote in my sig is from The Leg Fighters. In the English dub Peng Kong says that line after his brother dies. He plays the white haired villain Bang Pa (and he also plays Bang Pa's brother who fights with Dorian Tan at the start of the movie). Can't get enough of Peng Kong either :D

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Phantom Kung Fu (I'm sorry, I love this film--this is one of the few films that, after I watched it for the first time I immediately started it over from the beginning to watch it again)

You are officially the coolest girl I knowXD

Glad you liked Bells of Death Morgoth, it's one of my favorites. I really liked Traitorous to, Sammo and Yi as villains!!! I really liked the formation fight with the drums to, I need to check that one out again.

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I'll have to give Traitorous another chance then--it's been a while since I've seen it and it's sounding better than I remember.

Morgoth, I've seen the Leg Fighters and don't remember that line at all--another film I'll have to revisit!

Tosh--Thank You!!!

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