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Did Bruce Lee appear in any if Shaw movies?


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That seems entirely reasonable. The man had just died and Chow thought he could spare Linda the embarassment of the press finding out Bruce was having an affair (and may have been making love with Ting Pei when he died). That's hardly suspicious in my book.

Chow wasn't in marriage guideance. Many friends do things that they might not approve of. It wasn't Chow's business. Of course he could've been trying to protect Bruce's rep as much as his wife's.

You're putting 2+2 together and coming up with 5. The events as recorded may not be exactly true (when is truth ever absolute?) but that doesn't spell M-U-R-D-E-R.

Dude... Chow introduced Ting Pei to Lee for the simple notion of creating a little distraction to his professional, and private life. Linda was Bruce's sounding board on his career making decisions, and after he began to get more involved with Ting Pei, Linda was pushed aside. Chow began to take his advantage... Just as he created the heat between Lo Wei and Bruce. You cannot see this, you aren't really a follower on these matters. It's obvious. I ain't mad at ya.

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Guest Markgway

You say Bruce was very strong willed and then you say that Raymond Chow virtually pushed him into porking Ting Pei?

Make up your mind.

And why would you be mad at me? You've no more first hand experience of what happened than I do. I don't see this as anything personal. It's tragic what happened but it's not like I knew the man.

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You say Bruce was very strong willed and then you say that Raymond Chow virtually pushed him into porking Ting Pei?

Make up your mind.

And why would you be mad at me? You've no more first hand experience of what happened than I do. I don't see this as anything personal. It's tragic what happened but it's not like I knew the man.

Did you not read my statement, I ain't mad at ya? We're having a discussion, here. No anger is with me. I enjoy the reciprocity in conversing, sharing, and exchanging points of view, as well as facts/speculation. :)

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Killer Meteor
You say Bruce was very strong willed and then you say that Raymond Chow virtually pushed him into porking Ting Pei?

Make up your mind.

And why would you be mad at me? You've no more first hand experience of what happened than I do. I don't see this as anything personal. It's tragic what happened but it's not like I knew the man.

Betty Ting Pei...never understood the appeal.

Nora Miao on the other hand....

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Guest Markgway
Did you not read my statement, I ain't mad at ya? We're having a discussion, here. No anger is with me.

I know what you meant. But what I'm saying is why did you feel the need to qualify it? As though you might have been angry with me - but aren't. You have your opinion and I have mine - that's fair enough. Neither of us is absolutely right or wrong. Truth is we'll never know EXACTLY what happened.

And yeah, Miaow @ Miao. :kiss:

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i share the same viewpoint as The Dragon on this subject, the whole equagesic reason for him passing away is bullshit, here's why the medication bruce was taking for his back pain was basically the same meds he took for his headache at betty's in hk !!.

shortly before Bruce passed away, Bruce hit or pushed Raymond Chow hard over a couch, Ngan Jai was there to witness this and Bruce told Robert Lee about it too. Bruce had many problems in HK and wanted out. Bruce was very paranoid about people putting something in his food and drink in the last three months of his life. Have you seen pictures of Bruce on the set of Enter holding a metal cup he drinks out of? One day, Ahna Capri saw a stuntman near Bruce's cup and Bruce freaked out screaming at the kid. The kid was fired. Bruce obviously had worries about something. It goes on and on.

before getting into the entertainment industry raymond chow worked for the taiwanese government as an equivalent to a CIA agent, or at least he had that status.

consider this that bruce was slowly being poisoned by someone who has access to you and what you eat, drink or wear. Sounds plausible to me. Lets just say that all his symptoms cover an exposure to chemicals found in pesticides.

think on this for a moment that bruce was being poisoned little by little and it was building up in his system. We have heard it many times in how someone close to an individual who passed away under strange circumstances was being actually poisoned in there food every day, making them sick, hence the weight loss over time, etc. Wives and husbands and even lovers, good friends, business partners are arrested for that kind of thing every day. Many of Bruce Lee's symptoms can be traced to certain chemicals found in plant killer.

when Bruce was first pronounced dead Linda asked Betty Ting Pei if she can back up the story that Bruce died at home. It was only after the fact that Linda had Bruce's stuntmen over and they had a banquet to celebrate the life of Bruce Lee. All the guys were saying how Bruce was murdered and then Linda got mad and told the stuntmen in a hysterical voice, if I do not want to know how he really died, then why should you, something like that. This can be backed up by Robert Lee, Peter Lee, Wu Ngan.

something else of interest is Nancy Kwan the actress had a friend who did the investigation into what happened to Bruce and he claims there was one shoe missing and the other could not be found in the apartment, which made some believe that Bruce was taken to her flat with one shoe. The shoe was never found.

according to Dr Peter Wu bruce's use of hashish was the only possible reason for his may 10th collapse and subsequently told bruce to stop using it, now consider this bruce was doing cannabis & or hashish in any form since the late 60’s and obviously knew his limitations. He was also eating hashish brownies, so he knew the outcome of that form of use aswell.

There has not been one professional doctor that is the head of any department here in the U.S. or European countries that claim Bruce’s death was related to any drugs relating to the ones mentioned above. That does not mean that any certain foreign substance / chemical could have been added to what Bruce ingested without his knowledge. People take drugs all the time that have been laced with another foreign substance that gives them a reaction and the end result is either death or bad reaction that leaves them in the hospital emergency room. Lets just remember that Bruce was only sick in Hong Kong and not here in the U.S.. He almost dies once and came here for a check up to the top doctor of neurology at UCLA, he happened to be Paul Heller’s doctor, the producer of ETD. They found no cause for Bruce’s almost passing a month previous when he was editing. I am sorry, but if you go into a coma and almost die and are very sick, and for a week can’t talk, or talk with a slur like you had a stroke, then when you come back to the States to be checked out by a top doctor and have numerous test and blood tests on top of that, and there is nothing found, then that means something is happening to you in the other place you live. If the cause of you passing out and almost passing away is serious then for sure they would have found something physically wrong with Bruce here at the top clinic located at UCLA at that time.

the reason(s) for wanting bruce lee dead ?

if Bruce was going to leave then someone must of felt that he was probably worth more dead than alive to them.

David Tadman interviewed two police officers who were on the force at that time and they say cover up for sure. Also, Sammo Hung, Jackie Chan, Yuen Wah and many others will tell you behind the scenes that foul play was about. Even George Lee will tell you in the last month before Bruce passed away, Bruce told him HK was getting bad and he had to leave as soon as he could.

Bruce ingested a poison and he reacted as such. Sweats, headache, vomiting, ending with the result of a congestive rectum and nasal airways, all points to poison, poisons like pesticides, etc. Back in the 70's pesticides were being used all the time on farms for vegetation and it would have been easy to get at high doses none diluted and poison someone slowly.

these are my notes taken from answers given by david tadman a few years ago.

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Excellent, JKL. I couldn't have written it better. :)

Betty Ting Pei...never understood the appeal.

There were far many more lovelies than she. Especially over at The Shaws... Or was that off limits?

According to Davis Miller, and George Tan, word was Betty had a special sexual "talent" and Lee was gaining an education out of the deal. He wasn't the most experienced guy supposedly, and she was rather "worldly" in this dept. Both writers were supposed to reveal the sources in projected future publications, however, they never came to fruition. Better all the same I guess.

...anybody got Betty's address? :D

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Killer Meteor
Excellent, JKL. I couldn't have written it better. :)

According to Davis Miller, and George Tan, word was Betty had a special sexual "talent" and Lee was gaining an education out of the deal. He wasn't the most experienced guy supposedly, and she was rather "worldly" in this dept. Both writers were supposed to reveal the sources in projected future publications, however, they never came to fruition. Better all the same I guess.

...anybody got Betty's address? :D

A man with a wife and two children isn't "experienced" enough? How much experience does a man need? Unless he has a limit of Klaus Kinski proportions

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A man with a wife and two children isn't "experienced" enough? How much experience does a man need? Unless he has a limit of Klaus Kinski proportions

Well, yes he was cheating.... and before Linda, he wasn't very experienced, supposedly.:l

I am not supporting what he was doing, simply speaking about the happenings.

...and I'm still looking for Betty's address.


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Chinatown Kid

Damn if I was going to cheat on my wife she would have to be a helluva lot better looking woman than Ting Pei, someone like Nora Miao or Shih Szu yeah. Linda was no beauty but Bruce had gorgeous woman throwing theirselves at him. Sterling Silliphant claimed Bruce told him that he had got it on with two beautiful woman the night before after Silliphant had turned Bruce's invitation to go out with them. Bruce might have been more premiscuious than people know and Betty might not have been the only one. If the man had sired two children I don't see how much of more of an education she could have gave him unless your talking about she gave him oral or something he wasn't getting from Linda. Worst thing Bruce could have done was get mixed up with her(then again maybe that's what he liked about her), she had a reputation for being a whore and a dope head. Tom Bleeker claimed Bruce's steroid use activated his libido which before because of Bruce's undecended testcle, had been a non factor in his life. If Bruce was on steroids he looked mighty scrawny, the most he ever weighed was 145-150, in his last days he was in the 120's.

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Chinatown Kid

Wow, the man was anorexic material then. That had to come from just not eating, I don't know where he got the energy for his fight scenes. It was sad seeing Bruce that frail, he looked his best in Big Boss and Fist of Fury. If he was poisoned maybe that's what effected his appetite?

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Guest Markgway

It's true he looked like a skeleton in the last scenes he shot for Enter (with Sammo).

If someone was being paid to poison Bruce then who better than Ting Pei? Not saying I believe it... just throwing that out there...

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If someone was being paid to poison Bruce then who better than Ting Pei? Not saying I believe it... just throwing that out there...

how about the guy who bruce was getting his vitamins and other questionable drugs from....

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Chinatown Kid
how about the guy who bruce was getting his vitamins and other questionable drugs from....

Are you talking about Bob Baker? Bleeker claimed Baker was Bruce's drug connection. He was in HK when Bruce died.

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Are you talking about Bob Baker? Bleeker claimed Baker was Bruce's drug connection. He was in HK when Bruce died.


Critical to the unfolding of Bruce’s life story is a man named Bobby Baker. Originally out of Stockton, California, Baker was cast as the Russian heavy in Fist of Fury. Prior to Baker’s appearance in Lee’s second film it would appear from all accounts that the two men were practically strangers. None of Bruce’s friends and students ever heard of Baker, and unlike appearances in Bruce’s subsequent films by known martial arts champions like Chuck Norris and Bob Wall, prior to his appearance in Fist of Fury, Baker was relatively unknown to the martial arts community.

The truth is that Lee’s employment of Baker had nothing to do with Baker’s acting ability or his martial arts skills. Although Baker did not appear in any of Bruce’s three subsequent films, according to Linda Lee, right up to the time of her husband’s death, Baker was the man responsible for bringing assorted drug contraband into Hong Kong to support Bruce’s habits. Curiously Baker was in Hong Kong in late July 1973 on the evening Bruce Lee died.

I don't quite agree with everything in this book, but it is certainly interesting.

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sorry but i did not mean bob baker, bruce was getting his vitamins and other herbal delights from a herbalist in HK, i'm sure it's perfectly feasible for bruce's supplier to have given him tainted goods so to speak.

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... bruce was getting his vitamins and other herbal delights from a herbalist in HK...

In that sense, it would be quite easy to slip him a mickey. One thing's certain, with his rapid weight loss, no one ever stated he stopped eating... so something was wrong with his system. A slow, poisonous, death? Very highly possible.

and as I said earlier, Chow was present both on May 5th and July 20th.

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Guest Markgway

Is it possible that he was anorexic and that this contributed to his ill health?

He was extremely thin by the end of the ETD shooting and had virtually no body fat.


"Anorexia Nervosa is a psychiatric diagnosis that describes an eating disorder characterized by low body weight and body image distortion with an obsessive fear of gaining weight. Individuals with anorexia are known to commonly control body weight through the means of voluntary starvation, purging, vomiting, excessive exercise, or other weight control measures, such as diet pills or diuretic drugs. It primarily affects adolescent females, however approximately 10% of people with the diagnosis are male[1]. Anorexia nervosa is a complex condition, that eventually, in most cases leads to death, involving neurobiological, psychological, and sociological components.[2]"

"Changes in brain structure and function are early signs of the condition. Enlargement of the ventricles of the brain is thought to be associated with starvation, and is partially reversed when normal weight is regained.[5] Anorexia is also linked to reduced blood flow in the temporal lobes, although since this finding does not correlate with current weight, it is possible that it is a risk trait rather than an effect of starvation"

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Ahh yes.. It's bout that time of the year when we have a bruce lee thread end up becoming an expo of conspiracy theories.

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Is it possible that he was anorexic and that this contributed to his ill health?

He was extremely thin by the end of the ETD shooting and had virtually no body fat.

Not really, he achieved the low body fat with diurectics. He was obsessive with those as well. Once he was shown by Joe Lewis the effects they have on producing streamlined appearance, Lee was hooked. He used them since the late '60's. However, whatever caused his weight loss, he didn't really need to continue with the supplements at that time because he was placing the body in danger, even crisis.

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