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Fist of Legend (DVD - Dragon Dynasty)


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Even though I don't like those guys, I have to say the original English dub is better than the Dimension dub. For one thing, it has the original music and second, unlike the Dimension English dub, it doesn't dumb down the script to a near retarded level. The Dimension dub takes away some of the political dialog that is said here and there which acknowledges more of the situation of the Japanese occupation instead of just "bad guys" and "good guys".


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I told you people were going to be disappointed. :(

This movie should be re-released by a HK company or at least a company overseas so we may get the proper version. My old VHS has the version in Mandarin, un-cut, with the original poster art on the cover.

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My friend and I always say "give me some face" in honor of the VHS version of FoL, so I'm sad to see that Chinglish subtitle go, but I'll be picking this up for sure. I also love the "there is no guarantee for misfire" line!

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I told you people were going to be disappointed. :(

This movie should be re-released by a HK company or at least a company overseas so we may get the proper version. My old VHS has the version in Mandarin, un-cut, with the original poster art on the cover.

Why do you mock us mighty Dragon? Why???????????:o

I would love to see the "original poster art" for FoL. I don't think I have. Can anyone post it? :D

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thundered mantis

By reading all the comments there´s still one thing I don´t have clear. Is there ANY audio option without 5.1 enhancements in the fighting sequences?

I can live up with bird chipping, but I won´t take any wooshing sound nor any kick sound suddenly coming exclusively to my left ear, nor any fall sounding like an A Bomb. I don´t even have a 5.1 system, but my telly still manages to mimic the 5.1 sounds enough to put me completely off. No more stuff ala Warriors Two by HKL for me!

Is that the case with DD´s FOL?

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Killer Meteor

Call me bonkers but I've always liked the stereotypical "Oriental" music of the Dimension version. Nowhere near as brilliant as the Joseph Kuo music but it has its charms

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Guest Yi-Long
Call me bonkers but I've always liked the stereotypical "Oriental" music of the Dimension version. Nowhere near as brilliant as the Joseph Kuo music but it has its charms

You're bonkers!

It's still hard for me to grasp how they could have messed this up.

It really isnt much we are asking: original mono, uncut! Geez(!) Idiots...

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Guest Yi-Long
I know. I keep emailing em and all I get is "Oh Brian White works VERY hard etc"


He should have obtained the original mono, and cleaned up the taiwanese cut, and as far as I'm concerned, that's all the release needs!

Other companies are able to restore foreign classics from 30 years back orso in pristine condition and with the original sound etc etc... and these hobo's cant even properly release a movie from '94 which they have kept us waiting for for almost 14 years orso(!)

The problem is that they think that we NEED a remix, or that we dont want the longer cut, or that we want to wait an extra 3 years for some extras...

We just want the uncut movie with proper subs and the original soundtrack in mono. Cant be THAT hard, can it!? Who cares if the videoquality is the best ever if the scenes are ruined by added soundeffects and such!?

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The Running Man

I don't know why anyone is calling the music in the Dimension version stereotypically oriental. It sounds more like someone was doing a Asian version of a Conan the Barbarian theme. It's horrible.

What makes it even worse is that it's all so cheap because if you notice, the entire score pretty much consists of just that one song. I'm not kidding! Pretty much the whole film just plays that song when music shows up in the movie. I know for a fact that every fight with music in it plays that exact same song over and over again. It's a pathetic attempt in every way.

Charming? About as charming as a retarded kid wiping his ass.

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What is drastically wrong with this new release? some of you are talking like its a real crap release, from what ive read it sounds good to me, not perfect but not many dvds are.:mad:

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What is drastically wrong with this new release? some of you are talking like its a real crap release, from what ive read it sounds good to me, not perfect but not many dvds are.:mad:

some are fuxing technowankers who look with magnifying glass every tiny detail and more interested of complaining minor technical faults than enjoying movie.

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some are fuxing technowankers who look with magnifying glass every tiny detail and more interested of complaining minor technical faults than enjoying movie.

"technowankers". What a term.

Anyway, leaving the movie as originally released isn't too much to ask.

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Killer Meteor
some are fuxing technowankers who look with magnifying glass every tiny detail and more interested of complaining minor technical faults than enjoying movie.

What an immature comment!

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Guest Yi-Long
some are fuxing technowankers who look with magnifying glass every tiny detail and more interested of complaining minor technical faults than enjoying movie.

That's just nonsense. I dont even care if the videoimage is 'perfect' or whatever.

I care about the movie being uncut, and just having original mono so the dumb-ass new soundeffects etc annoy you while watching the movie.

How is that 'demanding'!?

Those are pretty much a 'must' when you try to release a movie properly.

I dont care about the extras, or the Bey Logan commentary or whatever. They're a nice 'extra', but when they screw up with their main mission, which is releasing this movie as it should have been released a long LONG LONGGGGGGGGggggggggggggggg time ago, then I'm just not interested anymore.

Uncut, original mono, decent subs, decent videoquality. That's IT. How f-ing hard is that!?

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I see your point Yi-Long buts its hardly a screw up release.

We agree its not perfect but i will enjoy watching it and not wait another 10 years for another release which may not have "errors" on it.

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Killer Meteor

It sounds OK, though it could have been excellent very easily. I'll check my MIHK tape to see if this bird foley is a false alarm. I think Tai Chi Master (now that was an awful DVD!) can get you a bit paranoid.

I do wonder, if this is remixed as TCM was, where the hell is DD getting these audio tracks from???

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Can I get rid of my Mei-Ah VCD if I own the Dragon Dynasty version as it occupying my dvd space?

DVDpacific still has not dispatched my copy of DD FOL :(

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It's still hard for me to grasp how they could have messed this up.

It really isnt much we are asking: original mono, uncut! Geez(!) Idiots...

Well as I stated earlier, I knew they'd screw this up. This is the essential release MA Film fans have been awaiting and they do this. There has got to be a better way to get the films you want without American companies involved. They have no consideration as to why these films are popular in the first place....

We're talking 30yrs later, and these are the same numbskulls who gave us David Carradine over casting Bruce Lee for Kung Fu, the T.V. series.


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Guest Yi-Long

Well as I stated earlier, I knew they'd screw this up. This is the essential release MA Film fans have been awaiting and they do this. There has got to be a better way to get the films you want without American companies involved. They have no consideration as to why these films are popular in the first place....

We're talking 30yrs later, and these are the same numbskulls who gave us David Carradine over casting Bruce Lee for Kung Fu, the T.V. series.


Ow. I've been pessimistic from the very beginning as well...

And once again, Dragon Dynasty hasnt failed to disappoint. They just dont 'get' it. And why would they 'get' it. The disk will still sell truckloads.

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Killer Meteor

Well as I stated earlier, I knew they'd screw this up. This is the essential release MA Film fans have been awaiting and they do this. There has got to be a better way to get the films you want without American companies involved. They have no consideration as to why these films are popular in the first place....

We're talking 30yrs later, and these are the same numbskulls who gave us David Carradine over casting Bruce Lee for Kung Fu, the T.V. series.


Actually, British and Hong Kong companies screw up the DVDs just as much! Seems its only the French who do it right

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Morgoth Bauglir
I see your point Yi-Long buts its hardly a screw up release.

We agree its not perfect but i will enjoy watching it and not wait another 10 years for another release which may not have "errors" on it.

I agree. The only major problem I can see here is some annoying bird chirping in one scene on one of the language tracks. I can't wait to replace my Dimension version!

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Chinatown Kid
Actually, British and Hong Kong companies screw up the DVDs just as much! Seems its only the French who do it right

Yeah they do seem to release alot of things uncut, like my uncut version of Run and Kill. I do think all releases should be uncut and shown the way the filmmakers intended it to be as that's staying true to the artistic integrity of the film. Those German releases are bad for being cut up, especially the violent scenes.

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