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Fist of Legend (DVD - Dragon Dynasty)


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Morgoth Bauglir
Yeah Dragon, I'm trippin' all right. Trippin' right into Best Buy tonight to pick up one of the top 25 kung fu films of all time! :angel:

I finally got it. XD

Yesssss...my precious....

Now, here's hoping it doesn't have any weird, stuttering picture garbage going on like the DD's TAI CHI MASTER disc.

You are luckier than me. I couldn't find it anywhere!

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Guest Yi-Long

- Is it uncut? Which cut?

- How's the soundtrack? original?

- Original soundeffects or lame new soundeffects?

- How are the subs?

- Any weird transitions or different aspect-ratio or something!?

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Hey Bob your about to be put in the Iron Maiden or watch out for the Flying Guillotine if you don't give some detailed info on this movie...:o

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While we eagerly wait for Kung Fu Bob's dvd review. This website reviews it.


Seems like this version has Cantonese and Mandarin sound but the review does not say whether it is mono or stereo and contains the deleted scenes from the Taiwan DVD. Also the subtitles are a good translation. Shame they did not remaster the deleted scenes.

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That review's quite lacking.

Agreed. It seems like only the forums provide a detailed description.

There's 6 deleted scenes, the one that could be missing is of the soldiers pausing for a few seconds before entering the dojo after someone is killed at the end. I wonder if they're progressive.

Glad there's no Chinglisms, but I'll wait for a full review.

Good to know the original trailer is here this time.

5.1 English annoys me, I wish they got the original dub in mono too as I hate the Dimension version.

Colours are most likely good, but maybe the gamma levels are a bit iffy.

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- Is it uncut? Which cut?

- How's the soundtrack? original?

- Original soundeffects or lame new soundeffects?

- How are the subs?

- Any weird transitions or different aspect-ratio or something!?

Okay, sorry about the wait. But, you've got to understand where I'm coming from. Aren't any of you guys out there "family men"? It's not all fun and games kids. :(

Now if I were a bachelor, I would probably have been watching FIST OF LEGEND on the state-of-the-art DVD player in my brand new Porshce on the way home from Best Buy! XD

But I'm not. The reality is- no porshce, no in-car DVD player. The lawn needed cutting, art had to be done, more school clothes had to be bought, the screen door had to be fixed, we ate dinner together, and since it's the weekend, everyone stays up late, et. :S So FIST OF LEGEND didn't even get opened until 2:00 in the morning after everyone else was sleeping! Believe me, I was dying to watch it, and I didn't want to leave you guys hanging. Just had to do what had to be done. :P

So, I was only able to stay awake for an hour of the film before my head started caving in from extreme sleepiness. But here's my report fellas.

The 16X9 picture image looks fantastic. IMO the previous US release had really overblown the colors, and was a little bit over-matted. This looks much better, and I didn't see any of the crazy artifacting/ stuttering image garbage that plagued DD's TAI CHI MASTER release. I wasn't happy to see that the original title credits (plain black background with red lettering) were replaced with the new, fancy (barf) US produced credits sequence. A small price to pay for a decent DVD of one of my all time favorites. But... can't they just leave the freakin' movie the way it's supposed to be? There's something cheesy about their new ones, with the drifting smoke, that just doesn't fit the tone of the film. The original stark credits, with that great music playing over them led you into the film proper, the way I think it should be. At least they kept the original music!

It appears to be the same cut/version of the film that was previously released on DVD by Dimension, and on VHS by Tai Seng. The scenes that were integrated into the film on the Thakral/Ritek DVD, appear as "deleted scenes" (imbedded subs, not remastered) on this set.

The subtitles were fairly well done. Twice I thought they disappeared a little too fast, but nothing major. They're clear, and grammatically sound. But I didn't like some of the choices they made. Here's some examples from the scene where the Japanese students attack the Jing Wu school:

Ritek DVD

Inspector: You both have injuries, I think this should be even out.

Dragon Dynasty

Inspector: Nobody's injured; I say let it go

This makes no sense as there are sword-sliced, and bloodied students (on both sides) standing in this very shot!

Ritek DVD

Student: Old man, I don't believe you dare to shoot me.

Inspector: Yes, I am not. But there is no guarantee for a miss fire.

Dragon Dynasty

Student: Old man, I dare you to shoot me.

Inspector: I would dare, but I am afraid the gun would misfire.

I can't believe they screwed up this funny line of dialogue- again! It should read: I wouldn't dare. But I am afraid the gun might misfire.

Ritek DVD

Inspector (to lead Karate student): Give me some face.

Student: I don't know what face is.

Dragon Dynasty

Inspector (to lead Karate student): Sakamoto, would you like to take my suggestion?

Student: Ah, you don't matter.

Again, though the grammar is poor, the Ritek version's subs seem much more true to the original dialogue.

The audio includes: Cantonese- which I preferred, because Japanese is spoken by the Japanese characters, and it seemed the Chinese voice actors fit the screen actors better. BUT, it has the crazy extra bird chirping sound FX! What's with the "bird obsession" among the people remastering audio on kung fu movies? Even during Chen Zhen and Tianjen's duel there was this distracting, over-done avian nonsense going on. The Mandarin track sounded a little tinny to me, and features every character speaking it even when it's supposed to be Japanese being spoken. But it DID NOT have the added "bird FX". And last, and certainly least, the stupid English dub from the previous US release is included (also without the "bird FX"). I'm sorry to say, I can't tell you what the audio tracks are exactly. I've recently disconnected my sound system to do some work in the room, and the DVD player's "details" screen would only say that each track was "Dolby Digital". The DD case's info says:

Languages: English Stereo, Cantonese Stereo, Japanese Stereo

Japanese Stereo? Huh? :o NOT!

I only listened to a snippet of Bey Logan's commentary, but he sounded as excited about this DVD release as we are. ;)

The next time I get a free minute (warning you now- it could be a month down the road!) I'll watch the rest of the movie and check out the special features. The interviews look like they will be good. But I'm most excited about a feature called "The School of Hard Knocks"- A screen fighting seminar at the celebrated Kurata action school. That sounds very cool!:D

So what we have here... is a failure... to communicate.

DD gets it really close to what these releases should be, and I've been pretty happy with their stuff. But... Well, you guys know what I was going to say. :angel:

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Guest Yi-Long

Thanks alot Bob. :) That clears alot of stuff up.

Guess I wont be buying this. I already noticed that this isnt the cut I've seen before and am used to (The Siren VHS apparently had the longer Taiwan cut), and I feel those scenes really added to the movie so I consider this version 'cut'. I'm sure 'technically' it's not, but for ME, it's cut. I prefer those scenes in.

Also, you say they once again added extra sounds in there that have no business being there, so that's a real shame. I honestly have no idea why they keep making that mistake over and over again, but TBH the people making that decision should be shot!

Otherwise it seems like a nice release... but personally, for me... it's once again a disappointment.

How hard is it to get it right!? Just the uncut version with original mono... -sigh- :cry:

Bunch of F-ing amateurs.

Maybe in 15 years time we'll get a proper Blu-ray release. :quiet:

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I couldn't agree more. Well, except for the "shooting them" part. I'm sure a good talking to and a time-out would solve the problem.

Then... if that didn't work... "Ka-chink" :)

I've read a few people's comments that the extra scenes are no big deal. But I really thought they added to the film's character strength and narrative.

The picture looks amazing, and it's subbed at least. But I'll be holding on to my Ritek (Taiwanese DVD) version too. :angel:

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5.1 remix for some bird virus? Good god, why in this day in age? Everybody waited what, 14 years for a definitive version and they basically rehashed the Dimension Video save boosting the picture and fixing the dubtitles? Thanks Bob for the mini-review. I will pass on this.

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I recall the Ritek DVD having music during Ting Yan VS Chen Jun match, but the Cantonese didn't (and may have had foley effects). I recommend comparing the alleged affected track with something original to be sure.

Shame about replaced credit sequence :(...

Just to note, Dimension cut the final scene showing the aftermath of Jing Mo School.

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Thanks Bob,

I shall be buying this, it is the uncut HK release so fine by me, the extra scenes are good at least there on the disc as an extra.

Annoying about the bird noises but i think this is worth buying for the superior picture quality, original language (subbed) and cool extras.;)

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Chinatown Kid

Well I'm glad I did order it, I might as well enjoy what's available now because you never know if you'll be around to enjoy the next version that's released. Can't wait to see those extra's, especially the one on Kurata's school!

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Chen lung, I just checked, and you were right about the music.

The Ritek and DD Mandarin tracks have full music throughout this fight- and as I peviously stated, no birds that I could hear whatsoever.

The DD Cantonese track has the same musical stings and stuff, right up to the point where Jet gets knocked down onto his back, does a kip back into a kneeling position, and the students start talking more trash about "the Japanese" and Chen Zhen gets mad. At this point on in the others, the FoL theme music starts kicking in, but not on the Cantonese track. This is weird because the scene really falls flat without that music. But the freaking birds are just madly chirping away during the whole fight and it really detracts from the tension and drama between these two battling brothers.

So still, this DVD has the cool original music (on some audio tracks). Where the original US release had some lame rescore.

I'm still glad I got it. But I'm a little frustrated. I've been wanting to watch this one with my son, but kept putting it off. I thought- if I show him the Ritek one, it's uncut, but the subtitling is kinda lame and the picture quality is subpar. If I show him the Dimension one, it's got better pic quality, but the dubbing sucks. BTW, he preferrs subtitles! That's my boy. So I've been waiting for this "Ultimate Edition" to finally watch it together, and it's... well, not ultimate. You know? :S

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Uncut? Bob said this was the same as the Dimension release(which is cut). Unless im missing something?

Thanks Bob,

I shall be buying this, it is the uncut HK release so fine by me, the extra scenes are good at least there on the disc as an extra.

Annoying about the bird noises but i think this is worth buying for the superior picture quality, original language (subbed) and cool extras.;)

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Oldeschool, I think David means that other than the last Jing Wu shot, this is the same cut as the HK version.

Unless there was more missing in the Dimension version than I reall?

I only watched that version twice. One in the movie theater (Hey, it was still FoL Oon the big screen!), and once at home on DVD. I usually watch the Ritek version, even when I just watch the action.

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Unless there was more missing in the Dimension version than I reall?

Nope, just that scene :).

But the freaking birds are just madly chirping away during the whole fight and it really detracts from the tension and drama between these two battling brothers.

So thankfully, it's not newly remixed, just reminiscent of Celestial's crap :).

So still, this DVD has the cool original music (on some audio tracks). Where the original US release had some lame rescore.

I just found the US score so 'chop socky' and lame. The original had orchestra instruments and everything. I would have preferred the original English dub that features on an Indian VCD and Spanish DVD. I found the Dimension dub's dialogue unnatural - although it was good, they 'tried too hard' unlike an older dub in which may seem inferior, flows better and more naturally without worrying a great deal about lip-syncing.

I'm still glad I got it. But I'm a little frustrated.

I really wanted no alterations to the credit sequence, but it's put me off quite a lot. I've known the film since 2002 and I wanted it as close to the MIHK VHS experience as possible (with exception to the inferior quality, of course - despite liking the VHS-charm to it). I wonder why someone felt the damn need to replace it:(. I know it's quite strange for me to be put off by it, but you know...

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Oh ok. gotcha

Oldeschool, I think David means that other than the last Jing Wu shot, this is the same cut as the HK version.

Unless there was more missing in the Dimension version than I reall?

I only watched that version twice. One in the movie theater (Hey, it was still FoL Oon the big screen!), and once at home on DVD. I usually watch the Ritek version, even when I just watch the action.

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The Running Man
I would have preferred the original English dub that features on an Indian VCD and Spanish DVD. I found the Dimension dub's dialogue unnatural - although it was good, they 'tried too hard' unlike an older dub in which may seem inferior, flows better and more naturally without worrying a great deal about lip-syncing.

There's plenty of quality English dubs that do near perfect jobs with lip sync and sound natural. But the Dimension English dub of Fist of Legend is not one of them.

Even though I don't like those guys, I have to say the original English dub is better than the Dimension dub. For one thing, it has the original music and second, unlike the Dimension English dub, it doesn't dumb down the script to a near retarded level. The Dimension dub takes away some of the political dialog that is said here and there which acknowledges more of the situation of the Japanese occupation instead of just "bad guys" and "good guys".

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