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Fist of Legend (DVD - Dragon Dynasty)


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Morgoth: The picture quality Sucked hands down, its was grainy at times so yes I feel let down by DD on that aspect of the movie. Like I said the subtitles didn't bother me at all really. :cry:

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Morgoth Bauglir
Morgoth: The picture quality Sucked hands down, its was grainy at times so yes I feel let down by DD on that aspect of the movie. Like I said the subtitles didn't bother me at all really. :cry:

Well I don't have any problems with the pic quality. It looks way better to me than the Dimension version. The grain has been taken away and it looks much clearer. I think I saw people mention ghosting and other problems (you mentioned grain), but I didn't notice any of that. It looks perfect to me. The blur that Killer Metoer is talking abotu bugs me a bit, but I still prefer the DD because like I said the picture itself looks beautiful, and I can't say that about the Dimension version.

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Well I don't have any problems with the pic quality. It looks way better to me than the Dimension version. The grain has been taken away and it looks much clearer. I think I saw people mention ghosting and other problems (you mentioned grain), but I didn't notice any of that. It looks perfect to me. The blur that Killer Metoer is talking abotu bugs me a bit, but I still prefer the DD because like I said the picture itself looks beautiful, and I can't say that about the Dimension version.

I really didnt notice any of the image issues others are complaining about either. It thought it looked great on my bigscreen. I noticed a few of the minor audio issues, but nothing that was at all distracting. But I cant say I was looking for problems either. Bring on the next colossal DD DVD screw up!

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Morgoth: The picture quality Sucked hands down, its was grainy at times so yes I feel let down by DD on that aspect of the movie. Like I said the subtitles didn't bother me at all really. :cry:

I don't have an issue with grain; it's film, not digital tape or whatever

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I've never seen Fist of Legend in any form so I'm excited to watch.

Does anyone know how movie licensing works? DD is probably releasing the best quality stuff available to them. Just because there are better versions of films released in the past doesn't mean DD has the rights to release those versions. I'm sure the same goes with a movie's soundtrack. Different companies/people may own the movie and the soundtrack and companies like DD may not get the rights to release both. I'm surprised a movie like "King Boxer" was even released here with all of the Hollywood music used in the movie. I would think DD would've needed permission from the owners of all the music used in that movie. I'd be curious to know if anyone knows how all this stuff really works.

I would agree with people that they should never change the name of a movie or cut anything out that is available to them, but it is possible they have reasons to do some of this stuff other than to "piss people off" or because "they just don't get it." I think DD extras show they are trying for the hardcore fans. Most of their extras seem to be a guy sitting in a chair speaking in Chinese for 15-20 minutes. Who's going to watch that other than hardcore fans? Or who is going to even listen to a commentary track that isn't a hardcore fan? And with their cheap prices they are trying to suck in the average joe as well. How often can you get two-disc sets cheaper than $25 now days?

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Listen I've seen Older movies that had better picture quality that were remastered than this movie. That's all I'm saying. It wasn't a beautiful sharp picture.

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The Running Man
I would agree with people that they should never change the name of a movie or cut anything out that is available to them, but it is possible they have reasons to do some of this stuff other than to "piss people off" or because "they just don't get it." I think DD extras show they are trying for the hardcore fans.

No they are not. They just have connections to do so. You are giving them too much of the benefit of the doubt. It isn't impossible for them to obtain an uncut prints of the movie. And their remastering techniques leave a lot to be desired. They just aren't that good at picture quality as has been proven by years back at HKL.

There is nothing holding them back other than themselves. They simply picked the lazy route with this specific title. Just throwing on the Dimension print was easy for them. They figured not much was missing and who cares. They spend less money that way but optimize their profits.

In fact, they could have done what other companies have done by combining prints. They could have used the Dimension print as base and use another print to splice in the missing footage. But that would have cost money (as well as genuine skill) and they were more concerned with getting as much money as they can for little money invested as possible.

With people continually buying their DVDs, you are sending them a message saying that this sort of lazy half assed work is okay.

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No they are not. They just have connections to do so. You are giving them too much of the benefit of the doubt. It isn't impossible for them to obtain an uncut prints of the movie. And their remastering techniques leave a lot to be desired. They just aren't that good at picture quality as has been proven by years back at HKL.

There is nothing holding them back other than themselves. They simply picked the lazy route with this specific title. Just throwing on the Dimension print was easy for them. They figured not much was missing and who cares. They spend less money that way but optimize their profits.

In fact, they could have done what other companies have done by combining prints. They could have used the Dimension print as base and use another print to splice in the missing footage. But that would have cost money (as well as genuine skill) and they were more concerned with getting as much money as they can for little money invested as possible.

With people continually buying their DVDs, you are sending them a message saying that this sort of lazy half assed work is okay.

I wouldnt bother trying to preach to this forum about standards on dvd releases. The consensus on this board is rather indifferent or complacent to those standards so you are essentially talking on deaf ears. I think there may be a total of 5 people that give a shit and the others could care less.

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It isn't impossible for them to obtain an uncut prints of the movie.

Again, you know this because?

There is nothing holding them back other than themselves. They simply picked the lazy route with this specific title. Just throwing on the Dimension print was easy for them. They figured not much was missing and who cares. They spend less money that way but optimize their profits.

You know this because?

In fact, they could have done what other companies have done by combining prints. They could have used the Dimension print as base and use another print to splice in the missing footage. But that would have cost money (as well as genuine skill) and they were more concerned with getting as much money as they can for little money invested as possible.

You know this because?

All I'm saying is people seem to think it is just so simple to release a DVD, but it seems to me that isn't the case. With all the different people owning the rights to the movie, soundtrack, not to mention these movies are from different countries, it would seem quite the task to get everything together legally to release one DVD. I'm assuming you have to have the actors sign off on the DVD covers because they use their likeness. I'm guessing a DVD can be delayed months or longer if an actor doesn't sing off on the cover. Who knows what prints are available to DD legally. Better copies could be damaged, lost in a fire, etc. We really don't know unless DD tells us.

I'm not the kind of person thats says we should just take what they give us and just be grateful we get anything at all. That is just stupid. So, why don't people NICELY contact DD every single time they see a problem with their releases. Because right now a lot of people just sound like fanboys that can't use the words Dragon Dynasty in the same sentence without the f-word. Most people, including DD, are just going to dismiss these people as unreasonable fanboys and then they will only listen to positive comments in the future, which will hurt everyone.

And just curious, but when people complain about DD releases not being like other versions of the film they have seen what are we talking about? Are we talking about compared to Hong Kong DVDs? Compared to the Hong Kong theatrical release? To me all that should matter is having the DD releases be identical to the Hong Kong theatrical releases.

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The Running Man
I wouldnt bother trying to preach to this forum about standards on dvd releases.

Yup. Especially when you get brilliant replies back like, "you know this because?" for every point one brings up. :l

DD is perfect in every single way. If we notice something wrong with a DD release, it isn't their fault because they are perfect. It's actually our fault for being ignorant. If you have any doubts on that fact, ask "Gir".

I would love to see "Gir" in a court case. His client getting charged with murder and "Gir" stands up to say, "You know this because?"

Witness says, "I saw him! It was him!"

Gir: "You know this because?"

Witness: "Because that was the same person I saw murder that man!"

Gir: "And you know that because?"

Witness: "Because I was with other people who saw it too!"

Gir: "And you know that because?"

Witness: "Because they said the same thing!"

Gir: "And you know that because?"

Witness: "You're an idiot!"

Gir: "And you know that because?"

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Guest WuxiaFan
Aren't most 2-disc sets cheaper than that? Unless you're talking BD?

I bought the 2-disc FOL at Best Buy for $17.99.

Running Man -- I haven't laughed today yet, so thanks for making my day!

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Aren't most 2-disc sets cheaper than that? Unless you're talking BD?

No. Stuff like Forbidden Kingdom, Transformers, Rush Hour 3, Pans Labrinyth, Rambo, etc. are $25 for the 2-disc version. Older movies do tend to be $20 still.

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No. Stuff like Forbidden Kingdom, Transformers, Rush Hour 3, Pans Labrinyth, Rambo, etc. are $25 for the 2-disc version. Older movies do tend to be $20 still.

You must buy your movies at FYI or one of those rip-off stores at the mall, the two disc releases at Target, Walmart stores go for 17.99 to 19.99. I purchased the two disc Forbidden Kingdom from walmart for 20 biscuits.

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The Running Man
You're the one making accusations about Dragon Dynasty so it's your job to back them up with facts or no one will believe you.

You know this because?

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It isn't impossible for them to obtain an uncut prints of the movie.

Accusation #1. Stating opinion as fact. Please show me the facts that this is true.

There is nothing holding them back other than themselves. They simply picked the lazy route with this specific title. Just throwing on the Dimension print was easy for them. They figured not much was missing and who cares. They spend less money that way but optimize their profits.

Accusation #2. Stating opinion as fact without evidence.

They could have used the Dimension print as base and use another print to splice in the missing footage. But that would have cost money (as well as genuine skill) and they were more concerned with getting as much money as they can for little money invested as possible.

Accusation #3. Stating opinion as fact without evidence.

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It may not be fact, but it is the most likely scenerio. DD is a business after all so what The Running Man says does unfortunately make the most sense. They obviously spend the most time and effort on the new movies like SPL, Flashpoint, Invisible Target, etc. I do like DD and i invest in some of their releases, but it is too bad that they did not go the extra mile with Fist of Legend (which i still bought of course).

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DD certainly should be able to obtain the best existing transfers. However, even when they do, they often mess with them

When the HKL team made DVDs, they'd often take odd liberties with the transfers. Cropping, squishing, and more recently the dreaded "pinkifying", not to mention remixes that, whilst not suffering from the replaced fight foley that blights many a Fortune Star DVD, were often so heavily filtered all dynamic range of the original audio was very compromised.

At the same time, they produced first class extras: commentaries, interviews, trailers, featurettes. Many of which were really good

Reviewers often never seemed to pick up on the failings of the transfers, and even when they did would dismiss them as "minor" or "I think we can let HKL off with a slap on the wrist" Whilst fans have been vocal on some forums, the lack of any real contact with HKL meant one never knew if they were even aware of the criticisms

Since DD started, we've had some good transfers but many suffer from these same pointless alterations (Police Story is a classic example of "pinkifying"), and also a worrying laziness, in their using inadequate Hk subtitles, failing to get the mono tracks at all (Royal Tramp) and now it seems with Tai Chi Master and Fist of Legend, they are using frame blurred masters apparently from Kung Fu HD, who, it now seems from one source, is behind these two problematic transfers

Why does this go on? I've emailed Bey Logan countless times and he's often acknowledged the mistakes in his replys, even criticising them. So why does the HKL/DD "restoration" team make the same mistakes? Is Brian White (the key link between the two companies) contract locked to use a crummy bunch of video techs for the past 8 years? I don't think they set out to screw fans, it just seems a frustrating combination of pointless meddling and a "that'll do attitude" thats been persistent since the year 2000

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Cropping, squishing, and more recently the dreaded "pinkifying", not to mention remixes that, whilst not suffering from the replaced fight foley that blights many a Fortune Star DVD, were often so heavily filtered all dynamic range of the original audio was very compromised.

Killer Meteor- what is "pinkifying"? I don't think I've heard the term before.

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Killer Meteor- what is "pinkifying"? I don't think I've heard the term before.

Pinkyfying is the term where the skin tones have a pinkish color.

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I think some people are quite anal when it comes to these releases... Not naming names :) You know who you all are. Just be happy that we are still getting the releases that we are. The Asian Cinema genre is pretty much DEAD here in the US, except among the fanboys and tiny community of fans like this forum and a few other websites. And yes I am one of those fanboys but I don't bitch and moan over minor things (cover art etc..) I guess if you guys can do better by all means buy up some titles and release them. It is quite easy to sit back and point the finger isn't it? *rant off*

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I think some people are quite anal when it comes to these releases... Not naming names :) You know who you all are. Just be happy that we are still getting the releases that we are. The Asian Cinema genre is pretty much DEAD here in the US, except among the fanboys and tiny community of fans like this forum and a few other websites. And yes I am one of those fanboys but I don't bitch and moan over minor things (cover art etc..) I guess if you guys can do better by all means buy up some titles and release them. It is quite easy to sit back and point the finger isn't it? *rant off*

True, but when you consider that I could do better, from an amateur point of view...

I'm not fussed about covers and so on. its the film getting a fair presentation that concerns me

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