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Fist of Legend (DVD - Dragon Dynasty)


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The Running Man
And what is up with you thanking HAZ for not replying to your PM?

Frankly, that's none of your business.

You are the one who seems mad here. I just wanted to clarify tht the subs are actually pretty good, and not "100% BS".

The subs on the old MIHK VHS tape are "pretty good". These are not. These are crap. Or as I said, "100 bullsh!t" for the reasons I have already explained. And for those reasons, I stand by my statement.

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Morgoth Bauglir

OK well we will just agree to disagree on the subs. Like I said, I didn't have any problems with the subs, and that rarely happens for me. I usually have some sort of problem with subs.

And that is fine if you think that the PM thing is none of my business, but don't say that I am the one that is mad when you are obviously the one who is mad. Sorry if you don't think it's any of my business, but you did post in on the forum. And what is with you always asking HAZ to reply to your PMs? it seems like I have seen you make that type of post at least 10 times now.

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The Running Man
OK well we will just agree to disagree on the subs. Like I said, I didn't have any problems with the subs, and that rarely happens for me.

Among other problems, at least 20 straight minutes of full dubtitles equals "pretty good" to you? Hey, more power to you.

And that is fine if you think that the PM thing is none of my business, but don't say that I am the one that is mad when you are obviously the one who is mad.

That has nothing to do with being mad. However, claiming that I'm giving misinformation and calling my posts that include facts on this release as "megatrolling" because I'm not giving high praise to a DVD release that doesn't deserve it has more grounds of a result of being mad.

Sorry if you don't think it's any of my business, but you did post in on the forum.

Which was directed at him, not to you.

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Morgoth Bauglir

But you HAVE been giving misinformation, by saying the subs are "100% BS". That is called misinformation. Read again here, you HAVE given misinformation. If you are trying to make me mad, you need to try harder. Calling me mad doesn't make me mad. I don't see how pointing out that you have given misinformation qualifies me as being mad.

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But you HAVE been giving misinformation, by saying the subs are "100% BS". That is called misinformation. Read again here, you HAVE given misinformation. If you are trying to make me mad, you need to try harder. Calling me mad doesn't make me mad. I don't see how pointing out that you have given misinformation qualifies me as being mad.

Comprehensive reading isnt your strong point, is it!? (which explains why you have no problems with dubtitles btw).

The fact that we get a inferiour dubtitles, thus the fact that Dragon Dynasty didnt bother (after SO MANY years in production) to treat this movie respectfully and offer us GOOD subtitles (Really... is it THAT hard to find a cantonese-english translator!? No... it isnt!), is just BS!

Not 5% BS, or 20% BS, but just 100%, full-blown, 'call CNN cause this is a big one!' BS!!!

...but instead of arguing over the mediocre release of this disc, you try to lower the discussion by attacking people by taking comment out of context and taking every word 100% literally.

You KNOW what he means that the subs are 100% BS. If you don't, you are better of at the Spongebob Squarepants forum.

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Here's my take on this. Of the people posting on this thread, there is a clear distinction amongst the standards in a dvd. At least for this thread/movie, the lines are quite clear. Either you hold a high standard for all areas of a release(which unfortunately is a rare thing for a company releasing asian films), or you are simply complacent/happy with the overall release. One should also factor in the credibility of the people making opinions as well(from past discussions of other movies for instance). That should indicate who's opinion you should trust and who you would take with a grain of salt.

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Morgoth Bauglir

You KNOW what he means that the subs are 100% BS. If you don't, you are better of at the Spongebob Squarepants forum.

Sorry Yi LOng, I didn't know that you are Runnin Man's spokesman. From now on I will just ask you if I have a question for Running Man. As you can see, when I asked Running Man about the "100% BS" thing, he answered my question with a question. Then you decided to explain it for him, and he latched onto your answer. So good going Yi Long. You gave Running Man a better answer than the one he had, and he took it. SorryI didn't think it was so obvious, because I actually thought it was very obvious he was saying the subtitles are 100% BS from start to finish. And I don't appreciate Running Man saying that I am mad when he is clearly the one who is mad, as seen in his rude comment to HAZ. But whatever makes you feel better Running Man.

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Sorry Yi LOng, I didn't know that you are Runnin Man's spokesman. From now on I will just ask you if I have a question for Running Man. As you can see, when I asked Running Man about the "100% BS" thing, he answered my question with a question. Then you decided to explain it for him, and he latched onto your answer. So good going Yi Long. You gave Running Man a better answer than the one he had, and he took it. SorryI didn't think it was so obvious, because I actually thought it was very obvious he was saying the subtitles are 100% BS from start to finish. And I don't appreciate Running Man saying that I am mad when he is clearly the one who is mad, as seen in his rude comment to HAZ. But whatever makes you feel better Running Man.

Well Running Man and I are dating. We're a couple. Now you know. I hold his hand and he kisses me on the lips and calls be Betty.

Doesnt change the fact that you try to derail a discussion about a disc by attacking people by purposely misreading/misunderstanding their posts.

End of discussion. Now let's go back to discussing this mediocre release by Dragon Dynasty, depending on what your definition of a decent release is.

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The Running Man

Yeah, Morgoth. After reading that last post of yours, I can totally see what you mean when you say that you aren't "mad". :l

I would also like to ask you what in god's name you are even on about with that last post of yours but... I wouldn't want you to spend more time proving to me that you aren't "mad".

I hold his hand and he kisses me on the lips and calls be Betty.

I think we should switch to "Maggie". You blush more when I call you Maggie. ;)

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Morgoth Bauglir
Well Running Man and I are dating. We're a couple. Now you know. I hold his hand and he kisses me on the lips and calls be Betty.

Doesnt change the fact that you try to derail a discussion about a disc by attacking people by purposely misreading/misunderstanding their posts.

End of discussion. Now let's go back to discussing this mediocre release by Dragon Dynasty, depending on what your definition of a decent release is.

No, as I explained, I WAS NOT purposely misreading/misundersanding. Running Man said the subs are 100% BS. He responded to my question with a question. I had no way of knowing that he didn't mean 100%. he could have clarified that, but he didn't. Not until you made your post.

And Running Man, just because you are mad doesn't mean you have to call me mad. It just doesn't make any sense. You were obviously angry, and for some reason you called me mad, and you continue to do so. But like I said, whatever makes you feel better.

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The Amazing Psycho Per
I jut noticed on the french dvd that the dub is more true to the film than the subs. The subs in french say that Jet is off to be with his girlfriend. On the french dub, he's off to fight the Japanese. Looks like DD is not the only company to mess up big with their Fist Of Legend.

Mmm...:o Don't know if we have the same version, but in my HK Video release, they say that is going to fight the japanese in the north east of China, both in the dub and in the subs.

By the way, I'd say DD subtitles are 50% BS. Is everyone happy now?XD

Another thing, the HK video ends with Chin Siu Ho running with his schoolmates, after the car freeze frame... It's maybe missing in the DD edition, but it's not missing on much. It doesn't really add much to the movie. You guys can be a tad to picky sometimes... Just a tad. As we stated many times, does company don't do tons of money with Kung Fu releases, don't expect them to invest the time and money to release the versions you guys expect. After all, it was alot simpler to simply grab the old Dimension version. Not saying it was the best thing to do, just saying that by now, you should've come to expect this by now... At least they are releasing the damn titles now, and that is in itself a major improvement.

On a final note, you guys have complained about almost every single DD release so far, wether about the sound, the picture quality, the subtitles, the artwork, the extras or the title. Ever thought of not buying them anymore... I really doubt DD executive read fans posts on this forum...

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If the subtitles are the worst thing with this movie, I'll pick it up. If the picture isn't the sharpest, my Oppo on 1080p might just help out.

It's an okay film with pretty awesome fights. Fearless and Hero are much better films in regards to story and production values, but Fist of Legend has some good minimal wire stuff.

Morgoth, this is a losing battle. I'm not trying to rag on you, but The Running Man and, even more so, Chen Lung, are subtitle crazy. To you and me, it's unfortunate that it isn't perfect. To those guys, the entire release is ruined.

If only more of these movies were actually better than the fights they contained...

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I need to step in and kindly remind folks to refrain from getting personal and stick to the subject at hand. Feel free to debate the quality of Dragon Dynasty's subtitles but let's not turn enthusiasm for stating a case into a launching pad to berate or belittle one another.

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"There's more drama in this thread than there is in "Fist Of Legend"."

Ha Ha couldnt agree more, for goodness sake just watch the film and enjoy it, its not a perfect release (what is) but its better than any other dvd release of this title out there (with subs)...:l

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"There's more drama in this thread than there is in "Fist Of Legend"."

Ha Ha couldnt agree more, for goodness sake just watch the film and enjoy it, its not a perfect release (what is) but its better than any other dvd release of this title out there (with subs)...:l

Amen! If your not satisfied or happy with this release then don't buy the damn thing. Maybe sometime in the next 20 years a "perfect" release will come out. :angel:

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I think the reprisal of the blurred frames was when I thought - to hell with this.

Subtitles I'm very critical of - but the sad fact is so many other wise ok DVDs of HK films screw up here. For the sake of a pleasant evening, I'd rather have dubtitles than the messed up, vaguely English stuff we see on mei Ah dvds and any number of theatrical prints. Doesn't make it any less acceptable but that's life. Speaking personally, I often turn the subs off after several viewings as I find them distracting.

DD is repeating the major flaws of HKL, in taking reasonable source materials and screwing with them. WHY THE HELL is the picture breaking up into blurry frames? Since when does ANY acceptable DVD do that?

As for those somewhat snide members saying "wait 20 years", well I'd rather make my own version, using the picture and sound from the French DVD, and a decent, new if necessary, set of subtitles, and have the ideal DVD now. That's the answer to cheap skatedness, laziness and stupidity that plagues the various English language releases of HK films across the globe

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OK like I said my really big gripe was the picture quality, which I thought really sucked, now Running Man I guess I have to re-read your post again about the subtitles, but like I said I don't have my original VHS Copy to compare it to so, that is why I said I think they were OK. But the true fact remains DD really Fucked Up this great movie bottom line! :cry:

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Morgoth Bauglir

I would take this version of fist of Legend over any other version, so I have to respectfully disagree with you Daisho that they effed it up. The only thing I'm disappointed abotu is that there's no Billy Chow interview. But hey, I can't have everything.

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Killer Meteor, If you take my remarks as snide I'm sorry because that's not the way I meant it to be. I'm only stating the way I feel on the matter, just like you. If you can make your own version and be more happier with it then good for you. I guess it's good that people can vent about their dissatisfaction with the DD release on here as it makes them feel better, but the fact is that's what they released so you can take it or leave it. :l I got the DD version because there's no telling how long it will be before another company releases this, could be in another year or in another 20, and there's a chance the next one might be worse than this version.

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well I'd rather make my own version, using the picture and sound from the French DVD, and a decent, new if necessary, set of subtitles, and have the ideal DVD now. That's the answer to cheap skatedness, laziness and stupidity that plagues the various English language releases of HK films across the globe

Im with you on that. Been tinkering around with subtitle progs and it's not too hard to do at all. If anything, its a bit time consuming, but the end result is what matters. .

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Morgoth Bauglir

did anyone notice in Chin Siu Ho's interview he says he learned kung fu from Sin Lam Yuk aka Pomson Shi? I thougt that was pretty interesting. I had always wondered where Chin Siu Ho learned his skills from. And in case you didn't know, Pomson Shi studied under Chan Sau Chung (from Monkey Fist and Duel of the Seven Tigers). Chen Kuan tai and Chen Ma Chuan (the star of Monkey Fist Floating Snake) also studied under Chan Sau Chung.

Thanks to my friend Jimbo on kungfumagazine.com for pointing this out to me. I had to pass this info on.

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The Running Man
Morgoth, this is a losing battle. I'm not trying to rag on you, but The Running Man and, even more so, Chen Lung, are subtitle crazy. To you and me, it's unfortunate that it isn't perfect. To those guys, the entire release is ruined.

I would prefer that if you want to make a judgment on me, please actually understand the whole issue instead of just picking one thing and exaggerating it. Lazy rewording of subtitles and then having the subs randomly turn into dubtitles for the rest of the movie is far from something minor. Calling me "subtitle crazy" because I brought this up is ironic since you were commenting that you want your martial arts movies to also have great stories but apparently don't care what the words are that come on screen.

And the other issues I mentioned are equally important, including the motion blur problem from Tai Chi Master that still exists on this DVD.

It's those things that bring the quality of this release down. That is not nit-picking. It's just that me and people like me don't happily accept any half ass lazy crap that a company throws out.

Ha Ha couldnt agree more, for goodness sake just watch the film and enjoy it, its not a perfect release (what is) but its better than any other dvd release of this title out there (with subs)..

No, it isn't. Not that there is that much of a comparison in r1 land anyway, but even the old Dimension DVD had better colors.

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Alongside the cutting, dubbign and re-scoring, those old Dimension discs were full of edge enhancement and video artefacts, and were non-anamorphic. The film sources often had better colour balance then your typical HK disc but I wouldn't rush to praise them

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