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Ninja Assassin (2009)


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Guest WuxiaFan

Warner Home Video is really pissing me off! For their Blu-Ray release, here are the special features:

Special Features

The Myth and Legend of Ninjas

The Extreme Sport of a Ninja

Training Rain

BD-Live features

Additional scenes

The regular DVD release ONLY has "Additional Scenes." WTF...:khi1a:


Warner Home Video

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Warner Home Video is really pissing me off! For their Blu-Ray release, here are the special features:

Special Features

The Myth and Legend of Ninjas

The Extreme Sport of a Ninja

Training Rain

BD-Live features

Additional scenes

The regular DVD release ONLY has "Additional Scenes." WTF...:khi1a:


Warner Home Video

Don't even get me started on Warner and their DVD vs Blu Ray releases....so annoying.

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I ended up getting the combi-set which includes both the blu-ray and the dvd.

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You must've seen a different "Ninja" movie than I did because in the "Ninja" that I saw it had the fight scene with Scott Adkins against all the cult members that was one of the best fight scenes I saw last year.

This was my favorite fight scene in the movie, but I thought it was good. Not great. I'll watch this movie again and give it another chance. But there was really nothing memorable in it for me the first time.

As far as "Ninja Assassin" goes, I will copy what I wrote in the other thread that's here in this board about the movie when I saw it in November: Yeah, instead we got dialog that was just plain atrocious.

I disagree. I thought the script was exactly what it should have been, and I agree with gfanikf 100%.

That whole "heart' nonsense spout throughout the whole film was almost unbearable. It was actually cornier than anything in any of the Twilight films.

I thought it made for a nice, human touch to the film. And personally, I can't stand that TWILIGHT stuff, which- to me- is just a bunch of nonsense.

And the action was frustrating. I could tell there was nice choreography done but the manner it was shot and put together was misguided.

I totally understand what you're saying. I've felt that about a lot of other films. Not this one, but I can see why you'd feel that way regarding this movie. It wasn't a "check-it-out" showcase for any of the martial arts skills of the performers. But this style in this film worked perfectly for me.

A very, very bad movie I thought. Glad I paid only matinee price for this junk.

I'm glad for you too. It sucks to pay full price for a movie, then be disappointed.

Isaac Florentine's Ninja, while having a lot less ninja action, was an overall better show. Although that one did disappoint me.

NINJA didn't even come close to entertaining me as much as NINJA ASSASSIN.

Interesting how incredibly divided we all are on these two new ninja films though. :nerd:

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This was my favorite fight scene in the movie, but I thought it was good. Not great. I'll watch this movie again and give it another chance. But there was really nothing memorable in it for me the first time.



If so, I agree. It's alright, nothing great.

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If so, I agree. It's alright, nothing great.

Yup, that's the scene I liked.

Scott does some decent moves, but it just wasn't filmed with any gusto. And I felt like a lot of the techniques were simply a rehash of Tony Jaa's moves in the fight against all the black-clad dudes- like I was watching TOM YUM GOONG-Lite... the low budget white dude version.

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Just saw Ninja Assasins and thought it was awful.

Typical Hollywood take on an Eastern genre, Fight scenes were poorly edited, shot at night which made it even worse to see what was going on. It was as if to compensate they added buckets of CGI blood and CGI weapons.

All the cast spoke English even when Japanese were talking to Japanese in Japan! Its still "people dont like subtitles so we will have it all in English" .

I wasnt expecting much, but if this is the best hollywood can do with the Ninja's then stop now! Rain was ok in the lead and it was good to see Sho Kosugi again but thats it.


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Guest WuxiaFan
All the cast spoke English even when Japanese were talking to Japanese in Japan! Its still "people dont like subtitles so we will have it all in English".

That's what I liked least about it, too. I don't get setting a movie in Japan or Hong Kong in a time where its obvious the characters would have spoken in their native language, but then they're speaking English. IMO, its just stupid and it irritates me to no end! :ooh:

BUT I completely disagree with your take overall on the film. I thought the fight scenes were very well choreographed, the cinematography was superb, and I thought the storyline moved along well through the picture. Rain really impressed me with his abilities and his acting. I hope to see more of Rain.


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Well I finally can compare these (2) movies now. I just wrote my review on Ninja and I thought it was totally garbage! I didn't enjoy it at all well maybe 10minutes out of the entire movie. I just don't understand how you can call a movie Ninja when there is hardly any Ninjas in it at all what maybe 10 minutes and the fight scenes were totally whacked! Ninja Assassin was great I enjoyed that movie a lot.

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It was cool seeing Sho Kasugi and I thought his character was badass. Way too much CG and the amount of blood was beyond ridiculous. The attempts at humor were also awful.

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This movie never interested me. Pop singer, ninjas, CGI - all sounded so bad. But now I watched it and I gotta say - that was FUN!

Rain blew me away. The guy was born to be an action star. Who would've though I'll say it about a pop idol?! Great physic, very athletic, nice movements and some impressive skills

Action was OK, nothing mind blowing, but for a Hollywood movie it was worth checking out

Visuals were very good, very pleasant to watch.

CGI blood. I usually HATE it, I'm ready to choke a director opting for CGI blood, but I gotta say - I loved it in this movie. I'm not even sure it was CGI - I though it was the most realistic CGI blood I've ever seen.

I thought most of special effects were very good - I'm sure they used a lot of wires, but I thought it was very well done. Nothing looked faked, gravity defying like they do it in Hong Kong( Fearless, Ip Man). I mention these two because they suppose to show us REAL people) I mean, I understand that in real life a guy can't jump 30 feet, but it didn't look fake. CGI used for stuntmen also weren't bad. I remember CGI stuntmen in, say, Wesley's Blade - that was FAKE, but here it was very passable.

Overall, fast moving, not boring, mindless fun

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Ninja Assassin is even better on Blu-ray! I was already high on the film having gone to see it numerous times at my local theater last November and December, but I love it even more now that I've seen it on glorious Blu-ray. :bigsmile: Man, does it ever look great on Blu. And the best part is that a lot of those "too dark to see anything" scenes are much clearer in 1080p. The most improved one and one that I had the hardest time following at the theater was the fight inside Mika's appartment. This is one kick ass fight scene! And the 2 best fight scenes in the movie, the incredible and epic finale, and the stunning anime inspired rooftop betrayal and battle, look sensational in Blu. And the Blu-ray exclusive extras are also fantastic. The deleted scenes are also cool and interesting, especially the fact that Naomie Harris (Mika) speaks in her normal British accent, unlike in the film.

Major kudos to Warner Bros. for this fantastic release (they even included a bonus disc with the standard definition DVD version and a digital copy). It doesn't get much better than that. :tongue:

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Nothing looked faked, gravity defying like they do it in Hong Kong( Fearless, Ip Man). I mention these two because they suppose to show us REAL people) I mean, I understand that in real life a guy can't jump 30 feet, but it didn't look fake.

I haven't seen this or IP Man yet but this quote sums up the way I feel about Fearless, I can even deal with some wire use but the cgi killed it for me. I'll hold my judgement for the other two when I see them.

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Tosh: You didn't see this movie yet? What are you waiting for go get it this week and watch it!

Yeah I know, got a pile of unwatched movies at the moment, I'll be watching this and IP Man soon:nerd:

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I've had a couple of people tell me that this film is somehow based on the game Ninja Gaiden-is that true?

Haven't seen it yet but some of the comments have got me interested.

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The Running Man

I bet the reason the Korean version has the "Training with Rain" feature on its DVD release is due to Rain's popularity over there as a pop star.

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One Armed Boxer
I bet the reason the Korean version has the "Training with Rain" feature on its DVD release is due to Rain's popularity over there as a pop star.

That has to be the safest bet you could ever make!

This movie finally hit Tokyo cinemas for a limited run last month....I enjoyed it a lot, although I agree with some people that there were some missed opportunities, the laundromat fight being the classic example...this should have been a good opportunity for a brightly lit hand to hand showdown, but it wasn`t taken.

All in all though a great throwback to the ninja movies of old....blood, weapons (including a rocket launcher!), more blood, and some great showdowns...I`ll probably pick up the Korean DVD.

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Guest WuxiaFan
I bet the reason the Korean version has the "Training with Rain" feature on its DVD release is due to Rain's popularity over there as a pop star.

I would think they would have put the rest of the special features on the disc, too, if that were the case.


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It was good and fun movie to watch. As I watched it, I really enjoyed every minute of it. I didn't fast forward at all.. Great movie but when I tried to watch it for the second time, I was bored to death and couldn't bare to watch through the whole movie. I guess it's one time movie thing for me. I really wish if I had seen it in the theater.

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The Amazing Psycho Per


So, am I the only one who thought it sucked?:ooh: I mean, I actualy prefered Ninja over this.

(ducks and cover)

Seriously, I went to see it after reading the positive comments here and there and man I honestly genuinely disliked it. I tried to like it but I couldn't. I mean the whole story felt just like a cut and paste of screenplays from b-grade "blockbusters" that barely make it to theater... And the ninja action mainly consists of shadows that throw zillions of shooting stars... I really don't understand how opinions are not more divided on this one. At least Ninja, if lacking in ninjas, had actual entertaining fights to watch and not the usual split second editing.

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The Amazing Psycho Per: I can see your point, but I loved this movie. I know there was way too much CGI but the movie "Ninja" just plain sucked! There weren't even any Ninjas in it until the last 5 minutes of the movie! I think the fact that Sho Kosugi was in it was a great thrill just to see him as an Evil Master. I would like to see more Ninja movies but not to heavy on the CGI. There were also a lot of people on here that hated the 4-part Japanese TV series "The Law of Shinobi" and I thought it had great fight scenes and great a storyline. So its hard to please everyone when it comes to Ninja movies. Another example was "Shinobi" I thought that was a terrible Ninja movie! But Hollywood can't seem to get it right yet, but "Ninja Assassin" was a good start IMO.

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RAIN won the Award for "Best Badass Performance" at the MTV Movie Awards this past Sunday for NINJA ASSASSIN. Presenting the award were Jackie Chan, Jaden Smith, and pro snowboarder Shaun White.


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