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Ninja Assassin (2009)


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and what would be even more incredible than that, bob?

If black dynamite himself go in on the action, that's what!!

kosugi-san, whilst i respect your ninja skills, you sure done fucked up with your ninja treachery!!

ninja treachery!!!

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and what would be even more incredible than that, bob?

If black dynamite himself go in on the action, that's what!!

kosugi-san, whilst i respect your ninja skills, you sure done fucked up with your ninja treachery!!

NINA TREACHERY!!! Doesn't get much better than that.

Kosugi-san.....ya'll don FUCKED UP NOW!!!!

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Wait a minute... JC, Sanada, and K. Kosugi all at one dining table? Now we're adding Sonny, Sho, and Black Dynamite? Add Kurata, Sammo, and Yuen Biao and these cats could probably take over the planet! :xd:

Well, back to the thread topic- after missing NINJA ASSASSIN in the theater due to medical problems, I finally saw it last night. DAMN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now that's a freakin' ninja movie! :bigsmile: This put Issac Florentine's NINJA to shame. :tongue: I'll write more later- I've got an art job waiting to be finished- but I just wanted to say I absolutely loved it! So 2009 gave us IP MAN, BLACK DYNAMITE, ONG BAK 2, BODYGUARDS AND ASSASSINS, and NINJA ASSASSIN?! Not too shabby. :nerd:

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I knew you'd dig it the most, Bob!! :bigsmile:

Can't believe some people actually prefer Florentine's lame misfire NINJA to this - I mean, I respect other people's opinions and all but really?! :tongue:

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Totally agree 2009 was a great year...but 2010 is looked to be equally as good if not better!!

Glad to hear you dug the movie Bob....I totally agree and glad to see Ninja back in the mainstream!!

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See I cannot compare the 2 Ninja films because I didn't get to see Florentine's Ninja movie yet, but from what it sounds like it wasn't all that!

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Wait a minute... JC, Sanada, and K. Kosugi all at one dining table? Now we're adding Sonny, Sho, and Black Dynamite? Add Kurata, Sammo, and Yuen Biao and these cats could probably take over the planet! :xd:

Yes, indeed. :tongue:

Glad to hear you enjoyed "Ninja Assassin" too. Can't wait to get the bluray and see it again, myself. :bigsmile:

Can't believe some people actually prefer Florentine's lame misfire NINJA to this - I mean, I respect other people's opinions and all but really?! :tongue:

It boggles my mind too. :squigglemouth: To each his own I guess.

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I got to see both Ninja films and there's an unfair comparison because we are dealing with two different visionshere. Ninja Assassin raises one question...why can't A-listers do more martial arts films like this? I felt this was truly the best new millennium A-list MA film made so far. The fight scenes, with some digital enhancements, looked great and I was quite impressed with Rain in the lead role and the man himself, Sho Kosugi as the bad guy.

As for Florentine's Ninja, it is good in its own right. Scott Adkins definitely needed quite a good lead role and this is a good start. He got to showcase some of his trademark MA skills and yes, there was some CG blood, but Ninja Assassin had a lot of that as well.

Personally, I liked both films but it is best not to compare them but to look at them in terms of the director's visions.

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NINJA TREACHERY!!! Doesn't get much better than that.

"[iB]Kosugi-san.....ya'll don FUCKED UP NOW!!!! "

"Who the Hell is interrupting my Kung Fu?!"

-Black Dynamite!


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bamboo spear

I just saw Florentine's "Ninja", and it was everything that Ninja Assassin wasn't, in my opinion. Nice blend of The Hunted, Enter/Revenge of the Ninja, and had some of the feel of the old Lustbader Ninja novels. Too much CG blood and obviously cheap sets, but much better martial arts action.

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Agreed. Florentine's NINJA blew away the high budgeted WB production in every way. I was stunned how much they nicked from Lustbader's THE NINJA.

BTW, Fumio Demura, Seagal's first martial arts sensei, has a role in the film and served as a technical advisor.

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bamboo spear

lol yeah I was sad to see ol' Demura get gutted. I loved him in Rising Sun, always with that screaming face! I think I still have his old Nunchaku book from the early 80's around here somewhere...

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Agreed. Florentine's NINJA blew away the high budgeted WB production in every way.

Wow, it's wild how divided people are on these two films! :smile: I thought NINJA was amusing, but that it fell far below it's own potential. IMHO there was some really sloppy, poorly thought out stuff, and Scott Adkins' considerable skills were kind of wasted. The guy was incredible in UNDISPUTED 2, but hardly had a chance to show any of that talent in NINJA. But I loved every minute of NINJA ASSASSIN.

BTW, Fumio Demura, Seagal's first martial arts sensei, has a role in the film and served as a technical advisor.

Love Sensei Fumio Demura and was very happy to see him back on screen. Though I thought that in the end he was given the respect of a "special moment" that he deserved. Can't really say more on that subject without spoilers.

Are you sure he was Seagal's first teacher?

lol yeah I was sad to see ol' Demura get gutted. I loved him in Rising Sun, always with that screaming face! I think I still have his old Nunchaku book from the early 80's around here somewhere...

Speaking of spoilers! LOL:xd: Yeah, I hate when they pull this shit in a movie. So he was playing one of the highest ranking guys in the ninjitsu school, with tons of experience, and the upstart- still wet behind the ears- takes him out with no problem? Come on! :ooh:He deserved to get at least a good fight to show his stuff before he was just another quickly dispatched dead guy. `:neutral:

A few minutes ago I made my very uninterested wife watch the first two minutes of NINJA ASSASSIN. I just had to share that opening with her. Much to my surprise (and hers) she said "What is this called?! This looks great! I definitely want to watch this whole movie." It nearly brings a tear to a husband's eye. :nerd: It really does.:wink:

Once we watch it together- probably over the weekend- I'll let you all know what Mrs. KFB thought of it.

Oh yeah, the US DVD's only extras are "additional scenes". Haven't checked them out yet.

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Wow, it's wild how divided people are on these two films! I thought NINJA was amusing, but that it fell far below it's own potential. IMHO there was some really sloppy, poorly thought out stuff, and Scott Adkins' considerable skills were kind of wasted. The guy was incredible in UNDISPUTED 2, but hardly had a chance to show any of that talent in NINJA. But I loved every minute of NINJA ASSASSIN

NINJA felt like a demo reel for a Destroyer movie. And Adkins got to show what he would look like as Remo Williams. NINJA ASSASSIN had too much cantseeshit camera work. Very detrimental to what should have been a great action scene with ninjas fighting on the autobahn. Plus Rain has the charisma of a garfish.

Demura was Seagal's first teacher in karate before he went to Japan to study aikido, according to some bios I've seen/read.

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Morgoth Bauglir

From what I've read and seen, I won't be watching Ninja Assassin, unless it's on HBO or something, but I don't even have any movie channels, I hate CGI unless it's done perfectly, and I usually only like watchng real martial artists. But correct me if I'm wrong on this stuff and if maybe I would like it. I don't want to miss out on a good movie. But this doesn't seem worth my time.

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From what I've read and seen, I won't be watching Ninja Assassin, unless it's on HBO or something, but I don't even have any movie channels, I hate CGI unless it's done perfectly, and I usually only like watchng real martial artists. But correct me if I'm wrong on this stuff and if maybe I would like it. I don't want to miss out on a good movie. But this doesn't seem worth my time.

Hey everyone has their own opinions and I welcome and respect them. I felt the same way about this movie but all the things you mention never crept into my mind once while watching it. It was off the wall, totally cool, Ninja action.

I guess as a fan of martial arts movies and based on your Amazon reviews you've seen many of them....this is worth the time and if not then hey at least you can write a cool review about why you didn't enjoy it. :wink:

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Morgoth Bauglir

You know, I probably would go to Blockbuster and give it a rental just so I could review it, but I haven't done reviews in about 2 years now. Amazon sucked up all the energy I had to do reviews because of their crappy review system. A lot of my reviews wouldn't show up, or I would edit them, and instead of editing them, they would get deleted! All that hard work would get lost because of the wonky review system they have. So after so much stress being applied to me with just trying to get my reviews to post, I had to give up and take that huge chunk of stress out of my life. It sucks because right when I actually thought that my knowledge of this genre was getting good, and my writing was starting to get decent and readable, I had to give up. And unfortunately, ever since then, because it put so much stress on me, I haven't been able to summon up the will to start reviewing again. In the last 2 years or so, I think I've only done like 2 new reviews. "New" meaning not just copying and pasting one of my reviews from Amazon on some other website like IMDB or here at kfc.com.

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NINJA felt like a demo reel for a Destroyer movie. And Adkins got to show what he would look like as Remo Williams.

Okay, I'm totally with you on that! Though I thought Scott should have been able to speak with his real accent instead of being forced to work at an American one. Why couldn't this "adopted kid" have been British? It seemed like it just detracted from his performance a bit, as he had to concentrate on the accent instead of just purelt working on his acting. Still, he did a good job with it.

NINJA ASSASSIN had too much cantseeshit camera work. Very detrimental to what should have been a great action scene with ninjas fighting on the autobahn.

Normally I'm really down on the OTT camera shenanigans in recent action films, but for this subject, personally, I thought it was perfect. The fact that it can be a bit disorienting- like a camoflage ninja attack itself- made perfect sense to me. But I do get what you're saying. I saw Rain do some incredible stuff in the demos that Mark posted, but the film was shot in a way that didn't really showcase that. Still, that's not what a film is supposed to do really- it's supposed to tell a story- and I think NINJA ASSASSIN did a great job with that. So all of his training was just more brush strokes towards painting the big picture. Now I'm not opposed to these "showcase type" fights either. Tony Jaa's first two starring roles are perfect examples. The movies were both fairly weak- in their narrative construction- but the action stuff was just incredible. So I still loved both films.

Plus Rain has the charisma of a garfish.

Ah, this is a tough one, as his character has been brought up in an environment that supressed his emotions. Again, for me, I thought he did a great job.

Demura was Seagal's first teacher in karate before he went to Japan to study aikido, according to some bios I've seen/read.


From what I've read and seen, I won't be watching Ninja Assassin, unless it's on HBO or something, but I don't even have any movie channels, I hate CGI unless it's done perfectly, and I usually only like watchng real martial artists. But correct me if I'm wrong on this stuff and if maybe I would like it. I don't want to miss out on a good movie. But this doesn't seem worth my time.

It's really got a lot of people on both sides bro. And as Gorhama said, I also felt like "Okay, I'm excited for a new ninja movie, but this looks like it might be a CGI crapfest". I actually expected to be let down. I usually find CGI blood completely lame- hated that shit in the Kitano ZATOICHI- but I was simply blown away by this movie. One of my favorite action films of the year.

You know, I probably would go to Blockbuster and give it a rental just so I could review it, but I haven't done reviews in about 2 years now. Amazon sucked up all the energy I had to do reviews because of their crappy review system. A lot of my reviews wouldn't show up, or I would edit them, and instead of editing them, they would get deleted! All that hard work would get lost because of the wonky review system they have. So after so much stress being applied to me with just trying to get my reviews to post, I had to give up and take that huge chunk of stress out of my life. QUOTE]

Hey man, I hate for anybody to stop expressing themselves artistically, but I do get your frustration. :squigglemouth: Been there myself. :sad: But dude, please start writing again! :smile:

Here's the way to do it- always write long e-mails, forum posts, and reviews in a "word document"- never ON THE SITE! In "word" you can take your time, save your stuff, then just do a copy and paste when you're all ready. If the site screws it up... no big deal, you've still got it.

Many of us would love to read more of your reviews. Please at least think about it, okay? :bigsmile: And for the love of Iga... go rent NINJA ASSASSIN now!!! :angel:

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Morgoth Bauglir

Hey Bob, thanks for telling me you want me to start writing again. It seems a lot of people did like my reviews, which kind of surprises me, because I'm not the most educated person, and English class (and Math, or Algebra, or whatever:tinysmile_angry2_t:) is the reason I can't get past freshman year of college.

The problem here is that I'm an extremely poor person (I don't really like to admit this, I apologiaze for bringing my troubles to the forum), and I dont' have Word on my computer because I don't have money to buy it and I don't know how to install it anyways, so it would be a complete waste of money for me. I'm sure there's a way you can download it, but computers hate me and I always have problems with computers, so I've never been able to get a Word program. Sorry this is a depressing type of post, but don't worry, my life is actually pretty decent, at least right now it is. No girlfriend right now, no kids (thank god!), so it's just me and my bros, and some cool lady friends. I have some really good friends, which I am thankful for since I'm a bit of a crazy dude (though now that I think about it maybe that's why so many people like me:tongue:)

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First off Morgoth never apologize for any of your posts!! Secondly thanks for sharing with us..........I'd easily read your reviews if you posted them here or anywhere.

Back to the topic....my lovely wife watched Ninja Assassin with me last night and she enjoyed the hell out of it!! I mean she was telling me how cool shots looked and that Ninja's are badass and she didn't want to sleep with the lights off :tongue: (she get's in a good joke from time to time).

Needless to say I was excited as hell that she enjoyed it.

Upon a second viewing the movie is even more fun to me. Just awesomely bloody stuff on display for sure.

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You know, I probably would go to Blockbuster and give it a rental just so I could review it, but I haven't done reviews in about 2 years now. Amazon sucked up all the energy I had to do reviews because of their crappy review system. A lot of my reviews wouldn't show up, or I would edit them, and instead of editing them, they would get deleted! All that hard work would get lost because of the wonky review system they have. So after so much stress being applied to me with just trying to get my reviews to post, I had to give up and take that huge chunk of stress out of my life. It sucks because right when I actually thought that my knowledge of this genre was getting good, and my writing was starting to get decent and readable, I had to give up. And unfortunately, ever since then, because it put so much stress on me, I haven't been able to summon up the will to start reviewing again. In the last 2 years or so, I think I've only done like 2 new reviews. "New" meaning not just copying and pasting one of my reviews from Amazon on some other website like IMDB or here at kfc.com.

Missed reading your reviews Morgoth. A good tip though is to do your review on Word or some other program so you can save it, edit it separately and then just paste in IMDB or Amazon. I only get to do a proper review every few months, but I like doing them to keep up some English skills. All the MA ones I post here now :).

To stay on topic, I bought Ninja Assassin yesterday so looking forward to watching it.

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The Running Man
I thought NINJA was amusing, but that it fell far below it's own potential. IMHO there was some really sloppy, poorly thought out stuff, and Scott Adkins' considerable skills were kind of wasted. The guy was incredible in UNDISPUTED 2, but hardly had a chance to show any of that talent in NINJA.

You must've seen a different "Ninja" movie than I did because in the "Ninja" that I saw it had the fight scene with Scott Adkins against all the cult members that was one of the best fight scenes I saw last year.

As far as "Ninja Assassin" goes, I will copy what I wrote in the other thread that's here in this board about the movie when I saw it in November:

gfanikf wrote:

It delivered everything I wanted and no ponderous dialogue by people who claim to be fans of the genre.

Yeah, instead we got dialog that was just plain atrocious. That whole "heart' nonsense spout throughout the whole film was almost unbearable. It was actually cornier than anything in any of the Twilight films.

And the action was frustrating. I could tell there was nice choreography done but the manner it was shot and put together was misguided.

A very, very bad movie I thought. Glad I paid only matinee price for this junk.

Isaac Florentine's Ninja, while having a lot less ninja action, was an overall better show. Although that one did disappoint me.

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