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Ninja Assassin (2009)


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Nice review, I have to say as much as I hate cgi I'm kinda down for this, the original movies were pretty hokey at times, the domination especially, they're like the movies that are so bad their badass, Sho was the man in the 80's, like Chiba in the 70's, maybe they can bring his son in on the sequel, fuck it I'm all for Ninja movies to make a comeback, I'd love to see a good "burrowing" ninja scene, that would be awesome:xd:

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First the flu makes me miss Thanksgiving dinner with my family, now I have to wait even longer to see this! Ahhhrgh!:cry:

Can't wait to go with my son to check this out. Mark, your reveiw has got me so psyched!

Sorry to hear that man, I hate being sick.

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I saw this today (on the new fancy schmancy "XD Xtreme Digital Screen!" at the theater I go to), and was also surprised by the results. It was almost like Cannon films was given $50 million to $80 million to make a new ninja film :tongue:

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Yeah, it was too heavy on the CG, closely-shot choreography, and darkness, but I was expecting that from the trailer. Overall, not bad, about what I figured it would be. Kind of the 2000's version of the 90's "The Hunted", revisiting the ninja genre of the 80's but with more blood. Sho Kosugi looked to be the only real martial artist of the film, or at least he was the only one that knew how to hold and use a Japanese sword.

Loved the fight in the bathroom, though. I'll get the DVD just for that.

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Kind of the 2000's version of the 90's "The Hunted", revisiting the ninja genre of the 80's but with more blood.

If only we could get 70's somewhere in that equation. I might be off tomorrow so maybe I'll try to catch it first thing.

Aggh, I came home last night and the only thing on was American Ninja 4, it was NOT one of those so bad it's good movies, just ass.

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1. Bloody Violence Check!

2. Ninja Weapons Check!

3. Ninjas Check!

4. Sho Kosugi Check!

5. Rocket Launcher's vs Ninja Check!

I saw the film twice this weekend and picked up the soundtrack. It was the first movie I've seen since May (besides Harry Potter and the Invention of Lying). It delivered everything I wanted and no ponderous dialogue by people who claim to be fans of the genre. The plot is pretty simple (and honestly, that's a plus) tale of revenge. It's like Punisher War Zone with Ninjas. Some of the camerawork and CGI blood was annoying, but it was thankfully not the majority of the time. Really can't wait to get the Blu-Ray. I really hope we get some sequels out of this (I mean there are 8 other clans :)).

I saw this today (on the new fancy schmancy "XD Xtreme Digital Screen!" at the theater I go to), and was also surprised by the results. It was almost like Cannon films was given $50 million to $80 million to make a new ninja film :tongue:

Agreed. :)

I also enjoyed that, part way through the film, there is a wonderful horror-like scene. It's similar to "Aliens" where the Marines are waiting for the aliens to appear as they watch them on motion trackers. Only in this film, it's not aliens...it's a shitload of ninjas. The tension is quite wonderfully done.

Yeah, I have to think it was a deliberate reference. It was a great way to do an homage to Aliens, despite the subject matter being totally different.

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To be honest i think this was basically Sho Kosugi's movie he had the most lines and screen time then anyone in the movie they should have put him on the poster instead of Rains half face without seeing his eyes, which i thought was kinda messed up how they did that btw, the typical hollywood marketing ploy was ridiculous from the tv previews of only showing the kid from the last two fast and furious films speaking in the previews, I just hate the fact that they feel a familiar face is gonna make the movie money, but when it came to every one else just ninja action you can't really see, you really don't see Rains face in the tv previews either, but hey thats how they do.....kinda reminds me of when "War" came out, however the action was tight and quick edited and dark, it was still cool but...eh...like everyone else is saying too much CG, the film had its laughable moments in the theater among the viewers along with joke cracks from some, but its a hollywood ninja movie. all that was missing was a double feature of American Ninja and with everyone with a joint...complete laughfest

But I and others agreed it was Sho who basically stole the whole film, it was like a old master ninja craze comeback that he started in the 80's, but with him just playing the villain, so in that aspect i think its cool its just that anyone born in 1989 is not gonna likely know who he is.

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The Running Man
It delivered everything I wanted and no ponderous dialogue by people who claim to be fans of the genre.

Yeah, instead we got dialog that was just plain atrocious. That whole "heart' nonsense spout throughout the whole film was almost unbearable. It was actually cornier than anything in any of the Twilight films.

And the action was frustrating. I could tell there was nice choreography done but the manner it was shot and put together was misguided.

A very, very bad movie I thought. Glad I paid only matinee price for this junk.

Isaac Florentine's Ninja, while having a lot less ninja action, was an overall better show. Although that one did disappoint me.

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I took a long long at work yesterday and finally got to see this. I for one was very entertained and I fall in line with what Mark said in his review. Is it the greatest martial arts movie ever? HELL NO!! Is is the best ninja movie ever? HELL NO!! Was I extremely entertained? HELL YEAH!!

I thought Rain did a great job, sure the dialogue at times was cheesy........but Sho Kosugi ruled and stole the show as many others have already mentioned.

I also wonder about the gore and blood....Holy CRAP!!! CG aside they had guts to make the movie that bloody. Get it guts??? :squigglemouth: Sorry I had too.

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So, gore-wise, was this more like "Rambo" or "Tokyo Gore Police" / "Story of Ricky"?

It's more "Shogun Assassin" than anything. Vast spouts of blood and flailing limbs aplenty.

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Guest WuxiaFan

Just got back from seeing NINJA ASSASSIN and loved it! I was very impressed with Rain and thought he looked authentic. I thought he carried the movie well and did an excellent job with the fight scenes. Sho Kosugi was superb as the ruthless master of the clan. I was hoping he would reprise my favorite line from REVENGE OF THE NINJA (above), but the scribes didn't ask me. :wink:

As many have commented, this movie was really bloody. I mean from the very beginning and in every scene with the ninjas! I would liken it to uncut, full color House of Blue Leaves bloody. Although it was CGI, I thought it was very well done and I enjoyed every hand, arm, foot, leg, head, and torso that came flying off or apart! :bigsmile:

I thoroughly enjoyed all of the major fight scenes and felt the way they were shot fit with how the movie was shot. Ninjas attack in the dark. So, the complaints about the fight scenes being in the dark and you can't see anything, well get over it. Its a ninja movie and they're going to fight in the dark most of the time. The opening attack against the yakuzas was bloody glorious, but I would have liked to have actually seen the ninjas as opposed to just hearing them and seeing passing shadows. The laundromat scene could have been better. I thought it was just cut off without seeing a real hand-to-hand fight. That was a wasted opportunity to showcase Rain at the beginning of the movie to get you excited for the rest of it. :squigglemouth:

I liked the apartment attack against Mika, and that was one that was shot in the dark with shadow light coming in from the windows. It was just enought light where you could see a lot of the fight, but it still was an attack at night. I thought the best fight, other than the finale, was the big safehouse fight. This fight was really where we saw how badass Raizo (Rain) was how well Rain trained for this movie. This fight scene was superbly shot by the DP and I felt I was right there at the safehouse watching the fight, as I felt every hit and slice, every cling against Raizo's chain. It was just pure swordplay/ninja weopon ectascy! :xd:

The finale was somewhat of a let down for me and I didn't think it was a good as the safehouse scene. It as packed with action, machine guns going, buildings exploding, etc, etc, etc. When we did get around to Rain squaring off against big brother and his luitenants, that was awesome. I was also not as thrilled with the final showdown with Rain and Kosugi. I thought Rain took too many fatal wounds to come back, and after the 4th one, I think, maybe it was after the 5th one, I started saying to myself, 'come on.' I'm not giving it away, but I'm sure you can figure it out.

Overall, it was just awesome to see it in the theater where it was loud and you see every drop of blood, etc, and I loved it. I loved seeing Kosugi again--he was a superb villian. Rain was very impressive for a non-martial artist and I hope he reprises this role. They left it open for sequals. So, I highly recommend it! Go see it while its still in the theaters!:bigsmile:

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I think my buddy is trying to get a copy of this, but I am reluctent, but I'll give it a watch, but I think the art of Ninja films died when Godfrey Ho retired.

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Thanks for all your views, guys!

After finally seeing it I can honestly say I really liked it - it's a fast, bloody ride that seldom lets up.

Sure it's not perfect but it's a lot of fun.

I may be showing my age here, but parts of reminded me an awful lot of the 70s/80's Marvel comic, Master of Kung Fu (especially the relationship between Raizo & Ozuno).

I look forward to the DVD!! :wink:

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OK I got to finally see this movie last night and I thought it was awesome as far as the action scenes go! The Ninjas were Kicking Ass! Body parts were flying everywhere! The storyline was good, just a few things to nit pick about. 1st. off when Raizo was almost dead his internal powers healed all his wounds a little too far fetched but hey its still a Ninja movie, a lot of CGI but that didn't bother me. The fight scenes were totally of the hook! Sho Kosugi was awesome, to see again.

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OK I got to finally see this movie last night and I thought it was awesome as far as the action scenes go! The Ninjas were Kicking Ass! Body parts were flying everywhere! The storyline was good, just a few things to nit pick about. 1st. off when Raizo was almost dead his internal powers healed all his wounds a little too far fetched but hey its still a Ninja movie, a lot of CGI but that didn't bother me. The fight scenes were totally of the hook! Sho Kosugi was awesome, to see again.



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OK I got to finally see this movie last night and I thought it was awesome as far as the action scenes go! The Ninjas were Kicking Ass! Body parts were flying everywhere! The storyline was good, just a few things to nit pick about. 1st. off when Raizo was almost dead his internal powers healed all his wounds a little too far fetched but hey its still a Ninja movie, a lot of CGI but that didn't bother me. The fight scenes were totally of the hook! Sho Kosugi was awesome, to see again.

Totally agree!!! Sho Kosugi has developed one hell of an awesome movie voice. He sounds like a Ninja Master should!!

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Totally agree!!! Sho Kosugi has developed one hell of an awesome movie voice. He sounds like a Ninja Master should!!

I still would love to see him and Sonny Chiba square off in a Ninja movie! Can you imagine that! WOW!

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I still would love to see him and Sonny Chiba square off in a Ninja movie! Can you imagine that! WOW!

Well we don't see eye to eye on BLACK DYNAMITE but we do on Chiba-san vs. Sho Kosugi!!!!! :tongue:

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Well we don't see eye to eye on BLACK DYNAMITE but we do on Chiba-san vs. Sho Kosugi!!!!! :tongue:

In their prime it would have been spectacular. But even now- that would be incredible! :nerd:

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And what would be even more incredible than that, Bob?

If BLACK DYNAMITE himself go in on the action, that's what!!

Kosugi-San, whilst I respect your ninja skills, you sure done fucked up with your ninja treachery!!

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I still would love to see him and Sonny Chiba square off in a Ninja movie! Can you imagine that! WOW!

Indeed. That would've been absolutely incredible! :bigsmile: Sadly, I believe that Chiba, who held a press conference to announce his retirement from action roles a few years ago, has truly hung up his tabi boots for good. :frown: I'm still holding out hope however that his protégé Hiroyuki Sanada will one day square off on screen with Sho's son Kane. I read in an interview that Jackie Chan introduced Kane to Hiroyuki a few years back when they were doing Rush Hour 3, and they all had dinner together.

And Sho's voice has always sounded cool to me, but it was even more powerful and growly in "Ninja Assassin". Loved it! :tongue:

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Karlos: As Black Dynamite might say "Man You Come Right out of a Fuckin' Japanese Comic Book You Dig Me Man! :xd:

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