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Ninja Assassin (2009)


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Guest Yi-Long

Not sure what to make of it. The beginning looked really cool with the kid being trained, and bald headed and all that, but from about halfway through it started to look a bit 'cheesy' and cheap.

I hope it will be cool, obviously, but can't say I'm hyped yet...

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butcher wing

i just watched the trailer for this, maaaannn this lookd freekin sick, i hope all the best parts of the movie were displayed in the trailer.

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Rain looks pretty impressive in the trailer and I'm only praying they don't waste Sho Kosugi.

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they have alot to make up for from Street Fighter: Chun Li.

impressive footage, also the rehearsals are a real treat!

we'll see how the thai guys respond with Raging Pheonix and Ong Bak 3 this year. Ninja could be hollywood's last curtain call for martial arts films.

anyone get into those heated discussions yet about samurais korean or japanese origins yet? hehe

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I really want to get excited about this but the trailer just doesn't do it for me. The star of this, I forget his name, has a lot to prove regardless of a fewbits of behind-the-scenes footage. The director, while not made any bad movies, hasn't made any good ones either. I also fear that with so many dark scenes, darkness will be used to mask any deficiencies. Let's hope Yuen Woo Ping is at the top of his game and JMS writes a good story.

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talked with someone who saw the screening at comic con 2009. they said there are alot of dark scenes. they were not a fan of the genre but said it was put together pretty well. editing, camerawork, acting. some negatives though were the storyline jumping abit with flashbacks. all in all a good quality production from what people saw.

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I'm only praying they don't waste Sho Kosugi.

That was my fear too, but after seeing the trailer and Sho's prominent place in it, I don't think it's gonna be the case. Sho's voice-over and all the scenes he's involved in in the trailer are AWESOME! The man is still as cool as ever and I wouldn't be surprised if he steals every scene he's in just like he did in his ninja debut nearly 30 years ago. :) Director James McTeigue has said that he was a fan of Sho's ninja epics and cast him as an homage to those great 80s ninja movies. And unlike Tarrantino who cast his hero Sonny Chiba in KILL BILL only to waste him on a short scene as a comic barman who's only purpose is to give Uma Thurman her samurai sword, it looks like Sho will get to fight in the film. There's a brief clip where he and Rain swordfight in the trailer. I could do without the CGI wire-fu stuff, but what can you do, that's what floats people's boats these days. Regardless of that though, the return of THE ninja, the legendary Sho Kosugi, is gonna be something to see. :)

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Solid Ronin

I am cautiously optimistic about the film.

I'm seeing lots of un needed CGI, and a bunch of flips. It could be cool. I'll go see it, but hopefully we get a fight clip before it comes out.

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Even though I watched Sho Kosugi's movies a hundred times when I was younger they were still pretty bad movies watching them today.

If they'd kept Rain out of it and put his son in there I'd be way more excited for this.

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Don't mean to rant, but seeing a few people mention to much darktime in this move, and also read on other forums the same gripe. Hey I love a good ninja flick like the next guy, hell even a cheesy one can be fun. But were talking about ninja's correct? Who purpose is to blend in stealth like. I am by no means a ninja expert, quote from our friends at Wikipedia: The nin of ninjutsu is the same as that in ninja, whereas jutsu means skill or art, so ninjutsu means "the skill of going unperceived" or "the art of stealth"; hence, ninja and shinobi-no-mono (as well as shinobi) may be translated as "one skilled in the art of stealth". Similarly, the pre-war word ninjutsu-zukai means "one who uses the art of remaining unperceived".

After reading thw quote above, how on earth can a ninja do any of that during the daytime. Seeing a ninja dressed up and fighting in daylight has always given me a good chuckle, and don't get me going on the even worse ninja's the ones dressed up in red, yellow. or white outfits, during the daytime hours. Geesh... you might as well paint a bullseye on those suckers chests. Ok rant off :smile: am I being really anal about this... yeppers you bet. But its all in good fun. Just something I figured I would throw out there.

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i'm not really one to start threads,.. i normally hijack them ,..lol :bigsmile::tongue::xd:

seriously though,.. Ninja Assassin ?

do any here (starring at you Daisho) :neutral:, going to see this film? and what do you think of it so far , by looking at the previews ?

i'm scared to see a bad movie starring actors i like ,.. cause it can kill my interest in them.

also i'm tired of previews that say ,.. from the blah blah blah of matrix or from the blah blah blah of crouching tiger hidden dragon ,.. i mean DAMN,.. those movies were good but not super awesome to the point it sells me on seeing this movie,.. i mean if i see one matrix camera still shot in this movie,.. i'll walk the hell out.

what do you guys and gals think?

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I actually think it looks interesting and fun. A tad to much CG effects (atleast in the preview trailer). But hey it has Sho Kosugi, that alone is worth a watch. (and support)

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I actually think it looks interesting and fun. A tad to much CG effects (atleast in the preview trailer). But hey it has Sho Kosugi, that alone is worth a watch. (and support)

thay's what scared me from watching it,.. CG effects ,.. lol,.. like some of the scenes seem a lil' too fake is what rattled me,.. i may wait till dvd is released.

thanks Grady-San

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I may have to miss this movie in the theater & catch it on DVD.

The timing is all wrong for me - Thanksgiving weekend & going into the X-mas holidays.

I have family members coming over & as well as me visiting them.

I also ask my friends & co-workers if they are going to see it. None of them want to see a dark violent movie during that time - they all want to go see a family / drama / comedy movie.

The only movies on my family list to as well as friends/co-workers are "The Princess & The Frog", "Old Dogs" "Brothers", "Planet 51" "Everybody's Fine" "The Blind Side" "Invictus" & "Nine".

From Nov 20th until Dec 24th, my time will be limited & can only get to see one movie a week (if I am lucky). So I will have to catch this on DVD.

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With the Legendary Sho Kosugi in this nothing will stop me from seeing it on opening day. :bigsmile: I'm not crazy about CGI blood and CGI effects, but it's what's pretty much the norm these days so you have to grin and bear it. I'm confident that it won't ruin the experience or enjoyment of this for me.

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