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Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull


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OK I just seen this movie today and let me say that I'm a very big fan of INDIANA JONES now that being said. I did find this movie entertaining in an INDIANA JONES kinda way, good action scenes Harrison Ford looked very good as an older more worn out Indy. The storyline well that is another story in itself. This was INDIANA JONES meets the X-Files. Didn't really belong together you'd think after 20yrs. they would've come up with a better storyline. I don't want to give away too many spoilers until after everyone watches it then we can talk about them. There was some really dumb scenes like Shia LaBeouf swinging from the tree's like it was a Tarzan movie didn't know what they were thinking about when they made that scene. Overall it was a good movie nice to see Indy back on the big screen just wish the storyline was better.

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I've heard/read it blows balls, shame, why bother make it at all. I'll hold my judgement for video, but what I've read from reliable sources and what I've seen from the trailers, doesn't look like I'll enjoy it, I'll save my money for KF Panda.

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Lucas implied in an interview that the Crystal Skull/sci fi stuff was added for the suits. Wonder what the original story was.

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Mark Pollard

The first half was decent except I noticed something absent from past Indiana Jones flicks. Lucas didn't bother to mix "candy" in with the exposition parts. Usually, there is a certain amount of set up dialogue necessary to explain stuff that happens later in the movie. It's in here as well but there are no breaks or cuts to add something light and comedic to keep us engaged. Because the stuff the characters discuss is all made up mumbo jumbo I found myself tuning out. This only amplified my general disinterest with the second half of the film where the characters are completely lost in completely over-the-top, effects-heavy action sequences.

The sci-fi theme was consistent with the serial/pulp influences of past Indy flicks but I still didn't like it. I felt like I was watching a CLOSE ENCOUNTERS remake directed by Roland Emmerich. Indy became little more than a spectator like the rest of us.

In the end, Lucas steered yet another blockbuster franchise in the wrong direction. It's a shame. The casting was fantastic and Harrison Ford was still in great physical condition for doing the action sequences.

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I haven't seen it yet but I was under the impression since the first set of films were based on pulpy fantasy serials of the 30s and 40s that this film, taking place in the 50s, was a throwback to the sci-fi fantasies of the 1950s.

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Most people around me: friends AND family, are whining about the movie. Most dislike the alien aspect of the film, it didn't bother me. It just felt out of place.

I thought I was excellent, despite several points that the film fell short of. The effects at the end, even thought they brought a tear to my eyes, went waaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyy overboard! I loved the scene where Indy is fighting around the killer ants and especially liked the scene towards the beginning with the atom testing! :D Gotta love it! A refrigerator.

Overally I think it'll be my favorite film this summer, that is if The Dark Knight or Hancock doesn't top it! O_O


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I'm staying away from this one. I've heard more bad than good from regular people, and critics like Roeper are giving it thumbs up, the way they did Star Wars 3, which makes me suspicious of their reasoning or motives (maybe they have to praise any major studio film with a budget over $100 million or they're cut off from free movies).

I like the Indy movies, but I'll just wait for this to hit the TV.


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5 Element Boxer

I saw it twice already. And I liked it. Not a whole lot. But just as much as, say, Temple of Doom and Last Crusade. I'd probably rank it in last if I had to. I'm a HUGE fan of the movies and the character. And Raiders will always remain my favorite.

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Guest Markgway

Disappointed. Poor writing and silly plot prove more harmful to this franchise than Harrison's age ever could. I appreciated the nostalgia but this wasn't a particularly accomplished movie. The extended action sequence int the jungle was fun (and Karen Allen still has a nice smile) but where was the genuine wit? It's the least of the series - nudging out Temple of Doom into 3rd place.

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The Running Man

I thought it was the best Indiana Jones movie of them all.

And it used to be The Last Crusade for me.

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I enjoyed Kingdom of the Crystal Skull as well!! Sure there were some points that were not that good, but overall it was a great movie and great way to spend 2 hours and have a fun movie experience. Didn't hurt that I saw it with my dad and we've seen all the other Indy movies as well.

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Seriously... this one was awful! a taint on a perfect adventure trilogy! There is a reason why 3 is "the magic number". I didn't need Rambo 4, didn't need Die Hard 4, and I most certainly didn't need this steaming pile of a movie! I might as well face it... the magic is gone and Spielberg is dead to me, Lucas has been for years!

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TWC: I have to disagree with you on a few things here 1st. off I thought Rambo #4 was one of the better movies in the series pt.#3 sucked to me, and Die Hard should've stopped after the 1st. movie, pt.#4 yeah that was like totally off the wall, but this movie did have some good scenes they just ruined this movie with the Alien theme at the end. You wouldn't thought after 20yrs. come on something better then this. And give Lucas another chance with the new Clone Wars movie coming out it looks Great.

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