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Wong Yue

Kung-Fu Scholar

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Mark Pollard

I'm moving this thread into General Discussion. I know Wong is best known for his SB roles but he did star in a number of films elsewhere, such as YOUNG AVENGER.

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Edit: Teako, who's the guy with the orange pants on the last picture? Are the others Hsiao Ho, Lo Meng, Gordon Liu and Kara Hui? Looked like them.

From left to right:

Hsiao Ho, Cheung Chin Pang, Robert Mak Tak Law, Wong Yu, Gordon Liu Chia Hui, Kara Hui Ying Hung

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That is sad news.

Earlier in the week I pick-up Kid From Kwangtung, Kid With A Tattoo & The Proud Youth (alomg with some other stuff) to replace some copies I gave to my niece, The lady at the counter ask me "didn't I all ready have those?" I told her yeah but these are replacement & am getting them before they run out. An older asian guy pick up KFK & said "poor guy". At the time I paid no attention & didn,t ask/say anything. Now reading this - that is what they meant.

Rest In Peace.

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Another pic. Probably the first YH film I ever saw (back in early 80s).

Always felt YH was a bit old though to play CKT/ LL's child.

But hey, that's kung fu films for ya - gotta suspend belief. ;)

Photo reminds me of that Madonna song (Vogue) .... you know, "strike a pose!"

If anyone can provide links to any of the Chinese newspaper sites with more info, it would be appreciated.


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Ah man 53, he was to young! But through those pics it looked like his health was failing. I always liked Yu, I thought he fit the roles he played, especially under Lau Kar Leung, maybe he wasn't as great a martial artist as others but he had a charisma that really shined through on screen - RIP

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Mark Pollard

Here is an article posted on gansudaily.com.cn about Wong Yue's death. You can run it through Google's translator to get the gist of the content. Most of the other mainstream news coverage seems to be the same, suggesting this is basically an AP-style article.


His name in Chinese is "汪禹" in case you want to do your own searching.

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I would like to pay my respects. Like many of the others I cant say he was one of my favourites, but I enjoyed his performances in the likes of Dirty Ho and Spiritual Boxer. Sad news.

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Sad news indeed...:(

I may not be his biggest fan but I enjoyed those movies with Wong Yue that I've seen...

He was still young...:(


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It is sad how Wong was once a great kung fu film star and ends up on nothing more than the back burner. It makes me feel sad for some of these legends. Anyway, Wong, wherever you are, Rest in Peace and Thank you for entertaining the martial arts film community with your excellent skills.

Maybe I'll track down my Young Avenger VHS and watch it in his memory.

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Thanks for the link Mark and kokf2000 for that watermark(less) photo.

And speaking of Dirty Ho ... think I'll watch this one tonight.

Only watched the IVL once but remember that ending was quite a shock.


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Damn. Sorry to see that.

Like Mark said, I wasn't his biggest fan but I do fondly remember him in films like 'Executioners From Shaolin' and 'Challenge Of The Gamesters' - a rather 'Jack-Of-All-Trades' kid whilst at Shaws.


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Chinatown Kid

Yes I'm very saddened to hear he passed away as well. He might not have been the best martial artist but the kid had charisma and he always seemed so happy go lucky on film. May he rest in peace.

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Kung-Fu Scholar

According to "Little Panda", the Hong-Kong Cinemagic contributer from whom I hold my infos. Wong Yu's birth name was Wong Chi Kuen, and he was born on 26 October 1955 which made him 52 and a half at the time of his passing from an hepathitis viral infection.

One tale about him was that originally a mere luggage clerk at an airport he didn't' know anything about kung-fu, movie or comedy but was handpick by Run Run Shaw himdelf because of his slight likeness to Jimmy Wang Yu. Made a superstar by the Shaw Studio.Run Run Shaw never forgave the latter for leaving abrubtly the studio in 1970 and in his rancor even hired a goofy lookalike and gave him his former star's name all this in the hope of undermmining Wang Yu career. It's a nice story but it's doesn't follow Wong Yu actual career (who got puppy-eyed underdog roles before he was lauch as a k-f player). Besides why would Run Run hired a lookalike for revenge five years after the errant star had run away, at a time where Wang own career was already diminishing.

No doubt Wong Yu was a neglected kung-fu star, with an uneven but substancial body of work. As the original mischevous kung-fu kid of SPIRITUAL BOXER he was also a unfairly overlook kung-fu precursor, a role attributed to Jackie Chan later on as the creator of kung-fu comedy. Thankfully now as the bulk of his movie work is readily available to most kung-fu movie fans, and name and contributions are far better known and appreciated that they were some years ago.

Kung-F Scholar.

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Some of my friends don't know him and I would like to recommend them his signature movie. What would you guys recommend if they only like to purchase one DVD?

If you ask me, my answer is THIRTEEN or the unreleased YOUNG PASSION with Jenny Hu. But I was thinking kungfu so I need recommendations.

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I'm not that big a fan of SPIRITUAL BOXER but I would say these...

RENDEZVOUS WITH DEATH (For his playfully arrogant character as well as the sets and it's Sun Chung)

THE KUNG FU INSTRUCTOR (for his likable performance as the young disciple determined to learn from his idol at any cost)

DIRTY HO (His con man role playing off of Gordon Liu who turns out to be a con man of sorts)

KID FROM KWANG TUNG (For his kung fu performance)

LION VS LION (Fans are divided on this one but he was really good here as the conniving con man)

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Some of my friends don't know him and I would like to recommend them his signature movie. What would you guys recommend if they only like to purchase one DVD?

If you ask me, my answer is THIRTEEN or the unreleased YOUNG PASSION with Jenny Hu. But I was thinking kungfu so I need recommendations.

His best role IMO is in Dirty Ho which I think is a brilliant movie but it's one of those some love but some hate. Proud Youth is an often overlooked gem in Wong Yue's career working with director Sun Chung and one of Shaws finest swordplay movies. Depending on your friends preferences for swordplay or KF I'd go with either of those

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Hi ironfistedmonk

All my friends say they prefer swordplay to kungfu. What do you think of Swift Sword as compared to Proud Youth? They want only 1 DVD.

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I'd forgotten about Swift Sword, thats another good swordplay with a well known story, I prefer Proud Youth TBH but both are good and showcase Wong Yue away from his usual comedy style

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