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Ong-Bak 2 (2008)

Guest GwaiLoMoFo

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Tosh, I agree those two do have the tendency of coming across as hypocrites.

Jaa is a break from all the bull**** CGI and the over-usage of wires-- in some movies, it's amazing some of the things he can do. Even though I watch his movies to see what he can do next, I hope he eventually implements some story to his movies.

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well, the pics look interesting! And wouldn't it be Thai ninjas? Haven't heard of that before.... .


As far as Ninja or stealth assassin I do not recall any of them in Thai history book but something similar do exist in many Thai period fictions. They were usually local villagers or farmers who already highly trained in survival and hunting skills. They were usually called upon by their Warlord who has conquered their land to do the Job like sneak into Enemies territory to scout, get information or sometimes even assassination. These villagers do not wear uniforms like ninja, when they go out at night, they usually cover themselves with mud or paint themselves all black to blend with the dark. They usually only carry one weapon like a short knife with their teeth. They can run, they can climb extremely fast. They have ability to hold their breath for long period of time. but were not highly trained on hand to hand combat because they were just hunters so if caught they would usually end their lives in order to sealed the identity, keep their family safe and their village at peace. I think these villagers were the closest thing to NINJA in Thai period fictions. There are no evidence that they exist in the real history. So they just remain in the fictions.

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From the tailer I saw, looks like its a little different but I saw that flying knee move too many times...Tony Jaa is good but has not been proven yet, like a donnie, jet or jackie.

Until he does something totally different then what we are used too, then I will be excited.

He is going up against, no name actors, of course he will shine. Jaa needs to go to Hollywood, just to get experience in HW making experience and learn different acting abilities.

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Jaa needs to go to Hollywood, just to get experience in HW making experience and learn different acting abilities.

NO NO NO NO NO NO:eek::eek::eek:

Let him take acting lessons then! Has any of Jackie or Jet's hollywood movies been any good.... A BIG FAT NO!!

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Putting Jaa in an American movie is the worst thing you can do. They'd have him cut back on his style and acting with Americans would expose some of his acting weaknesses. He's an interesting action star, but has the most repetitive fight choreography since Steven Seagal. Muay Thai must only have eight moves, judging by his fight scenes. I am looking forward to ONG BAK 2, but am expecting another crappy movie with great fight scenes. That's all I got out of his prior movies.

I love all this talk about Jackie and Jet selling out to Hollywood, when in reality, their previous decade of HK movies were often unwatchable and far worse than the Hollywood output. If you can sit through ACCIDENTAL SPY or HITMAN, more power to you. You're made of tougher stuff than me.

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Im not a big Jet Li fan by any means, but early-mid 90's flicks like FIST OF LEGEND and OUATIC series is most def better than any of his late 90's- early 00's HLWD films!

And Jackie made some decent flicks in the 90's as well, POLICE STORY 3, ARMOUR OF GOD 2, DRUNKEN MASTER 2, CRIME STORY.... and to some extent WHO AM I, but then he went to HLWD and made all those atrocious lame ass comedies!

Are you telling me that those movies mentioned are FAR WORSE than movies like ROMEO MUST DIE, THE ONE, THE TUXEDO, RUSH HOUR etc.??

Both of them made some real stinkers in the 90's, but nothing that can compare to their flacid HLWD output!

I bet you think Chris Tucker is funny, and DMX is a good actor:)

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POLICE STORY 3 and FIRST STRIKE are awful. DM2 and OPERATION CONDOR are overrated disappointments compared to PROJECT A or POLICE STORY 1 & 2. I hate the RUSH HOUR films, but I enjoy the two SHANGHAI movies very much and found AROUND THE WORLD IN 80 DAYS to be an underrated flick. I've been following Chan since the early 80s, and have always noted his peaks and dips in quality (when every newjack was acting like he could do no wrong).

It's the same with Jet's work. HITMAN, MY FATHER THE HERO, BLACK MASK and ONCE UPON A TIME IN AMERICA AND CHINA are generic, unmemorable movies. It's like he showed up to recite his lines, smile for the camera and let the stunt doubles do all the fighting (A friend was on the set of OUATIA&C and verified that fact). The majority of his Hollywood work is crap, but I don't blame him for cashing in, and at least enabling him to get financing for a project like FEARLESS.

Their Hollywood movies are forgettable because Hollywood still doesn't understand Chinese martial arts movies. But Hong Kong rarely understands how to make them these days as well (there are exceptions, though, but these movies aren't as numerous as they were pre-1991).

It's interesting to note that Steve Wang returned to FX work, because he can't get financing for ANY of his film projects, despite stellar results with DRIVE. Hollywood is F'ed!

Tony Jaa doesn't need to be part of a system that won't understand his appeal. Why should he follow the same path as Alain Delon, Jean Reno, Chow Yun Fat, Toshiro Mifune, Terence Hill, Jackie Chan and Jet Li? All were major stars in their homeland that went on to make Hollywood movies that reduced them to exotic novelties. I'm quite tired of it, myself.

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doug maverick
Im not a big Jet Li fan by any means, but early-mid 90's flicks like FIST OF LEGEND and OUATIC series is most def better than any of his late 90's- early 00's HLWD films!

And Jackie made some decent flicks in the 90's as well, POLICE STORY 3, ARMOUR OF GOD 2, DRUNKEN MASTER 2, CRIME STORY.... and to some extent WHO AM I, but then he went to HLWD and made all those atrocious lame ass comedies!

Are you telling me that those movies mentioned are FAR WORSE than movies like ROMEO MUST DIE, THE ONE, THE TUXEDO, RUSH HOUR etc.??

Both of them made some real stinkers in the 90's, but nothing that can compare to their flacid HLWD output!

I bet you think Chris Tucker is funny, and DMX is a good actor:)

i think chris tucker is hilarious. go watch some of his stand up and if you can keep a straight face I'll give you a dollar.

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Loved the trailer. I can't wait for this movie. I just hope the story matches the action this time.

I don't think it would be a bad idea for Tony Jaa to come to Hollywood. He could learn a little from Hollywood and they could learn a little from him. Yeah, the movies would likely not have the great action like his Thai movies but I think it would be helpful in the long run. He's going to need to do more than just endless martial arts films to stay around. Let's be honest his first two major international movies were basically the same movie storywise as well as a lot of the fighting (but I loved both!). It will eventually lose it's appeal.

And for the record I loved the first Rush Hour movie and thought Chris Tucker was hilarious.

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like dionbrother said, another crappy with great fight sequence, thats all he's put out..until jaa has a well rounded movie, ong bak 2 is just another tony jaa movie, and you know what i mean..heheh

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Morgoth Bauglir

Yeah that's what it looks like. Hopefully it's at least a little bit better of an overall movie than Ong Bak and TYG, but judging by the trailer I don't think it will be.

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doug maverick

yeah maybe he can learn how to actually craft a ****ing story really make an actual film. people talk so much trash about hollywood movies but hollywood films are the most copied films world wide. your favorite kung fu film was copied from an american film. almost every hong kong or other non hollywood directors sites mostly american filmmakers and films as there inspiration. stop hating on hollywood, just to sound hip.

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