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Thor (2011)


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yea its a great movie.....awsome action, beutiful worlds and costumes, funny parts....its worth the watch

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Am I the only one who didn't think this movie was that amazing. This movie is like Iron Man 2 to me. It had a lot of potential to be great but fell short. I liked the humor this time around but the story happened all too fast and Thor seemed to do away with his arrogance so easily and quick. What dissapointed me most was the fight between Thor and Loki lasted about a minute and wasn't too climatic for me, just like Iron Man 2's final battle. The best thing about the movie was Hemsworth, he was perfect for Thor and played his part well. I'm not saying the movie was bad, just ok. I rate this a 6.5 - 7/10.

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Am I the only one who doesn't think this movie wasn't amazing. This movie is like Iron Man 2 to me. It had a lot of potential to be great but fell short. I liked the humor this time around but the story happened all too fast and Thor seemed to do away with his arrogance so easily and quick. What dissapointed me most was the fight between Thor and Loki lasted about a minute and wasn't too climatic for me, just like Iron Man 2's final battle. The best thing about the movie was Hemsworth, he was perfect for Thor and played his part well. I'm not saying the movie was bad, just ok. I rate this a 6.5 - 7/10.

New York Daily News's Joe Neumaier gave the film 2 out of 5 stars. He complimented Hemsworth on his performance and Branagh's direction, but said the script was awful.

A co-worker who is a huge comic book fanatic (collects as far as the pulp comics of past as well) loved this film as did my brother, who saw the film yesterday.

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Am I the only one who doesn't think this movie wasn't amazing.

Your double negative implies you did think this movie was amazing.:tongue:

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Your double negative implies you did think this movie was amazing.:tongue:

Your right. I fixed it.

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I saw it and it was great, maybe not 10/10 but very good nonetheless. Listen, it could have been a total clusterf*&^ but it wasn't at all. It actually had some nice space opera in there with great performances by a lot of the cast and a nice epic feel to it. My complaint is that it just didn't have enough fightin' n' wrasslin' in it for me. It had some, to be sure, but it left me wanting more.

Very recommended, though.

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I took this in Thursday (Thor's day) night. I THOR-oughly enjoyed it. (Sorry, couldn't resist that one.:tongue:)

I thought the casting choices overall were excellent and Hemsworth was fantastic in the role.

My qualm is the action sequences as well. Everything's too fast and close up at times with the exception of the battle with the Frost Giants (sweet!). The end fight could've been longer for sure.

I thought the CGI was superb! Simply a beautiful depiction of Asgard.

This is definitely one for the big screen. I'm psyched for the dvd already.

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OK I seen yesterday and I thought it was really good excellent storyline and good action scenes. I Was a little disappointed with the end fight against the robot I was hoping for an all out fight. And someone said at the end of the movie someone made a cameo from the upcoming Avengers movie but I didn't see anything and I stayed all the way until it finished with the credits!

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And someone said at the end of the movie someone made a cameo from the upcoming Avengers movie but I didn't see anything and I stayed all the way until it finished with the credits!

***Spoiler for anyone not having seen this film yet!***

The character cameo in the film isn't in the end credits. It's when Thor's fighting the SHIELD agents while trying to retrieve his hammer. Hawkeye (Jeremy Renner) is called out and is up in a lift bearing down on him with a bow and arrow. The scene at the end of the credits was showing the Cosmic Cube which will play a role in the Captain America movie.

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saw it today and loved it...the bow and arrow scene had me thinking couldn't put my finger on it....Then realized hawkeye....and i didnt stay for the end credits cause wife wanted to leave...but i really enjoyed it......and i love anything with natalie portman in it

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