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The Master (Updated with Screencaps)


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What's a bigger deal to me if it's an interview that's letterboxed but not anamorphic and even then I won't sweat it. But a video interview that isn't progressive is not a big deal.

The interview was interlaced - something I would want to be kept as because it was shot 50 or 60i originally. I was talking for film-based (or progressively shot/converted) stuff like the trailers and intros. WIthout it, most displays will ghost the picture.

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Just bought it from Best Buy for $12.99. Good movie weak extras[ with exception of interview]. Will future MB releases have commentary like Heroes Two and why is that movie $19.99.

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Killer Meteor
Right, it would be the same as hitting the zoom button on a dvd player. MB in this case gave the viewer the option of choosing what they preferred, much better than only a fake anamorphic transfer.

Where does this mentality come from? Media Blasters re-doing the image for 16:9 removes the problems caused by the zooms on tvs. My Phillips widescreen blows up the scan lines on the monitor, making any non-anamorphic title a chore to sit through

Its just poor excuses

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mr HKmovie

My grandmother is the only person I know with a 4:3 TV. Is that the market they are going for? @#$% MB. This non-anamorphic release is unwatchable garbage. The "fake" anamorphic IVL release looks pristine in comparison.

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i really enjoyed the movie- haven't seen it in several years. it seems like it's a Shaw version of a Jackie Chan movie, without a lead as charismatic as Jackie or Fu Sheng.

still, it was a load of fun.


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Killer Meteor
My grandmother is the only person I know with a 4:3 TV. Is that the market they are going for? @#$% MB. This non-anamorphic release is unwatchable garbage. The "fake" anamorphic IVL release looks pristine in comparison.

I'm not too keen on the IVL either, because its PAL-NTSC. Non anamorphic and standards conversions are both no-nos in my book

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Thanks Olde!

Hmm, even though MB included Cantonese, it comes last lol (hope the subs aren't based on the Mandarin)!

Textless intro's interesting. I suppose Celestial were able to supply one from their source which probably didn't have any text-generated stuff (hence why it was newly done on the film itself), but it's strange the English version isn't there (Ground Zero disc has it).

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I dont know Mandarin or Cantonese, so yer gonna have to help us out on identifying that. Caps are taken with WinDvd using Force Weave. Appears to be progressive but Chen, verify that with me. I meant to leave a lil gap on the first comparison but oh well. I tried to match em up as best as i could. Have a look at why videophiles are livid over this:

EDIT: I have deleted the comparisons due to venom10643 caps being inaccurately captured. Scroll down to post#142 where I have re-capped based off of Chen Lung's screen capture.

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Morgoth Bauglir

Wow, the MB version looks 100 times better than the IVL. But why is the IVL so big? I think it would look better if it wasn't so big. Is that the anamorphic thing you guys always talk about?

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Wow, the MB version looks 100 times better than the IVL. But why is the IVL so big? I think it would look better if it wasn't so big. Is that the anamorphic thing you guys always talk about?

The media blasters version is 4:3 aspect ratio whereas IVL i think has 16:9 aspect ratio. Somebody verify if i got that right

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Read this to educate yourself on more of anamorphic/non-anamorphic


To answer your question, go look at Dragon Dynasty's sb videos. Those should all be anamorphic if im not mistaken. As for the IVL caps of The Master, maybe this is what everyone is refering to as fake anamorphic.

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Killer Meteor

No, its simply whoever took the DVDcaps of the IVL didn't set their screencap properly. Anamorphic DOES NOT look that way when displayed properly. Its how the image is stored, but its output in normal dimensions. You just adjust the settings of your DVD player depending on whether you have a 16:9 or 4:3 tv

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thanks killer meteor for the clarification. venoms10643 did the ivl caps while i did the mb caps.

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Morgoth Bauglir

oldeschool I checked that link and the anamorphic side looks distorted. I'm so confused here. I'm just glad I have a normal TV where I don't have to do settings and stuff. I'm really bad with anything electronic that requires more than 1 step.

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I dont know what else to tell ya man. Each picture has a corresponding explanation of whats going on. Try re-reading it again from top to bottom(left side of the page is non-anamorphic/right side is anamorphic), if not, perhaps someone on here can better explain it for you.

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Killer Meteor
oldeschool I checked that link and the anamorphic side looks distorted. I'm so confused here. I'm just glad I have a normal TV where I don't have to do settings and stuff. I'm really bad with anything electronic that requires more than 1 step.

OK, in layman's terms

Anamorphic is a way to blow up a widescreen picture for a widescreen tv, removing some or all of the black bars without removing detail. Its common practice on many dvds

By not making a widescreen DVD anamorphic, the viewer has to do the blowup themselves with the zoom button on their widescreeen TV, which doesn't often work so well. Some TV's zooms look awful. Also, non-anamorphic autonatically means a waste of resolution in the picture. Also, in the case of The Master, the subs are placed too low and will get cropped off with the zoom on the TV

Had Media Blasters taken the video given to them and made it anamorphic with a bit of re-encoding, we would have had a dvd functional in an age where 4:3s are dying out, and 16:9 is deservedly standard. For me, non-anamorphic makes the DVD much less of a prioirty. Had it been anamorphic, I would have bought it in a flash. But it isn't, so its' in the maybe pile. Hell, I've had DVD-Rs of non-anamorphic titles where the person who made the DVD-R did the anamorphic enhancement with a bit of jiggery pokery.

Its pathetic really

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Killer Meteor
oldeschool I checked that link and the anamorphic side looks distorted. I'm so confused here. I'm just glad I have a normal TV where I don't have to do settings and stuff. I'm really bad with anything electronic that requires more than 1 step.

Ummmm, try scrolling down the page. That first example is how the image is stored on the DVD, which is why the IVL screencaps in this topic are distorted, because the person taking the caps did not set the cap-taker (for want of a better word!) to do the correction

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Morgoth Bauglir

lol, don't worry about it man. All this stuff is too complicated for me. Maybe if I had an anamorphic TV I would understand this.

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Ummmm, try scrolling down the page. That first example is how the image is stored on the DVD, which is why the IVL screencaps in this topic are distorted, because the person taking the caps did not set the cap-taker (for want of a better word!) to do the correction

For those that want to know, what would one need to do look for in the settings to fix the correction?

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Killer Meteor
For those that want to know, what would one need to do look for in the settings to fix the correction?

With Power DVD, I went to the configuation menu

Click on Player Setting

Click on Advanced

Click on Snapshot

Set to Current Video Size (bullet-point like icon)

And tick the box which reads KEEP ASPECT RATIO

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