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Bloodsport (1988)


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Yes and Sasha has custody of all four children, does acting part-time and fixes computers. I hear he is planning to get re-married too this time to his current g/f who lives with him.

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Chinatown Kid

Sasha Mitchell sucks as a martial artist, at least from what I saw in that film Kickboxer 2: The Road Back. That was one of the worst Martial Arts flicks I've ever seen, compared to Mitchell Van Damme looks like Bruce Lee!:eek:

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Morgoth Bauglir
Sasha Mitchell sucks as a martial artist, at least from what I saw in that film Kickboxer 2: The Road Back. That was one of the worst Martial Arts flicks I've ever seen, compared to Mitchell Van Damme looks like Bruce Lee!:eek:

Check out part 4. Sasha is pretty badass in that. And the fights are short, but good. Stupid movie, but it's a fun watch.

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By the way, anybody remember the part from Nowhere To Run when the 8 year old girl says JCVD has a big penis? That caught me a bit off guard.

Lol, yeah I remember saying at the time - WTF was that all about! I don't know what compelled them to put that in there:confused: :P

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Check out part 4. Sasha is pretty badass in that. And the fights are short, but good. Stupid movie, but it's a fun watch.

He looked better in Gangland, in which he looked a little more beefed up but he was able to throw some pretty good TKD kicks in it. He played a guy who teams up with Costas Mandylor (Shin from FIst of the North Star) to take on an evil crime lord in the future to get revenge for his younger brother's death.

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I loved Sasha in both 2 and 4. Not 3 though.

In 2, he has some great fight scenes, and he plays a loveable character.

And in 4, he plays a complete badass.

He's a good MAist. He has a blackbelt in TKD, and was an amateur Kickboxing champ.

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Chinatown Kid
I loved Sasha in both 2 and 4. Not 3 though.

In 2, he has some great fight scenes, and he plays a loveable character.

And in 4, he plays a complete badass.

He's a good MAist. He has a blackbelt in TKD, and was an amateur Kickboxing champ.

I admit I've only seen him in Kickboxer 2 and he just wasn't that impressive imo, maybe he does look alot better in those other flicks of his that have been mentioned. If he's a Taekwondo stylist I don't want to knock him to bad because that's my style as well.:D

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I admit I've only seen him in Kickboxer 2 and he just wasn't that impressive imo, maybe he does look alot better in those other flicks of his that have been mentioned. If he's a Taekwondo stylist I don't want to knock him to bad because that's my style as well.:D

You figured in Kickboxer 2, the choreography was done by Benny "The Jet" Urquidez and Jimmy Nickerson, who also did the MA for the awful BLOODMATCH. Urquidez has redeemed himself plenty let's just put it that way.

And CK, in Gangland, he put on some muscle, so you might to watch out LOL. He may be big, but he still was able to pull off some nice moves..and the MA was done by Art Camacho, one of the best MA directors of the American B-movies IMO.

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Chinatown Kid

I'll definately have to check Gangland out Albert. And I agree Camacho has pulled off some nice choregraphy in those low budget US flicks, he made Micheal Worth and Don Wilson look pretty good. I think he is a JKD stylist, I used to see him in MA magazines like Karate Illustrated demonstrating techniques with a partner in articles on JKD. I would like to see you do an article on him and his background if you get the time.

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Definitely CK...I'll have to get in touch with him again. I used to e-mail back in the day. I remember I did a review of the Mummy Returns and loved the fight choreography between Nefertiti and Anuk Su Namun and Art actually e-mailed seeing my review influenced him to see the movie!!! Those were the days!!!

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Cannon Pictures should have capitalize on this and made a spin-off comedy or something... This guy cracks me up every single time I watch this movie.. Is this the same dude from Drunken Tai Chi?? The one where he has a fireworks duel against Donnie Yen and he throws like a rock at an Owl's head????


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This guy cracks me up every single time I watch this movie.. Is this the same dude from Drunken Tai Chi?? The one where he has a fireworks duel against Donnie Yen and he throws like a rock at an Owl's head????

Yeah, it's the same guy. His name is Mandy Chan Chi-Man, an old Boston buddy of Donnie's who got into the Hong Kong showbiz around the same time Donnie started his film career. He's retired now though.


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My friend and I grew up thinking Frank Dux was a real life master ninja commando warrior... So many things wrong with this film, but they make it even better when you're older.

So you break into a Japanese teacher's home, and what does he do to you? He teaches you the way of the warrior. Hmmmmm. Frank had some good drugs available to him, I have to admit. There's no other explanation.

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My friend and I grew up thinking Frank Dux was a real life master ninja commando warrior... So many things wrong with this film, but they make it even better when you're older.

So you break into a Japanese teacher's home, and what does he do to you? He teaches you the way of the warrior. Hmmmmm. Frank had some good drugs available to him, I have to admit. There's no other explanation.

Also the kid who plays young Frank Dux looks like Eli Manning and the freaking little bastard had a Giants jersey on??? Coincidence????

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Also the kid who plays young Frank Dux looks like Eli Manning and the freaking little bastard had a Giants jersey on??? Coincidence????

Sorry, I didn't get the Giants reference, I only know a bit about US football from playing Madden as a kid.

Thinking about Bloodsport:

1. They had to make VD look cool by having a dumb brutish friend to compare him to.

2. If you think point (1) is silly, remember his dance sequence from Kickboxer.

3. JCVD probably had a clause in his contracts stating he had to do the splits, and a shot where he bares his ass, preferably both together.

4. Every time he connects with an elbow or kick, it HAS to be replayed 3-5 times.

5. The soundtrack for both Bloodsport and Kickboxer are ace, perfect 80s cheese and atmospheric keyboards.

I know most of these points have been noted by anyone who saw these films more than twice. Oh yeah, didn't AWOL / Lionheart have the captain from Sledge Hammer in it? Totally forgot that.

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On 5/14/2008 at 8:27 PM, Chinatown Kid said:

I think he is a JKD stylist.

Camacho originally trained in Kung Fu as a protege of Eric Lee but he considers his foundation Wun Hop Kuen Do as he is a protege of Sifu Al Dacascos (Mark's dad).

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sifu iron perm
On 5/8/2008 at 7:01 PM, oldeschool17 said:

Those sequels dont count. :D


Van Damme was gonna do his take on it but change some stuff around. If he were to do release it he cant keep the Frank Dux or other related stuff name since there's some legal issues. Those 2 dont get along these days after their court battles

He could rename the character as Drank Fux or Frank Ducks

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On 9/8/2012 at 9:28 PM, DiP said:

Yeah, it's the same guy. His name is Mandy Chan Chi-Man, an old Boston buddy of Donnie's who got into the Hong Kong showbiz around the same time Donnie started his film career. He's retired now though.


This reminds me of something that I had read on alt.asian-movies about Jackie Chan and the Triads. Three years before Jackie's first book was unleashed on the world, there was already similarly worded info about his departure from Lo Wei. A man named Jay Fong had posted e-mails from a man named Tak, who typed: "My information came from Donnie Yen and Mandy Chan, who were trying to break into the entertainment business in HK in the early 80's. Jackie stayed in Taiwan to make movies (notably "Dragon Lord"), because Lo Wai, his "godfather" had words out that if he ever found Jackie in HK, he would chop him up to pieces. Lo Wai was a high-level official of the Sun Yi On Triad - he was not kidding."

"At one point, Wang Yu volunteered to settle the feud for Jackie and went to HK to meet with Lo Wai, only finding himself cornered by a dozen of Sun Yi On hitmen armed with "watermelon knives".  Wang Yu was unbelievably lucky that an English sergeant happened to have cruised around that area and ran into the scene.  All the people concerned ended up being arrested.  The next day, the HK newspaper mildly mentioned that "...the director Lo Wai and actor Wang Yu have been summoned to the police station for questioning..." It was Raymond Chow who eventually settled the matter with Lo Wai and "bought up" Jackie.  That is why Jackie can never make any movies outside of the Golden Harvest umbrage. And despite all the money others claimed he has made, Jackie will not be able to retire as long as he is still marketable. Regards, Tak."

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On 5/9/2008 at 12:46 AM, AlbertV said:

I did like the appearance of John Cheung and Bolo Yeung in BLOODSPORT. I did hear a story though that two of the actors were told they would get lead roles in the movie and got screwed over.


I read in an article last year that Paulo Tocha (who played the Muay Thai fighter Van Damme faced in the semi-finals) and Eric Neff (who played the monkey fighter) were approached and were going to get lead roles in the film. When they learned that wasn't the case, they were mad. Mind you, these guys were doing those cheesy Joseph Lai ninja movies at the time with Tocha also taking on Jet Li in BORN TO DEFENSE.

I hate when producers do this, though it probably says something about a performer's initial reluctance that a producer feels desperate enough to convince them that they were born to defend (pardon the pun). For example, if Tsui Hark had made Once Upon a Time in China much earlier during a time when Yuen Biao was okay with playing second fiddle to Sammo and Jackie, would Tsui have felt compelled to lie to Biao about Leung Foon being the main character?

Fred Weintraub confessed in his memoir that he implied to John Saxon that Roper was the main character. This would have been easy to imply since Roper represents the international's audience's perspective of being outsiders to a foreign world.

Back to Bloodsport, they would never have a black guy do the monkey style anymore in today's ultra-PC world.

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