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Saviour of the Soul appreciation thread


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In my opinion this is one of the best HK movies ever made. For the uninitiated it stars Andy Lau and Anita Mui. Set in an unknown future, its fantasy sci fi action all the way. Both the leads give great performances, with Lau especially effective as the sentimental but heroic character. Aaron Kwok, as the lead bad guy gives a superbly dark performance and Kenny Bee is stoic and controlled. It has everything you love about HK movies: fantastic action, powerful aesthetics and visuals, breakneck pacing, great entertainment. . . the list could go on. I rate this as one of Cory Yuens best films, despite it being a co direction with David Lai. Also the cinematography, as you would expect from Peter Pau, is mind blowingly beautiful.

Yeah the comedy is a bit lame but it doesnt detract from the impact of all the other great parts of the movie.

So whats everyone elses opinion?

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I dig it! Bought it on video (with Last blood and the Killer) in the mid nineties, when I was branching out, in my exploration of HK cinema! It has a lot of nostalgic value for me!

Is it a movie masterpiece...? maybe not! but it is entertaining and visually impressive! And even if your not that into fantasy style flicks (im not) it is still great, and a good one to start with, if you want to explore that genre!

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You lucky boy, Tigerstyles. I would love to see it on the big screen with an appreciative audience. Those were the glory days Im sure when the Scala was still up and running. Wish I hadnt been too young at the time to make a pilgrimage

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Definitely one of my favourite HK fantasy movies. I remember buying the Made In Hong Kong VHS when it first came out, and then later bought it on DVD.

Pity about the second one though :(

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Way, yeah heard about the second ones crapness so never bothered to check it out. Is there nothing to recommend it?

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I do remember seeing it on the big screen - do not recall if it was The Music Palace, The Rosemary, the Sun Sing, the Pagoda. I do remember after watching it, I said that I have to get that on tape. I did get on VHS & then VCD & now DVD. I do love Aaron Kwok in that movie. SOTS 2 I initially didn't like it as I was expecting the same action as in SOTS 1. But I did enjoy both.

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Morgoth Bauglir

God I hated this movie. I still hold a grudge against all the people that recommended it to me.


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God I hated this movie. I still hold a grudge against all the people that recommended it to me.


Come on people more recommendations for him so he can get rid of the grudge. :cool::D:rolleyes:

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Morgoth Bauglir

lol, good one kfc. You got any recommendations for me? Put some thought into it this time:mad::mad:

:P:p j/k of course :D

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I have some friends coming over tomorrow - want to show them something different so I pulled out:

The Dragon From Russia - Sam Hui, Nina Li Chi, Maggie Cheng - "Enjoyable movie - Lots of wire fu - Loosely basd on "Crying Freeman"

Killers Romance - A good effort from Simon Yam - also loosely based on "Crying Freeman"

Millionaire Cop - one of them is a big fan of Aaron Kwok & he played the same Silver Fox role as in Savior of the Soul

Heroic Trio 1 & 2 - almost everyone on this board should have already seen these two.

I am also pulled "The Kung Fu Wonderchild" Series - they saw a clip of "Magic of Spell" & are curious.

Also wanted to sjow them Kung Fu Kid & Ninja Martial Arts but can't locate my dvd-r.

Which ones haven't you seen - I will try not to make you so mad. :D:rolleyes: lol

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Morgoth Bauglir

Killer's Romance is good? Seriously? I didn't know it was loosely based on Crying Freeman. I've put this on my netflix queue and then taken it off about 5 times. I'd like to hear more about it.

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Killer's romance is a good movie - not great but good. Simon Yam as the Hitman & Joey Wang plays a witness who he must kill & protect at the same time.

<object width="425" height="355"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-LxYgimJGqY&hl=en"></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-LxYgimJGqY&hl=en" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="355"></embed></object>

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Morgoth Bauglir

Yeah I've seen that clip on youtube. Dammit, this is going back on my queue. It better be good, or else.

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Yeah I've seen that clip on youtube. Dammit, this is going back on my queue. It better be good, or else.

......you will get be a little mader. :D

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FYI, Savior of the Soul is basically a modern take of Jin Yong's novel, Return of the Condor Heroes. The same source that inspired One Armed Swordsman.

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I agree with kfc, Killer's Romance is a good movie. Some excellent swordplay and gun action. It does lag a bit at times with some crappy romantic interludes, but overall a solid flick. Get it Morgoth!

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SAVIOUR OF THE SOUL is a fun, fun film. I remember watching it for the first time - I got the MIHK tape when it came out around 1993, I think - and not having the faintest effing idea what the hell was going on, but enjoying the whole demented fandango thoroughly. I don't think I've watched it in at least six years, though.

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another vote for Killer's Romance here, snagged a vhs bootleg ages ago and I would def grab a good dvd if one was available

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Morgoth Bauglir

Yeah, that's the one on netflix. No doubt it is badly English dubbed. I'll probably see it within a few weeks.

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Morgoth Bauglir

lol, it's actually scheduled to come today from netflix. I'll let you know this week what I thought of it.

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Morgoth Bauglir

I just watched it kfc. Not that great, but not that bad either. Boring, but good fights. Simon Yam surprised me. he was very sharp with his movements.

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The Running Man
Yeah the comedy is a bit lame but it doesnt detract from the impact of all the other great parts of the movie.

I thought the comedy was downright hilarious. I remember that I had to pause the movie a couple of times because me and my buddies were laughing out so much.

That in mind, I'm glad that others like this movie as well. It is also one of my favorite Hong Kong movies ever. I love it. The score, the story, the visuals, the action, the cast, etc...

Also you guys should know about Tai Seng DVD release that they did about a year or two back. Here's the link.

That's their domestic release (not an import of the Universe disc) and they totally improved the English subtitles. I'm so glad they did because the movie deserves a highly quality translation for it than what existed before ("My food student!").

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