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Chocolate / ช็อคโกแลต (2008)

Guest WongFury

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Magnolia Pictures have the North American rights to Chocolate and will play it in theaters in 2009. It was just announced on Variety Asia Online. It was originally bought by the Weinsteins, but they no longer are involved in distributing the film.

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Morgoth Bauglir
yeah aperantly after WC passed on ong back to they took back the rights to chocolatyes

Your typos are hilarious Doug! Truly funny stuff. I don't know how you pulled that off. No disrespect intended, just good fun. :D But seriously, thanks for the info. I wish DD had the rights. it would probably be cheaper, and overloaded with special features. Shame.

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I just hope they release a uncut version. I would like to see the mansion scene. For anyone who hasn't seen it, i would suggest buying a copy with a eng subs in the meantime. I couldn't wait any longer for a proper eng subs release.

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The Running Man

It's better that they dropped it. DD isn't that good of a company. Magnolia will make a better DVD than DD would have. Magnolia, unlike DD, does new and improved high quality English translations for all of their foreign films. Their release of Exiled is the best DVD for English (and Spanish) speaking fans as the subtitles are an enormous improvement over the crap original English translation. They also released a solid two disc edition of the Korean movie The Host.

Another great thing about Magnolia is that they are actually going to release Chocolate theatrically, something that DD has only done really once (Tom Yum Goon doesn't count because that was through Weinstein). They took a terrific film like SPL and dumped it on DVD, even though it was a fa better film than Tom Yum Goong.

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Magnolia does put out solid DVD releases. :D Their discs for B-13, THE HOST, and TEARS OF THE BLACK TIGER, and EXILED were all top-notch IMO. They always include the original soundtrack, have great subs, and usually really good extras- especially their release of THE HOST.

I've seen CHOCOLATE (and watched the fight scenes repeatedly) and would love to go with my family and friends to the theater to see it. Action movies are always cool to see on the big screen.

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Guest WuxiaFan

I like Magnolia Pictures A LOT, too, so I'm very happy they have picked up the release. It will be interesting to see how wide a release it will have, but I think it will make its way Madison. We have a Sundance theater which caters to independent and foreign films. We also have an art house theater that picks up the same type of films. CHOCOLATE will be awesome on the big screen.

Can anyone confirm whether the mansion scene actually made the film? It's not in the DVD that I have, and I'm pretty sure I have an uncut version. I'm thinking the mansion scene was included in the trailer, but did not make the actual film. Either way, I will now wait for the Magnolia DVD and compare it to the UK version.

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Guest WuxiaFan

Daigoro-san -- you crack me up! Those thoughts are probably right! You're right about Bey's blog-it's never updated. However, Bey does seem to answer his emails, at lease he answered mine about FIST OF LEGEND fairly quickly.

I do disagree with you on Bey's audio commentaries. I find his audio commentaries to be extremely entertaining and insightful. His best ones were with HKL for THE PRODIGAL SON and FIST OF FURY. But I like all of his commentaries.

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lightning hopkins

Bey Logan's commentaries for Hong Kong films are indeed good. His knowledge of Thai cinema is extremely limited, though, and it shows all too often in the commentaries he's done for those movies that've been released by Dragon Dynasty (cf. his audio efforts on the DD "Tom Yum Goong" and "Born to Fight" DVDs).

Hearing Logan mangle all the Thai actors' names again and again is rough enough; but tougher still is understanding why he doesn't just delegate the commentating duties to someone else with a better grasp of Thai culture and film history. He obviously has great insights into the Chinese side of martial arts, and it shows through in his HK movie commentaries. It's unfortunate, then, that his Thai ones are so shallow in comparison. Despite the Hollywood sheen they've featured in recent years, Thai films still have a distinctly idiosyncratic local flavor -- and viewers (especially western ones) might benefit a lot from a solid audio commentary that picks up on and addresses all the subtle cultural elements that might otherwise get lost. But while Logan is able to do just that in his HK film commentaries, too many times in the Thai ones he settles instead for simplistic observations that could've come straight from any tourist guidebook to Thailand. Thais revere their king? Golly, Bey, who knew? Buddhism is a big influence there? Wowie zowie, do tell!

I don't even wanna think what chestnuts he would've trundled out for a "Chocolate" DVD release.

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His knowledge of Thai cinema is extremely limited

Who's isnt? Considering the infancy of Thai cinema, at least watchable cinema. If you want to learn about Thai culture watch the Discovery channel, not a kung fu movie.;)

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I'll be picking up the UK Cine-Asia dvd on Nov 3rd. Here's the extras:

Extras (80mins approx) include:


Breaking the Mould

Step by Step

A Star is Born

Fighting Talent

The Stars of Chocolate

Real Fighters

Deleted Scenes

Outtakes & Highlights

Training Workshop

Power Moves (Easter Eggs)

TV spots

Trailer Gallery

Chocolate will open at selected UK cinemas on 24th October.

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lightning hopkins
Who's isnt? Considering the infancy of Thai cinema, at least watchable cinema. If you want to learn about Thai culture watch the Discovery channel, not a kung fu movie.;)

Hah! Fair enough...but by the same token, why have commentary tracks at all if there's nothing of substance to discuss and supplement the on-screen action? And as far as Thai film knowledge, try someone like Wise Kwai, who seems to have a pretty comprehensive grasp of the subject...unlike, say......Bey. :angel:

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why have commentary tracks at all if there's nothing of substance to discuss and supplement the on-screen action?

I agree. Would be nice to have cast/crew involved, unfortunatley theres the language barrier (maybe subbed commentary?)

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And as far as Thai film knowledge, try someone like Wise Kwai, who seems to have a pretty comprehensive grasp of the subject...unlike, say......Bey. :angel:

I completely agree. As far as commentary tracks concerning Hong Kong Cinema Bey's are second to none but when it comes to Thai cinema...dear oh dear, they are pretty dire! lol

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The Running Man
As far as commentary tracks concerning Hong Kong Cinema Bey's are second to none

Actually yeah. The actual film makers and people who made the movies in question. Practicality everytime Logan has made a track with the director or actor of a movie, he has been corrected numerous.

I've said this before and I'll say it again, Logan is knowledgeable but his tracks have a lot of filler. Because he doesn't stop talking, people think he's saying more than he actually is. He throws too much of his own opinions into them that are unnecessary.

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Killer Meteor
Actually yeah. The actual film makers and people who made the movies in question. Practicality everytime Logan has made a track with the director or actor of a movie, he has been corrected numerous.

I've said this before and I'll say it again, Logan is knowledgeable but his tracks have a lot of filler. Because he doesn't stop talking, people think he's saying more than he actually is. He throws too much of his own opinions into them that are unnecessary.

Most filmmakers know jack about their own films!

The problem with commentaries in general is, as you say, padding. That's why i prefer docs or liner notes

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The Running Man
Most filmmakers know jack about their own films!

Uh.... I'm going to go on a limb here and say you are wrong.

Perhaps not all may be great speakers but to say the makers of a certain don't know about their own films is well... not exactly accurate. :)

I would feel better about Logan's tracks if he can just stuck to the facts. I don't particular care about his opinions on things or what he thinks. That's what he did with people like Tsui Hark on the commentary track on Seven Swords. He kept interrupting him when he was about to tell us a fact about something just so Logan can share what he liked. Guess what? No one cares.

Just tell us what you know as a fact and/or let someone who does.

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I watched Chocolate last Sunday at the San Diego Asian Film Festival. If you loved Tony Jaa's movies you'll surely love this movie. I'm not a huge fan but still a pretty good movie with some good action.

As far as Logan goes, I don't think I've listened from beginning to end to one of his commentaries. Just way too much talking about a lot of insignificant stuff for my taste. I prefer commentaries that let the movie play and point out interesting insights here and there.

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I'll be picking up the UK Cine-Asia dvd on Nov 3rd. Here's the extras:

Extras (80mins approx) include:


Breaking the Mould

Step by Step

A Star is Born

Fighting Talent

The Stars of Chocolate

Real Fighters

Deleted Scenes

Outtakes & Highlights

Training Workshop

Power Moves (Easter Eggs)

TV spots

Trailer Gallery

Chocolate will open at selected UK cinemas on 24th October.

got mine ordered , didn't know about the extras though....cheers:D

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