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Human Lanterns may be uncut


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I just cannot wait to pick up this flick at Best Buy of all places. hmhmhmhmhm... yes! I hope its all Markgay. Oops Markgway's, only razzin ya Mark, finding on it actually is the case. i f@ckin love this film. i really hope the english subs have been re-translated.

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I received an email from Deepdiscount that my copy of Human Lanterns shipped today. If others here also purchased from them, yours should be on the way soon.

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I got mine today at Best Buy. The one located near Citrus Park Mall in Tampa tends to put out small releases early. I quickly check a couple things for everyone.

1 - No English Dub

2 - Subtitles seem much better than region 3 version

3 - The alternate skinning is the tame version and gory version is in the movie. Tanny's rape scene is also in the movie.

I hope this helps.

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That's a big help. Thank you. Also, would you confirm if it's anamorphic or not?

I got mine today at Best Buy. The one located near Citrus Park Mall in Tampa tends to put out small releases early. I quickly check a couple things for everyone.

1 - No English Dub

2 - Subtitles seem much better than region 3 version

3 - The alternate skinning is the tame version and gory version is in the movie. Tanny's rape scene is also in the movie.

I hope this helps.

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I don't have the Momentum disc. I'm not a tech geek, but it looked pretty good on a 40 inch Bravia. It had black bars on top and bottom. I couldn't tell you if it is truly anamorphic. I had one problem. When an image is moving fast on screen it has a flicker. These guys probably will never get one of these perfect. The guys at Image couldn't find their way out sleeping bag with a flashlight.

That said the extra footage and superior subtitles make this a must own disc.

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Morgoth Bauglir

Thanks for the info that you got it at BB razorclam. I checked yesterday and they didn't have it, but today my impatience paid off. I can't wait to finally see this.

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Morgoth Bauglir

It's not as good as Dragon Dynasty or Media Blasters, but no complaints from me.

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Killer Meteor
It's not as good as Dragon Dynasty or Media Blasters, but no complaints from me.

Well the other guy mentioned flicker, which means it interlaced and probably time-stretched

Don#t throw away your Momentums yet

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I hope you don't mean throw away as in actually throwing away cuz thats just CRAZY!

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Winfred, there are certain films where one should keep all versions, this unique flick is definitely one of them. I do possess all (I believe) 4 versions of this film and Momentum's (while worth keeping) isn't so more important than any of the others. My first version (beat up bootleg) has the best english translations/the boot that the first 20 mins or so cuts out into blanck blue screen with only audio throughout is my favorite eng subs version. Winfred, I was very pleased with Image's re-translated version, and the picture quality is crystal clear. Absolutey no complaints here about Image's release of Human (Skin) Lanterns.

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The Running Man
3 - The alternate skinning is the tame version and gory version is in the movie. Tanny's rape scene is also in the movie.

Does that mean the version on this disc is uncut?

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How about the transfer? Are the subtitles really retranslated, or just fixed up in grammar errors, etc?

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The Running Man

Transfer ain't so hot.

It's got the extra from the French disc though. This is the second time that I know of Image doing this. First being with Intimate Confessions of a Chinese Courtesan. Interesting deal they have with them. Weird how they didn't also use the extra from the IVL releases of Courtesan, but I digress...

I don't have the IVL release to compare, but I doubt it's retranslated as there are still some dumbed down moments. It's most likely just a tidy up of the grammar and making sentences read more fluently like Image has always done. Nice surprise to see that it also includes Spanish subs on both the feature and extra (the latter of which is rare for a non-major US company to do). First Image release to do so. Cool for Spanish speakings fans especially if this release is uncut.

Which is what I would like confirmed. :D Member razorclam said that the alternate version of the scene is tamer than the one in the movie itself. So does this mean this disc is uncut?

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Kung Foolery
Well the other guy mentioned flicker, which means it interlaced and probably time-stretched

Don#t throw away your Momentums yet

Okay so how bad is this interlacing? I do not have a hi-def tv yet (will soon) so I dont know how these look compared to a standard def tv.

Is this interlacing really that big of an issue?

The action scenes on my old 480i tv look fine.

How bad will they look on 720p/1080p tv? Really bad?

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The Running Man

It's not really an issue of interlacing. Media Blaster's Heroes Two is interlaced and it doesn't look anywhere near as bad as Image's stuff. It's an issue of the source of Image's video and in these cases they are just poor PAL to NTSC speed transfers.

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I said it's re-translated. Got that! If you had the differing regions you'd know. I guess Running Man then you don't know what your talking about in regards to the different versions of this flick hugh? I said they're re-translated and they are. When you figure it out by experience let me know.

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The Running Man

Ummm....yeah. You need to calm down.

Me not knowing about the different versions of the film? Yeah, I already pointed that out by stating earlier, "I don't have the IVL release to compare" and by asking twice if the release is truly uncut.

And nowhere in the message did I state for a fact that the subtitles were not retranslated, because of what I said before. I said as clear as day, "I doubt it's retranslated as there are still some dumbed down moments. It's most likely just a tidy up of the grammar and making sentences read more fluently like Image has always done." And that's me talking about them using the Celestial subtitles as a base, which they have done before.

Hopefully this message reaches you before you go into a bizarre geek apesh!t and totally lose control of your bowel movements.


With that piss poor attitude, vengeanceofhumanlanterns is a moderator here? :confused:

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With that piss poor attitude, vengeanceofhumanlanterns is a moderator here? :confused:

Lol, your one to talk, sorry but you should be the last person on here to call anyone out on a piss poor attitude:rolleyes:

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The Running Man

People that go haywire on the internet over nothing isn't my fault.

And that has nothing to do with this. vengeanceofhumanlanterns is a moderator and he gave that kind of a bizarre reply out of nowhere. That kind of person should be the last one to be a moderator.

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If they've changed the translations at all for the eng subs they were redone. They don't just do spot retranslations. In fact, if you knew the difference betweem Celestial and Image's versions you wouldn't have ever made the remark. Your right, I was stressed out when I replied to you, but you should try to be a little more sure of that which you speak at times. Peace bro.

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The Running Man
If they've changed the translations at all for the eng subs they were redone.

That's different than a "retranslation".

And in terms of being "a little more sure of that which you speak at times", I wrote what I wrote from what I had in front of me and I wrote that fact as clear as day. And that was that, "I doubt it's retranslated as there are still some dumbed down moments. It's most likely just a tidy up of the grammar and making sentences read more fluently like Image has always done."

Just take it easy man. :)

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