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Why do a lot of people like Drunken Master 2 more than 1?


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It seems like a lot of people seem to like Drunken Master 2 (Legend of..) more so than the original Drunken Master. Now, DM2 was a good movie and all, but personally, I find that DM is way better than DM2. DM2 just felt too...commercialized I guess? Plus I love watching the original Drunken Master in the first one(forget the old man's name.) So is there something I'm missing here with DM2? I just really don't know how anyone could like 2 better than 1. Just curious to see why some people like 2 so much.

Also, according to Amazon.com, a new region 1 version of DM was to be released March 10, 2008. Here is a link: http://www.amazon.com/Drunken-Master-Jackie-Chan/dp/B000UXUEMG/ref=pd_bbs_sr_3?ie=UTF8&s=dvd&qid=1208819991&sr=8-3

Was this ever released? There are no reviews and it is out of stock. If anyone has this newer version, does it have the original language track?

P.s. This is off topic, but I've been wacthing some of my old kung fu flicks again recently, and if my memory serves me right, the original language tracks for all Bruce Lee movies and DM is Cantonese, right? Not Mandarin? Just checking.

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I don't know what to say about your link, lol, but I think you may have unknowingly? started something.

But to answer a couple of your questionss this is not a newer version despite its release date, and it may have the original soundtracks but I highly doubt it. It's also cut if its runtime is right.

As far as how many likes which more, there was a topic about it not long ago, and it was split 50-50 i believe.

one more time I say nice link.

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Ah, alright, I managed to find the topic you were referring to. Reading through it now. Thanks. So I guess my only question now is if anyone managed to get that version of DM1 when it came out not too long ago. I should take a trip to my video store sometime and see if they happen to have it, doubtful though.

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Chinatown Kid

That DVD cover of this supposedly new release looks just like the pan media version of Drunken Master. What Pan Media did was rip the print of the Columbia version and slap the original english dub on it. I don't see how they keep from getting their asses sued bigtime.

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It's the same as Terminator and Terminator 2. Both great movies but more people seem to prefer the newer and more polished sequel.

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I personally preferred DM2 because there were a lot of problems with production of DM2(change of director etc) and people we're questioning whether Jackie who was 40 at the time could still pull off the Kung fu moves required.So when I saw it I was blown away and nobody was flying around which at the time seemed the way to go with the Kung fu movie.?

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I knew a Chinese kid back in high school--a friend of a friend--and he was a big Chan fan like I was (and still am). We got into this conversation and he said that he liked the first DM more than the second. His reasoning had to do with his feeling that the fights from part 2--specifically the two drunken boxing fights--felt repetitive to him, which I can kind of understand.

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The first movie got me hooked and into the genre. Part 2 is ok. Don't see how it's better than the first? There's no Yuen clan, no HJL, and no Sam Seed. And none of the memorable bit parts like the king of sticks or ironheaded gambler dude or aunt with the amazing leg work.

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One Armed Boxer

For me 'Drunken Master 2' is more entertaining than the original, although they were made in such different era's of HK cinema that it almost makes it impossible to legitimately compare them.  You won't see too many other discussions out there comparing a 1978 kung-fu movie to a 1994 kung-fu movie.

It may not have Hwang Jang Lee and Simon Yuen, but it also doesn't have Dean Shek, which balances things out.  There's not too many other movies out there where you can see HK legends like Jackie Chan, Ti Lung, Lau Kar Leung, and Anita Mui sharing the screen together, and that 3-tiered one-on-one final fight medley against Vincent Tuatonne, Ho Sung-pak, and Ken Lo is simply kung-fu heaven.

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I love both films. DM1 is an ultimate classic with Jackie on the cusp of his prime. The only problem with the movie is that is pretty much just a remake of Snake in the Eagle`s Shadow. DM2 had such a brilliant opening, middle and closing fight scene. Otherwise, I thought the movie was a little weaker but slightly off-base with the older Jackie playing a younger version of himself. Either way, we are the winners as we have these two great classics that we can watch whenever we want. 

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