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The Forbidden Kingdom (2008)

Guest GwaiLoMoFo

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Now that I read Mark's review for the film I realized I forgot to mention that Monkey Goes West was featured in the beginning of the film. If you've been here for more than a little while you'll know that's one of my favorite Shaw films. I was flying high when I saw that, my friends didn't understand why! :D Hey, it's the film that discovered Yueh Hua.

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bamboo spear

I really liked it. My girlfriend, who I practically dragged to see it, really liked it (she's a big fan of The Neverending Story, so that's probably why). I'll definately get the DVD just for the Jet/Jackie fight in the temple, which were some of the coolest five minutes ever put to film.

It was also nice to see a martial arts type film that is more light-hearted and caters to kids, and teaches good lessons about the martial arts. I love Tony Jaa films, but it seems like the latest trend is everyone trying to "out brutal" one another. You can always rely on Jackie Chan. Even in his crap films, he's great.

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Wow, I was surprised at how much I enjoyed this.

If you don't want anything ruined, then skip my post...


Anyways, here's what I liked about it:

* Of course, the posters and references to the Shaw classics, not just the standard Bruce Lee references we usually seem to get in Western takes on kung fu movies

* It hit all the main kung fu movie riffs---tea house, bamboo forest, training scenes, monks training in temples, etc.

* Nice chemistry between Jackie and Jet, and I especially liked the fact that they capitalized on Jackie and Jet's best styles. Jackie mostly did his drunken boxing, and Jet mostly did his wushu style stuff, which I always thought he looked a lot better doing than when he tried to do a more contemporary, Bruce Lee style. Jet even wore an outfit very similar to his one in OUATIC, which fit well with his fighting style.

* Lots of fights, and long fights. Nice HK style editing and choreography, not too many MTV style quick cuts.

* I like the fact that even though the white kid trained and learned kung fu, he still wasn't a better fighter than any of the other main heroes or villains.

* Great western-style production values and backgrounds---this movie looked great.

* AWESOME Morricone-like spaghetti Western guitar theme for the witch.

* Nice mix of barehand and weapons throughout the movie.

* When the monk kids wheeled in Jackie for the final fight, was anyone else reminded of 8 Diagram Pole Fighter when the monks joined the fight with the wooden wolf?

* I didn't recognize the old man in the beginning, so I didn't see the ending coming, and I thought it tied things up very well.

* I'm generally much more of a fan of old-school movies, but I didn't find the wires or special effects too annoying--the action scenes generally looked quite good to me.

* nice dual roles for Jet, as the stoic monk and the mischeivous Monkey King. Decent acting from him.

What I didn't like:

....ummm....I can't come up with too much. Sure, it would be great to see these two in a more serious old-school type movie, but for this TYPE of family-friendly movie, I thought it was excellent on every level.

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.. but so far they've made almost 20 million dollars. It will make more by the time it finishes, plus DVD sales.

It wasn't a Kung Fu triumph, but it will make enough for Hollywood to do it again.

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it will make enough for Hollywood to do it again.

I'm not disagreeing with you, but maybe! They spent a deal of cash on this flick so they're not gonna lower the standards for the second film, they're going to try and top it. Thus, it will take more cash and that will mean it'll have to be profitable for those bastards higher up. It may be a while. It may have to finish it's run before they truly decide. Jet and Jackie are already on to other projects as well. That'll postpone things further.

What they need to do is remove the modern-day aspect of the film (props to Michael Angarano anyway, he did fine, it just didn't need to be there) and make Jet and Jackie's further quarreling adventures the focus.

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I got to see this movie last night and I found it really good, some good action scenes really it was with Jackie & Jet's hand to hand combat. It is just a shame that it took and American Director to get these 2 HK Stars together to finally do a movie, when these are so many great HK Directors out there. They shouldv'e made a few movies together already.

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I saw this today and thought it was pretty good. It wasn't the best vehicle for a Jackie and Jet Li movie, but it did show those two can pull out some great stuff when fighting against each other!

The story is pretty basic, and very predictable. I don't think it will appeal to a mass audience like they had probably planned it to be. The biggest obstacle, for me, was trying to understand some of the broken English dialogue. Perhaps the choice of words was bad, because many of them were difficult to understand. If they had spoken mostly Mandarin with English subs, I wouldn't have minded that. So that might be a problem for the audience, because if you can't understand what is being said, you miss some of the messages being conveyed.

The action in the film is probably the only reason to really see this flick. It's well done, and while it does feature plenty of wire work, the choreography is very intricate full of really cool moves.

Overall, it's worth checking out, but like I said, I don't see it appealing to a whole lot of people. Maybe it'll have the first weekend's box office because people saw the recent ads on TV and thought it was a strictly Jet Vs Jackie film, and didn't know it was a semi-kids movie. It'll disappear off the Top 10 pretty quickly.

It sounds like they might have left it open for a sequel? I look forward to seeing Michael Angarano doing more films, he was really talented. I looked on IMDB to see if he had a martial arts background, but nothing is listed.


It's funny you would mention the choreography because I was watching some interviews with Jackie about this movie and he said he and Jet on the first day of filming watched the choreographer go through a sequence only once and they both memorized it and executed it flawlessly on the first take, but the director made them redo it because they were both "too fast". He said he and Jet were both trying to show off to each other speed wise,

It's just amazing when you consider the age of Jackie and even Jet that they still maintain a blinding speed that would make the director ask them to slow down. It flies in the face of convention, but goes to show dedication within the doctrine enables these guys to fight like true masters even when long in the tooth.

On a side note, I liked the movie. Not like I liked Fearless, but it was good for other reasons. The "fable" like quality of the story, and the dynamic of Li and Chan redeemed it of any of that diluted "sold out" feel you often get from large productions. The only thing that didn't fit for me was the actor they got to play the kid Michael Angarano (Jason Tripitikas). He seemed a bit out of his element to me. Otherwise, it's definitely a buy for my collection.

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I've manage to see it here on good quality and to share with you my comments on this movie. My expectation wasn't high from the beginning (due to the Michael Angarano's role and the overall American production of such entirely Chinese book and legend) However I was pleasantly surprised by the quality of it all - production looked slick enough and locations were stunning as well - the action was really good and there were few spots when I watched it again and again - the chenistry between Jackie & Jet is really cool on screen and the dialoge on some places is hilarious :) So I can't wait to see it again and to put it in my own collection because it is worth it :) 9/10

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From this site!


Li and Chan Strike Back

It's official. The Forbidden Kingdom will have a sequel. The second "battle for eternity" was actually planned before the original's release but representatives were reluctant to confirm their capital fantasies until the first movie had succeeded at the box office. It did. Having grossed nearly $21 million in its U.S. first weekend and is still dangling on the box office charts in both the Asian and North American markets, Forbidden Kingdom was sure to have a sequel. Expect to find Li, Chan, and Li Bingbing reunite on-screen -- and possibly even a romance between the two Li's. Thus far, however, Michael Angarano, hasn't been mentioned as reappearing. And who knows? If current trends in Hollywood are any indication, decent revenues may inspire a third installment -- and all those little fifth graders will be begging their guardians to 'please-oh-please buy me the FK Trilogy Boxset!' That prophecy's unofficial, though. --Ian Shaikh

According to them, the sequel was planned all along!

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I was talking with some friends about this and we all pretty much agree Jackie won the battle[ i say it was out of respect-Jackies been it longer- a true OG- Drunken style and Tiger Claws was too much for Jet], but i also say Jet won the war because after all he was the Monkey King- the most powerful dude in the movie. Agree?

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I would assume that the Hong Kong dvd will be coming out before too long, although they tend to be a bit faster with actual HK films than 'foreign' films. and the HK dvd will be in English, so as long as it comes out first, it should be the one to get if you don't care about extras!

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Lovehkfilm's review mentions of a Cantonese version of this movie where the characters spoke Cantonese. It's possible that there will be a canto track for a HK DVD release too.

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yeah, I'm betting it will have an English and Cantonese track, but who knows for certain. I've noticed that many English language movies released on HK dvd only have the english track, but not always

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yeah, I just noticed that too. I will send Joy Sales an email to see whats up! I dont wanna wait til September for the US dvd, I wouldnt see why the HK version would only be Canto dubbed though...

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DVD/VCD product infos on the pre-oder sections of Yesasia are usually not correct or complete until the official release. Also have a feeling they will push back the release date

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well, I checked out dddhouse and hkflix, as well as Joy Sales' website, and they all have the same info listed...Cantonese track, no English track. I did email Joy Sales to confirm whether or not there will be the original English track though, but I have a feeling the Weinsteins have a hand in this one.

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Got to see the film, really enjoyed it for what it was but obviously was a bit watered down compared to what it could have been. Fun to watch and good action, but hopefully Jet & Jackie will get to make the film that they really should have made together.

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