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The Forbidden Kingdom (2008)

Guest GwaiLoMoFo

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A Fantasy martial arts film for the general public and kids...not us fanboys unfortunately. Im sure it will be ok in a "western" kind of way...lol

Yeah, well that's pretty much it. It might induct some new fans of kung fu, though, as a lot of kids these days don't see much martial arts on TV or movies, unless of course it's from their big brother or sister who happens to have the movies already... .

I just think it will be a fun film, an adventure/fantasy, etc. it's the Monkey King legend, so it's going to be a bit unrealistic from any standpoint. My only fear is that they don't make it too OTT and diminish the actual skills of some of the actors (Jet, Jackie, Colin). That would be criminal!

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My only fear is that they don't make it too OTT and diminish the actual skills of some of the actors (Jet, Jackie, Colin). That would be criminal!

No need to worry, Yuen Woo Ping is action choreographer, end of story! :cool:

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My words exactly! The fights look like more of the same old (tired) YWP stuff, wires and all. Im not a Jet fan, but i love Jackie as much as a hetero sexual man can love another man!! Still, I just don't see this movie being good in any way. This is a crossover film, a kids film (of sorts) and a fantasy film. Not exited about any of that. I am lowering my expectations to absolute zero, then I at least won't be dissapointed.

I hope they prove me wrong.

I'm not so worried about the fights, but I do share your concern over the kiddie aspect of things. My expectations for the storyline are set pretty low.

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Has anyone here actually seen the footage that's been released from the Jackie vs Jet fight? A good chunk of it is online, and I've gotta say, it's looking pretty impressive. Who'd have expected such good shapes from a new film, let alone a new Hollywood film!

Check it!


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I really really can't wait to see this film. I'm actually happy Jet and Jackie keep the expectations a little low on this. It caught me more like a surprise and one I look very forward too. :)

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Has anyone here actually seen the footage that's been released from the Jackie vs Jet fight?

I've seen it, nice avvy by the way! I love My Lucky Stars :cool:

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Jackie recently appeared on 'The Ellen Degeneres Show' to promote the movie. Here's the full interview...It's pretty funny :D


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Gotta love that guy! I just wish western interviewers would stop asking him the same questions, they did in the 90's. And make it a bit more in depth. Jackie is very candid and funny. But they just ask the same tired old shit every time!

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I agree about the same old tired questions, but come on, Jackie always manages to entertain in these interviews. He's the man.

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The first reviews for Jackie's and Jet's movie are not favorable.

I'll see what our main paper says today.

I was hoping for a good one we shall see.


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Okay, today's the big day!!! Who is going to see The Forbidden Kingdom??? My wife and I are going this afternoon to the first show.

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Both of the local papers gave it *** star's.

They called it a kids movie. But said it was a hoot seeing the two immortal kung fu g-ds go at it.

I will have to see it on the big screen.

As Mark Pollard said in KFC how often do you get to see these to together.

Maybe never again!

Pleasent viewing.


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Guest Yi-Long

As expected, it will just be a decent kid-fantasy flick, with lots of stuff to moan about for us purists, but probably enjoyable for kids who just want fun action in an original setting.

I'm sure it beats Ninja Kids or whatever that movie was called...

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The Running Man
As Mark Pollard said in KFC how often do you get to see these to together.

Maybe never again!

They have expressed they want to work together again. Hopefully, it'll be something back in the East.

By the way, did anyone notice it's Yuen Wo Ping doing the action? :) Jackie and him haven't worked with each other since Twin Dragons and before that Drunken Master!

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Saw the movie and I loved it...Jackie and Jet together was awesome both fighting and non-fighting. Mike Angarano was actually decent in the film as Jason, and Collin Chou may have looked like a drag queen, but his skills are impeccable. Fight scenes were edited very well, have a feeling Yuen and Jackie may have had input in the editing of the action. I highly recommend it and will review it on my website Monday.

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Chinatown Kid

With two big martial arts film icons like Jackie and Jet in it, I'm gonna have to show support and go see this film. Hopefully it will feature some good action and even if this is more of a fantasy/family type movie maybe if the box office is good it will lead to a more serious type film for these two stars for the hardcore fans along with a big Hollywood budget. Jackie is getting up in age now though and I don't think we will ever see another performance from him like in Drunken Master 2. Maybe he can use his name to get younger martial arts stars more exposure in the mainstream market by taking a master or teacher role in an upcoming future movie. I know Jet is younger than Jackie and he looked great in Fearless so he should still have some pretty good physical talent left to put in some nice martial arts performances.

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saw it this evening and it had a pretty good turnout, even a bit of applause from the back crowd! I must say, I was not dissapointed. Obviously, I knew it wasn't gonna be a hard-core HK film, but for what it is I thoroughly enjoyed it, and can't wait for the DVD. it is far, far better than Jackie and Jet's US movies from last year (RH3 and War), and far better than most of Jackie's Hollywood output too. Jet Li has done better work in recent years, but he was enjoyable here as always, and gave a better acting performance than he did in War. sure, the movie's not perfect, mostly the scenes set in Boston, but the majority of the film is fun, and fast-moving. lots of action, and my fears of it having typical bad Hollywood editing during the fight scenes were unfounded! Liu Yifei is gorgeous I have to say, and white-haired demoness is played by Li Bing-Bing to answer the above question. and the inclusion of references to old classics (including The Bride with White Hair) only sweetened the deal for us longtime genre fans! by the way, for those who have seen the film, what classic film posters did you manage to catch during the opening credit sequence? I remember seeing Come Drink with Me, One Armed Swordsman (either # 1 or 2, didn't have time to think!), The 36th Chamber of Shaolin, and Legendary Weapons of China. anybody remember any others shown?

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Morgoth Bauglir

Yeah you sum it up perfectly mark. Great performances by Jet and Jackie. I imagine I would have completely hated the movie if they weren't in it.

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Not bad. The Jet vs Jackie fight seems too short even though it's quite long. Maybe because they switch to many different styles and each form last about a minute. However, I thought the editing lacks a little spark, and is not so Yuen Wo Ping-esque.

Thought that they could maybe make the movie funnier by adding more of those anachronistic jokes due to time and culture differences like the cash thingie. It's weird to have everyone speaking English though. Wonder how the film would have been if they got Jake Strickland instead.

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