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The Forbidden Kingdom (2008)

Guest GwaiLoMoFo

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Hell yeah ! After seeing the last trailer I'm looking really forward to this movie - no matter how cheesy at times it might be (due to the "all audience" rating) I'll be in the cinema when this is released ! Cheers and greetings from warm Bulgaria

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My fingers are crossed, I'm feeling a hit in the works! I know I'm pushing it, but still, I fan can wish, can't they? :)

I hope it is! As I've said in the past, Jackie will set himself apart from the Rush Hour series finally, and Jet'll have his first U.S. hit! :cool: But I'm getting antsy, this week or next week Lionsgate really needs to kick the ad campaign into overdrive.

I work at the movies, and I know, if they don't pump up Forbidden Kingdom's amount of ads we'll be seeing a big budget flop! I barely see things for the film, only once and a while.

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That was random, it looks like a professional video from a company, but you look at the beginning and they cheapingly flash pics of a Bruce Lee and LWOC poster! :confused: I'm confused, which is it?

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The more I see of this the more I want to see it. I have seen a lot more TV spots this week and I'm sure Lionsgate will up the ads leading into the release.

From what I've seen this looks great and could be the movie Jet and Jackie have been looking for to be a real box office hit. This could be the movie that kung fu fans have been waiting for here in the US from Jackie and Jet as well. I mean Yuen Wo Ping can make non martial artsist look fantastic...just think what he can do with these two.

www.ign.com has a nice video of Jackie and Jet fighting....nothing that will spoil the story or anything, but nice still to see some action.

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From what I've seen this looks great and could be the movie Jet and Jackie have been looking for to be a real box office hit.

I have doubts, but I'm still praying! The ads need to be upped now, I believe they're digging their own grave. I honestly don't see it doing well, it's only 3 weeks away.

And I will tell you guys ahead of time how it did, if you didn't already know, I work in a theater. I'll be able to tell how the weekend box office for it will be after my shift on that Friday.

EDIT: Michael Angarano's name in the film is JASON TRIPITIKAS, that's interestingly a play off of the Cantonese name for the buddhist monk accompanied by the Monkey King in the famous novel, Journey to the West, from which the movie is based. In the novel his name is Tripitaka or Xuánzàng in Mandarin.

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Check this out:

Jackie has 2 roles in the film as well. Aside from the drunken master Lu Yan, he plays the owner of the shop where Jason finds the monkey staff, named Old Hop. I bet Jackie wanted to look like his late father Charles, because there is one hell of a resemblance. Check this makeup job out:


BTW, like my new avatar...it's Jet Li as the Monkey King!!!

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Guest mediaguy

Personally ... I can't wait. Most of the western films done by both have left me a bit disappointed so I don't have super high hopes ... secretly hoping that the movie will blow my low expectations away.

I'm a huge Jackie and Jet fan. This is fantastic.

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The more I see different materials on this movie the more my expectations are getting higher - hope that it won't be something really dissapointing when it comes to the theatres.

By the way in one of the bulgarian movie magazines there were some article (a bit on the short side) in which the authors gave their comments about this film - not very pleasant so I decided to write them about this disdainful attitude in one e-mail (i hope that they will get it correctly) because I've noticed a certain trend towards martial arts movies in this magazine as they are categorize it as "action" movies...

I was trying to be patient towards them however they were keep claiming that these movies are "childish" and "lame" and actually present no emotional value for the cinema goers... Yesterday I wrote tham a brief e-mail explaining the story behind "Forbidden Kingdom" and relation between Jackie Chan & Jet Li and I hope tha tat least someone will give me an answer...

Fingers crossed to manage to generate an interest and more people to embrace the wonderful world of martial arts movies :)

Cheers and thank you for being patient enough to read this long post.

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The Amazing Psycho Per

Come on people, you are not being honest with yourself... Deep down inside, you know this is going to suck...

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Come on people, you are not being honest with yourself... Deep down inside, you know this is going to suck...

My words exactly! The fights look like more of the same old (tired) YWP stuff, wires and all. Im not a Jet fan, but i love Jackie as much as a hetero sexual man can love another man!! Still, I just don't see this movie being good in any way. This is a crossover film, a kids film (of sorts) and a fantasy film. Not exited about any of that. I am lowering my expectations to absolute zero, then I at least won't be dissapointed.

I hope they prove me wrong.

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You know what, after seeing several different versions of trailers and clips, I think this movie will be a great popcorn flick, a nice fantasy-action with some basis in Chinese martial arts and mythology. I think it will go over as well as it can go over in the States, as there seems to be a decent push for it. I'm not sure why people are hung up on seeing Jackie and Jet go mano e mano but it's not the main draw for me, anyways. I think I wrote this off not being a "true" martial arts film, whatever that is, a while ago and just accepted its true nature as some Hollywood-injected fantasy on a story thats been done lots of times before.

In short, I am looking forward to seeing it!

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Me too, I'll enjoy it! Especially more than most Jet Li flicks in the U.S. Most of his try to be too dark and serious, this'll be a good combo.

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