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X-Men Origins: Wolverine


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OK I got to see a sneak preview of this movie last night. It was good I was hoping for a lot better movie. I like the storyline about how they show Wolverine from a small boy until he becomes a Man. And that he has a brother but he wasn't in any of the other movies which to me I was disappointed in. I also like how they show how and why he got the steel in his whole body, and how he lost his memory. Overall it was good some good action scenes but I still think the 1st. & 2nd. movies were better IMO.


They changed it up a lot you did see him in the first movie victor creed aka Sabertooth he was played by a different actor,but what they did to deadpool was a crime to all hardcore comic fan's I'm a fan of deadpool by the way! DEAR HOLLYWOOD RIGHT MAN FOR THE JOB TOO play ultra badass teleporting gun packing MERC WITH THE MOUTH but bad ideal to

change his story and powers that sucks, but he did like the eyebeams his been asking his writers for new powers.

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OK my question if this was the prequel, and he had lost his memory which we all know he did. Then in the 1st. movie Victor Creed aka Sabertooth he did know that Logan was his Brother but why didn't we as fans know it in the movie? And how come Victor didn't show and compassion towards his brother.

BTW: Did still see it in the movies the other day even after seeing the leaked version.

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Guest I Like Elaine
OK my question if this was the prequel, and he had lost his memory which we all know he did. Then in the 1st. movie Victor Creed aka Sabertooth he did know that Logan was his Brother but why didn't we as fans know it in the movie? And how come Victor didn't show and compassion towards his brother.

BTW: Did still see it in the movies the other day even after seeing the leaked version.

Simply because they're not brothers in the comics. The writers of the first movie probably hadn't come up with the idea at the time.

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Apparently in the comics, Sabretooth (Victor Creed) was Wolverine's father!

Oh, anyone hear that Deadpool now might get a spin-off film?

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According to what I read, Sabretooth was proven not to be the father of Wolverine by some test done by S.H.I.E.L.D. Currently it is said Wolverine's father is some shady character named Romulus who's been manipulating Wolverine through the years from behind the current.

The movie was entertaining, but the more I think about it the more I go "ehhh".

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Apparently in the comics, Sabretooth (Victor Creed) was Wolverine's father!

Oh, anyone hear that Deadpool now might get a spin-off film?

yep theyre going through with it....it was hinted threw one of the 2 bonus endings

I got the crappy japanese ending

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Way of the Dragon

Wolverine lost his memory so he doesnt know about Sabertooth being his brother but Sabertooth didnt but we didnt know anything about it in the first X-Men film. I recently had to see the first X-Men film after seeing this and its annoying that Sabertooth is killed from Cyclops blast when he survived all through those events with Wolverine and is almost invincible.

Deadpool was always a cool character in his awesome suit, I wish he wore it in the wolverine film.

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Which Guy was Deadpool? Kinda lost here on who he was.

The guy with his mouth sewn shut that fought with Logan and Sabertooth at the climax.

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Are these really the "action men" of todays HLWD??? Hugh "twinkletoes" Jackman... and that guy from Two Guys And A Girl???


Charles Bronson is rolling in his grave..... so is Clint Eastwood... and he's not even dead yet!

The pussification of american cinema continues!

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The guy with his mouth sewn shut that fought with Logan and Sabertooth at the climax.

BOB: I thought his name was Weapon XI...

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BOB: I thought his name was Weapon XI...

Yes, but he's Weapon XI: Deadpool. Just like it's Weapon X: Wolverine. I don't think they said the name Deadpool in the movie, but that's who he is/turns out to be/winds up being called.

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yea and they ruined him too.....

he was actually pretty close to the character in the begining of the film, plus a mask,teleportation,guns,and more witty....

watch the new Hulk vs Wolverine anime, youll see how he is supposed to be...

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Wolverine and Sabertooth share the same father....The grounds keeper(according to Origins).It sucks to know your mom's a whore.

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Yes, but he's Weapon XI: Deadpool. Just like it's Weapon X: Wolverine. I don't think they said the name Deadpool in the movie, but that's who he is/turns out to be/winds up being called.

Just saw it today. Yes, they briefly call him Deadpool.

Wolverine and Sabertooth share the same father....The grounds keeper(according to Origins).It sucks to know your mom's a whore.

In the Origin mini-series, it is implied the groundskeeper is Wolverine's father. And it is implied that the groundskeeper's son is Sabretooth. Neither is a for sure thing.

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On 4/23/2009 at 8:39 PM, SlothStyleKungFu said:

I never got into Jackman as Wolverine in the X Men films. People seemed to really eat it up but, while he got the attitude somewhat right, he was way too modelish for me. I just cant get over the physicality being so different as his being older and a run really makes the character. Logan's not supposed to look like he walked out of an Abercrombie & Finch catalog.

I get what you mean, and I'm fully on board. I think that Dougray Scott (the first choice) would have given the character a wonderfully rough-around-the-edges treatment versus the Mr. Hollywood approach of Hugh. With the latter in it, it's like "Imagine a world where Tom Cruise played Tony Stark instead of RDJ."

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On 5/2/2021 at 12:47 AM, Cognoscente said:

I get what you mean, and I'm fully on board. I think that Dougray Scott (the first choice) would have given the character a wonderfully rough-around-the-edges treatment versus the Mr. Hollywood approach of Hugh. With the latter in it, it's like "Imagine a world where Tom Cruise played Tony Stark instead of RDJ."

Tom Cruise as Tony Stark would have been awful(RDJ was made for that role). lol Not sure about Dougray Scot as Wolverine, but Jackman was so good in that roll(In my opinion anyways. I mean, he looks and acts just like the comic character), that I cannot see anyone else, but him, playing that role. Which reminds me, I still need to see "Logan(2017)".

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