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X-Men Origins: Wolverine


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The Wolverine spin-off film, which focuses on how Wolverine came to be, has begun shooting in Australia.

Director: Gavin Hood

Cast: Hugh Jackman as Logan/Wolverine, Liev Schreiber as Victor Creed/Sabretooth, Dominic Monaghan, and apparently, Scott Adkins has joined the cast as "Weapon 11". Not sure if the Adkins casting is really true, but the other three mentioned are official. Hell, you can see Liev Schreiber with the unusual facial hair in recent pictures.

This is going to be one interesting film.

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Chinatown Kid

I'll definately be looking forward to this film as Wolverine was the coolest character and my favorite of the X-Men movies. Jackman really has this character down imo and it's great to see him get his own movie to play Logan. Thanks for the info albert!:)

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Yes, it will. Hugh has got acting chops and Wolverine was one of the best characters on the X-Men movies. I hope they don't shy away from the rather dark stuff that Weapon X (the comic) had. It's really good and fitting for someone who's supposed to be kinda feral. Yet sophisticated!

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I hope this bit of news will help:

J.J. Perry is choreographing the action for the movie!!!!

Now, it's going to kick some major butt!!!!

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OK I got to see a sneak preview of this movie last night. It was good I was hoping for a lot better movie. I like the storyline about how they show Wolverine from a small boy until he becomes a Man. And that he has a brother but he wasn't in any of the other movies which to me I was disappointed in. I also like how they show how and why he got the steel in his whole body, and how he lost his memory. Overall it was good some good action scenes but I still think the 1st. & 2nd. movies were better IMO.


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Yeah the movie was leaked, but the special effects and music etc were still unfinished, with wires and stuff clearly visible.

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the film that is leaked is unfinished, if you saw that version you ripped yourself off of this movie and cheated Hugh Jackmans hard work.

DragonSword: As far as I'm concerned Hollywood is a total rip off to us fans the prices they charge are crazy! But I do support them if there is a movie I really want to see on the big screen then I'll go see it. If not I'll wait to it comes out on DVD. As far as seeing this leaked movie even if it was unfinished didn't bother me in the least. I still enjoyed it, and thought Hugh Jackman was great in it.

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In no way is Hollywood going to lose money on this. It has a built-in audience that is already anxious to see this regardless if its bad or not.

I agress with Daisho2004, they rip us off enough as it is with overcharging at the box office to see bad movies. Case in point-Dragonball:Evolution, Streetfighter and the list goes on.

No one is crying for Wolverine getting leaked online and fans getting a sneak peak. Just the studios who didn't have control over the situation.:cry:

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my movie theater is 3.50 before 6pm.

if you wanted to see this film in the theater, why did you waste the experience by stealing an unfinished version of it?

Also the money has already been lost due to the leak, may not be much but money has been lost on this film.

What theater is 3.50 before 6? Those days are gone out here in Phoenix, AZ.

Money has been lost due to the leak no doubt. The culprit needs to be caught and charged. But Wolverine is going to make a profit and in the long run this isn't going to hurt the industry, unless it becomes a rampant practice pertaining to movies of this magnitude. Percautions will be in place to prevent this from happening again and all will be right with the world. The positive is Wolverine got some free publicity and may have actually gained financially from all this.

From a fan's perspective, studios never have any regard for audiences and are only concerned about our money, so why should we complain when they get a taste of their own medicine. So this feels like a little retribution for all the crap they put out like Fantastic Four.

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froffeecoffee: Thanks for the back up on this. And DragonSword I didn't steal this movie I just seen it, Free of charge! And what Movie Theater do you see movies for $3.50 I would go all the time! And Hollywood will never go Bankrupt that's for sure!

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If you get to the movie theater in the early afternoon- maybe it's not on weekends- there's usually a "twilight show" price. I think at the theater I frequent it's $4.00 or $4.50 per ticket. But I hardly ever make that early a show during the week.

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Hugh Jackman has stated he is heartbroken and devastated over this theft. Also the money has already been lost due to the leak, may not be much but money has been lost on this film.

Wait till you see the box office on opening weekend. He'll be drying his tears with hundred dollar bills.

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The movie was too cliched for me. (SPOLER ALERT) The scene where his girlfriend grabs the badguy's leg, and instead of making him kill himself, she just makes him keep walking 'cos killing him would make her as bad as him. Come on! Am I alone here?

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kaleyboy: I have to agree with you on that point, I was like OK come on. But he couldn't die because he was in X-Men #2. So I can see why they didn't do that, I just wish something worse happened to him.

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Just looking at the previews you can tell its more hollywood style action oriented than the darker story it could/should have been.

I havent read many comics since the 1980's, does anyone know the wolverine orgin stories and is the movie plot at all based on them? \

Gambit is in it? Feels like a Star Wars prequel bs.

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Just looking at the previews you can tell its more hollywood style action oriented than the darker story it could/should have been.

I havent read many comics since the 1980's, does anyone know the wolverine orgin stories and is the movie plot at all based on them? \

Gambit is in it? Feels like a Star Wars prequel bs.

I haven't read many comics since the 80's either. But it wasn't the origin story I was familiar with. By the start of the movie, wolverine was already about 200 years old. And he had claws right from the get go, only they weren't adamantium till later. Didn't ring true for me.

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Just looking at the previews you can tell its more hollywood style action oriented than the darker story it could/should have been.

I havent read many comics since the 1980's, does anyone know the wolverine orgin stories and is the movie plot at all based on them? \

Gambit is in it? Feels like a Star Wars prequel bs.

Judging from the trailer and from a friend that seen it, the Origin 6-issue series is used. That series came out in 2001. It explored Wolverine's childhood and the events that began his life as Wolverine. But it is a small part of the overall movie.

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I saw the leaked movie.It didnt matter to me if it was completely finished or not,I still plan on seeing it in theaters to support the movie.It was ok,not on the level of Ironman or Hulk,but that may br because the latter 2 movies were Marvel in-house movies and X Men:Origins Wolverine is Fox(Daredevil anyone?).

Dont believe the hype.No one lost money on this movie being leaked.If you were gonna see it,you were gonna go anyway.Maybe some people saw the work print and didnt care for the story and said to themselves"thank God I didnt waste my money on seeing this at the theaters".

Remember,Hugh Jackman is the best there is at what he does,and what he does best is song and dance. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=POmD7Ovje2Y

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Saw the leaked work print this weekend and liked it quite a bit. I liked it more than Hulk and possibly Iron Man. Story was better than the Hulk, but not Iron Man. But the action was better than both imo. And I still plan on taking the family to see it in the theater.

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I never got into Jackman as Wolverine in the X Men films. People seemed to really eat it up but, while he got the attitude somewhat right, he was way too modelish for me. I just cant get over the physicality being so different as his being older and a run really makes the character. Logan's not supposed to look like he walked out of an Abecrombie & Finch catalog.

Plus, the big problem is this- it is an origin story, for Wolverine. Every comic fan worth a damn knows that Wolverine was only interesting when he was an enigma, when they only had little vague hints at his past. When Marvel started offering up detail after convoluted detail about him in the 90's, Wolverine stopped being interesting. Based on that fact alone, the film makers are going down the wrong path with the character in a solo film.

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bamboo spear

I'm really looking forward to seeing this Friday, mostly for Scott Adkins' performance, Deadpool, The Blob, Emma Frost, Gambit, Cyclops and the other supporting characters. I think it will be pretty good. Too bad I couldn't throw in Psylocke, Daredevil, Elektra, Bullseye and some Hand Ninja!

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