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Remastered Tenchu Up For Dl


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Just a heads up that a remastered fan subbed copy is now for DL at you know where. This is a title for free so don't buy this off CKS site. The makers of this dvd worked hard to give us fans a FREE copy. There is a big topic about his recent titles being stolen from fansubbers and for SALE on his site. I don't know personally because I'm not into PINKY films but the very same titles that a few subbers did ended up on his site right after they were up for DL. I thought he was against SCAVS? Sounds like the POT calling the Kettle BLACK!!! So grab this masterpiece!!!!


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Thanks for the news. What is "CKS"?

Sorry should have re-read my post. CKS is CK's

I stand corrected as well as he is selling MORE then just the supposed stolen Pinky films. Someone said the films in question are the ones he has for sale for " A limited time" of $10 on his site. I guess those were made from a few fan-subbers and uploaded for a Free download but "supposed" he snagged the copies and is now selling them. Kinda shitty, as he gets so mad calling people scavs when they sell his stuff on ebay ect!!

I find it funny as hell that he does the same stuff. I guess one of the subbers is pissed about his stolen dvds and plans on making a site where he is gonna list all of CKs dvds for sale at WAY lower then Ck charges..I can't wait for this to happen..might be one hell of a great laugh.

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No not Merlin. I don't know if he planned on doing this title? But seeing the remastered dvd came out only a few days ago. Someone beat him to the punch. Most likely Merlin would charge 29.99 for a dvdr copy but I'll take it for free and months ahead of Merlins release time.
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scavs are people who steals someones else work and sells them on ebay, etc. CK is the owner of kurotogami site.

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Now normally I wouldn't reply to this topic but I feel that I have to voice my opinion on this topic. I have been a supporter of CK & Merlin for years now, and truth be told 99% of all movies that pop on on eBay and new Samurai website are the hard work of Merlin & CK, and we have had this debate many times on this site for years. And without Merlin & CK we would be stuck with the same Criterion releases over & over again ex: The 7th. Samurai how different version do we need to see released before something new comes out. Now if someone else comes along and subtitles these movies for free for us to download then that's great. I'm for that 110% but don't bash them for putting out movies that will never see the light of day from any legit company because you and I both know that almost 3/4 of there movies will never get a legit release and if they do it will be in Japan without any English subtitles. Now don't get me wrong I'm not talking about any of the Hawaiian TV broadcast movies here just for the record. I do not think its cool to charge a lot of money for those movies maybe just for s/h and for the disc's itself, because we can't get those channels over here in NY. I'm talking about movies that they put a lot of time to remaster and subtitle themselves.

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Now normally I wouldn't reply to this topic but I feel that I have to voice my opinion on this topic. I have been a supporter of CK & Merlin for years now, and truth be told 99% of all movies that pop on on eBay and new Samurai website are the hard work of Merlin & CK, and we have had this debate many times on this site for years. And without Merlin & CK we would be stuck with the same Criterion releases over & over again ex: The 7th. Samurai how different version do we need to see released before something new comes out. Now if someone else comes along and subtitles these movies for free for us to download then that's great. I'm for that 110% but don't bash them for putting out movies that will never see the light of day from any legit company because you and I both know that almost 3/4 of there movies will never get a legit release and if they do it will be in Japan without any English subtitles.

This has nothing to do with what Merlin or CK put out so to say. Anyone can tivo the same crap Ck offers up. This subject is about all the Shit slinging about scavs ect!!! And on the side note of the censorship used at Dojo. I see one mod quit because of the B.S. I see finally people are getting wise. They scream over at Dojo about the scavs but Good God if he gets called out about anything it is wiped out before anyone sees it.

I've said it before that CK does NOTHING in the way of releasing movies.

The subbers are now coming out and saying WTF. CK is STEALING peoples work and selling it for profit. Who the Hell is he to talk about scavs or whatever. He Steals movies off TV,Steals others translations ect!!! Then has the nerve to have his Monkeys talk shit. I find it funny that people are finally figuring it all out. And while were on the subject!! Remember that whole shit that went down with Animeigo? Please pull out your copy of Animeigos BAND OF ASSASSINS and pull CKS out as well..Well, Well it looks like old CK stole Animeigos subs for his dvd. Isn't that some copyright abuse? Someone might wanna contact Animeigo and let them know.

What a hypocrite!!!!

I think it's funny how he has you all fooled, keep sending over your money. Oh pass this on!!! I see he has a warning about cheap quality and buy from the real source. Might wanna let him know that dvdr DOESN"T suffer any quality loss during dubbing. So the so-called scavs have the exact same quality if it's copied off one of his stolen dvds for a fraction of the price and or for free.

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tokenganjaclan: you have some valid points and I won't dispute that with you, yes some of the policies at the Dojo aren't always right but that is how they want it. And to be honest I'm a Moderator at the Dojo I was doing the Korean section but it just didn't get enough views and replies, and I've been on here a very long time also and you know that as well. Now I just found out Mr. D left as a Moderator and to me he is a cool guy. And when Animeigo released "Band of Assassins" CK did remove it from his site I remember the whole thing about that. Now to respond to you I'm not fooled by anyone like I said if it is a movie that we will never see released then yes I will support CK & Merlin. Like I said I support the Ones who really put there time and effort into bring us these Classic movies.

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I'm a bit lost here... Where can I download this? Thanks

The site referred to is currently down, but eventually you just need to do a google search with the following words: dvd club asian. It will show up.

If some of the above messages do not make sense, then the "Big Topic" about angry fansubbers originated there.

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that site is down all the time, i would shoot for bit hq org though

What are you talking about? The site is never always down. You obviously don't know what you're talking about. There are just having some problems with their server and currently undergoing planned maintenance. The site should be back later tonight or tomorrow. Bithq can't even compete with adc, when it comes to asian movies. I'm pretty sure registration is closed like always.

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What are you talking about? The site is never always down. You obviously don't know what you're talking about. There are just having some problems with their server and currently undergoing planned maintenance. The site should be back later tonight or tomorrow. Bithq can't even compete with adc, when it comes to asian movies. I'm pretty sure registration is closed like always.

They were out of commision for months about a year or two ago. I'm a fan. They run a great site.

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