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Kill Bill: Vol. 1 (2003) & Kill Bill: Vol. 2 (2004)

Guest Ministry88

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The Kill Bills - I enjoyed them, I liked the first one better than the second, My problem with it is, it should have been one movie, even one long movie, there was about a good hour plus you could of cut out of it, I think for me, it would of worked better in one sitting.

I just think a lot of fans of asian film (myslef included) are increasingly and inherently hostile toward any action films coming from western directors.

I can agree with this, I'm guilty of hating hollywood, but for me it isn't being against Western culture, as much as I like Asian culture even apart from these movies, Hollywood had balls at one time, they lost it somewhere, everything went pg -13, there been the exceptions along the way, and maybe better things to come (300 looks f'n amazing).

Music can be a films greatest asset, two examples I can give is Platoon and CTHD, two great soundtracks that can stand on their own, being able to fit the music into the right emotional setting works to a films advantage, if the viewer knows it or not, that doesn't mean I don't dig the fist full of dollar music before the final fight in Hot Cool and the Vicious. Akira Ifukube was a master, he created the original music for Godzilla and many Kurosawa films, his music found it's way into many Kung Fu and Western music over the years.

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Guest limubai2000

I don't hate Hollywood as a whole. Right now I hate most of their output in particular their predaliction towards aiming all their action films firmly at the 18-24 crowd. I think that films aimed at that age group don't appeal to people not in that age group. That is most of the problem with Hollywood right now.

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Guest Daisho2004

Tosh, I agree Kill Bill definitely shoulda been made into (1) movie instead of (2)the 2nd. movie just sucked it had a few good scenes in it but that was all. It woulda worked out so much better than being split into (2) movies but hey Q.T. was just trying to make a bigger buck and I'm not mad at him for that because it worked. And Sonny Chiba shoulda definitely had a bigger part in this movie.

And I'll say this about Hollywood and Action films if you look at it most of the people who see these action flicks are younger Kids. I remember when the Drive-In movie was on Saturdays and they showed all the Shaw Brothers movies I was a Teenager back than and a lot of Adults wouldn't even know what a "Five Deadly Venom" was.

On another note do you notice that every Martial Arts flick that is being released is being presented by Q.T. Tony Jaa's new release of the Protector is slated as presented by Q.T. he has nothing to do with these movies so I don't know why the Directors or Producers would let him get credit for there movies. Just because of his name. And I'm not bashing Q.T. I just don't see the logic in it of him getting credit for something he has nothing to do with.

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On another note do you notice that every Martial Arts flick that is being released is being presented by Q.T.

That's because of Harvey, Qt really went to bat to get movies like Iron Monkey and Hero released on the big screen in the US, the Harvster agreed only if it had Qt presenting it, so the man's name really carries some weight, whether you like his movies or not, I think he loves the old KF movies just like us.

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Guest VonHumboldtFleischer

I didn't enjoy KILL BILL. Actually, I enjoyed the Twisted Nerve sequence (I can't actually remember what was happening in the scene, but I do remember enjoying having that music pummelled against my skull at the cinema), and I enjoyed Michael Parks, but beyond that it was a huge, huge mess. It doesn't seem so much as film as a collection of music videos which just happen to involve Uma Thurman in one way or another.

It's surprising how little people seem to be bothered by the fact that Uma Thurman gives one of the worst performances in the history of cinema. As bad as she is delivering dialogue in scene (the conversation with Vivica Fox being a particularly awful example), when she addresses the camera directly she reaches a new, previously unsuspected height of gut-wrenching cheesiness. Admittedly, it's hard to deliver lines as vomitously bad as those in the KILL BILL script without looking like a total goof, but she manages to take their ordinary everyday prosaic crappiness and turn it into a truly superhuman, almost supernatural crappiness.

I don't think it particularly helps if you "get" the references, either (has anyone here even seen THEY CALL HER ONE-EYE? Would Darryl Hannah be any less irritating if they had?). Films should stand on their merit, not on their nudging, winking, ironic references to other films. There's something really annoying about things which aren't particularly funny or clever in themselves, but which seem funny or clever if you "get" the references. The Simpsons is particularly guilty of this. It seems like a lazy writer's way of avoiding having to come up with an actual joke or idea. Instead just allude to some aspect of contemporary culture that will reassure the audience that they're hip, and they'll "get it" and feel all special and fuzzy inside.

The idea that Tarantino is a big kung fu movie fan doesn't make me feel any better about things, either. Come to think of it, I'm not sure what evidence there is for this anyway. What, because he knows who Gordon Liu is? So does my girlfriend. And I share the indignation of those who are annoyed by having his chinny face all over films he's had nothing to do with. Not because I think he's taking credit for them (Oliver Stone, Martin Scorcese and David Lynch have all "presented" movies they haven't done any work on), but because I think that anyone stupid enough to decide to buy or watch a kung fu movie based on his endorsement probably doesn't deserve to see them.


To be fair, I don't believe that thing about Tarantino never attributing his sources. I think his sources are so outrageously obvious he really doesn't have to. RESERVOIR DOGS isn't any worse for being a padded-out replay of the last twenty-five minutes of CITY ON FIRE; it's worse because it has absurd dialogue in it like "Are you gonna bark all day little doggie, or are you going to bite?" and "Someone's been sticking a red-hot poker up our ass and I want to know who's name is on the handle." Puh-lease. JACKIE BROWN is probably his most mature and well-crafted film to date (and judging by what his forthcoming projects seem to be - more pastiche, sequels and remakes - will probably remain so for some years to come), and the only one I've really watched three or four times.

There's probably an anti-Tarantino bandwagon at work somewhere, and I'd hate to jump on it almost as much as I'd hate to jump on the pro-Tarantino bandwagon. The fact that he's fairly obnoxious as a person (or, at least, as an interviewee) makes him easy to dislike, and even detest, but as I said, we should judge his films on their merits. And KILL BILL has practically none.

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Guest Markgway

The scripts for the KILL BILL films did seem like someone trying to copy Tarantino -- without the wit.

"Someone's been sticking a red-hot poker up our ass and I want to know who's name is on the handle."

That DOGS line made me laugh. It's still his best screenplay by a mile.

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Guest Chinatown Kid

My favorite Tarantino film would have to be Pulp Fiction, mainly for the charismatic performances of John Travolta and Sam Jackson as the two hitmen who have philosophical debates on a regular basis. I thought the dialogue was very witty and hip with a realistic feel.

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Guest Dion Brother

yeah, seeing icons like Sonny Chiba, Gordon Liu and even David Carradine demonstrates no merit whatsoever for the KILL BILL movies. I think it helps if you remember a time when it was actually exciting to go to 42nd Street or the local drive-ins or "action houses" in the 1970s(and being that many of our posters are young and not living in the US, maybe they can't conceive of it). For those of us who marveled over lurid newspaper ads or heard Adolph Ceaser's narration for kungfu and black action movies on the radio because we were too young to see these movies ourselves, KILL BILL provides a fun connection to that era. Every week, there were too many genre movies to choose from, unlike nowadays where its all about the big event releases. And if you were living near a Chinatown in the 1970s, you had double the choices. Imagine choosing between the latest New World, World Northal, Crown International, Film Ventures and Dimension (not the Miramax subsidiary) releases at your local theater. There was such a time. The majors mainly released "important" or very mainstream stuff, never anything crazy, exploitive or subversive.

Maybe remembering that time of American moviegoing helps to appreciate KILL BILL. Then again, I've met people who've never watched any kung fu or spaghetti westerns and they love the KB movies. It's all subjective.

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Guest sevenhooks
KILL BILL provides a fun connection to that era.

Maybe remembering that time of American moviegoing helps to appreciate KILL BILL. Then again, I've met people who've never watched any kung fu or spaghetti westerns and they love the KB movies. It's all subjective.

I agree 100%.

I had a blast watching both KB films.

By far the most fun I had that year at the cinema.

No contest.

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Guest The Running Man


I asked you before on this thread for you to do a similar review to Kill Bill vol. 2.

You didn't answer that post so I am asking it again. :)

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Guest Stuntman Jules

Most of the Asian movie nerd Tarantino haters are just jealous that HE gets to make movies, put references to Shaw Brothers films into them and they don't. I swear, that's what it is.

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Guest morgoth

I don't care if Tarantino copies stuff. Everybody copies. He takes an idea and adds onto it with his own ideas. If you don't like it, then that's that.

And I always love Tarantino's dialogue, but I can see how it coud bore some people.

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Popped this disc in tonight. Hadn't seen in a while.

During the Sushi Shop sequence...

Sonny Chiba and Kenji Ohba get into this routine about fish/ tea .. 30 years .. I'd be a General, etc.

Is this something QT wrote or is this referencing some past film?

The dialogue seems VERY familiar but I've never been able to put my finger on it.


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If memory serves me correctly it seems that Q wrote it. But, I think the interview stated that he based it on either their natural verabe together or past scenes that they had done together. I dont have the magazine article in front of me at this time but that is what I remember reading about the script. But, this was many years ago.

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Kill Bills are great flicks.for me they remind a lot of spaghetti westerns where "good" guy is not that completely and kills without mercy.some of best fight scenes seen in hollywood movies in those.tarantino may be copycat but what he does is quality stuff.

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Kung Foolery

Ok.. so am I the only one who thinks Reservoir Dogs destroys City On Fire?

Am I the only one who thinks Kill Bill is great stuff?

Im sure someones already mentioned this but if these movies were Hong Kong movies you guys would be praising the hell out of em.

Bad dialogue in Reservoir Dogs? Lol.

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Im sure someones already mentioned this but if these movies were Hong Kong movies you guys would be praising the hell out of em.


if kill bill was a hong kong movie it would have lower expectations and better action

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Chinatown Kid

My opinion on Kill Bill is that although the film was very atmosperic and stylish, the fight scenes were blah because most of the stars did not have the skills to pull it off. It was a fun movie though.

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QT haters amuse me. You guys always sound like you all have a personal grudge against a man ,like he raped your daughter and punchedyour wife in the face or something. Even funnier is that you all call him thief [everybody lifts something , thats just how it is-i belive it can be called inspiration],hack, and every other name in the book yet youve obviously watched all his films. Why? He sucks remember.I ask all of the Haters[and yes you are haters] , what have YOU done? Wheres your screenplay? Your experts in cinema, right? Critics are peolple who wish they could ,but really cant. What have you done to make kung fu flicks respected. What have you done to attract new viewers to forgotton classics, which in turn renews interest in old filmakers ,stars , and thier movies. Whens the last time you did anything passionate, with the exception of bashing Tarantino. Sure Kill Bill bites a lot of stuff ,but it works and theres nothing out there like it. You guys are probably the same people who think eng. dubs are sooo uncivilized.

Bottom line if you thinks hes a hack dont see his films. And yes the Shaw logo at the begining of the flick DID add to the film for me the same way using Gordon Liu and Shaw sets did. If you have nothing nice to say why say anything at all-thats what makes you jealous sounding haters. Sorry if i sound angry, Im not. Its just that movie, oh excuse me, Film Snobs are a curious breed and i really want to understand how they could really feel so much hate for others success. I think Michael Bay is CRAP as a director , but never have i thought of creating a post to share my hate of him and his films to the world.

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QT haters amuse me. You guys always sound like you all have a personal grudge against a man ,like he raped your daughter and punchedyour wife in the face or something. Even funnier is that you all call him thief [everybody lifts something , thats just how it is-i belive it can be called inspiration],hack, and every other name in the book yet youve obviously watched all his films. Why? He sucks remember.I ask all of the Haters[and yes you are haters] , what have YOU done? Wheres your screenplay? Your experts in cinema, right? Critics are peolple who wish they could ,but really cant. What have you done to make kung fu flicks respected. What have you done to attract new viewers to forgotton classics, which in turn renews interest in old filmakers ,stars , and thier movies. Whens the last time you did anything passionate, with the exception of bashing Tarantino. Sure Kill Bill bites a lot of stuff ,but it works and theres nothing out there like it. You guys are probably the same people who think eng. dubs are sooo uncivilized.

Bottom line if you thinks hes a hack dont see his films. And yes the Shaw logo at the begining of the flick DID add to the film for me the same way using Gordon Liu and Shaw sets did. If you have nothing nice to say why say anything at all-thats what makes you jealous sounding haters. Sorry if i sound angry, Im not. Its just that movie, oh excuse me, Film Snobs are a curious breed and i really want to understand how they could really feel so much hate for others success. I think Michael Bay is CRAP as a director , but never have i thought of creating a post to share my hate of him and his films to the world.


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