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Charlton Heston dies at 84

Mark Pollard

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I just read this on Netscape's homepage. Very sad news. He was one of the greats.

Favorites included: Ben Hur, Soylent Green, Touch of Evil, Julius Caesar (1970), El Cid, and many others...

Of course the best for me will always be Planet of the Apes and that famous line...

"Take your stinking paws off me, you damned dirty ape!"


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Of course the best for me will always be Planet of the Apes and that famous line...

"Take your stinking paws off me, you damned dirty ape!"


One of the greatest lines, classic.

A great humanitarian, actor and activist.

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The Amazing Psycho Per
A great humanitarian, actor and activist.

Although he was a great actor, I wouldn't go as far as calling him a great humanitatrian, or at least not for the last years of his life. I mean, every death is sad but the guy was a NRA activist and I'm sorry but that bugs me... More guns is not what the world needs right now.

Still he has played some great roles in his carreer.

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Righteous Master
Although he was a great actor, I wouldn't go as far as calling him a great humanitatrian, or at least not for the last years of his life. I mean, every death is sad but the guy was a NRA activist and I'm sorry but that bugs me... More guns is not what the world needs right now.

Still he has played some great roles in his carreer.

Are you kidding me? Why does someone being a NRA activist bother you? Why do liberals always blame guns and not those who do evil things with them? If evil people did not have guns to kill people with, they would use swords. Should we ban all things that could hurt someone?

Perhaps you forgot that the founding fathers of this country came from a place that did not allow them the freedom to oppose the government in any sort of way and because of this, wanted to create a new country that was free from the shackels of Great Britian. The founding fathers knew that government was at best a necessary evil and if freedom to bear arms was not guaranteed to citizens, those in control would have all of the say on everything and ordinary people like you and me would have no voice.

Heston was a great man. We need more people like him in this world to stand up for our rights as citizens.

I hope that if the government ever does take away our right to bear arms, your home is never broken into by someone that does have a gun. The bad guys will always have guns no matter what. No law will ever change that fact. If a man broke into my home and was a potential threat to my family, I would not waste 2 seconds thinking about shooting him. Please stop placing the blame on a weapon. Do something constructive like changing the hearts and minds of people who use guns to commit crimes.

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The Amazing Psycho Per

I knew I would've a reply like that :D

You're a real proud brainwashed american hyped up on fear aren't you? LOL, Watch out, there is a taliban evil doer behind you!

And what the hell has the right to liberty and democratie has to do with the right to carry a gun and potentially blow someone brain's off.

The solution to violence is not violence. There is a cause for this violence and, it is not because people are evil or bad guy... The problem needs to be eradicate at the source, but I guess it's pointless to try to argue with you if you see things like a brainwashed five years old.

The great Laozi said that the best way to counter violence and social chaos is to not retaliate. Because you don't retaliate to an agression, there is no escalation and the agression becomes vain.

The violence problem is a social problem and needs to be worked on at the source. Ever wonder why they turned "bad guys" like you so cleverly call them? Because they have the evil gene!?! You need to stop watching FOX news and have a more awakened look at the world my friend.

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Guest Markgway

Chuck Heston:

Charismatic actor and, apparently, very decent human being; but I don't deny I opposed his politics. It doesn't make him a bad man at heart, just, well... wrong.

Guns kill. It's what they were designed for. Simple as that. If that makes me a wooly liberal in the eyes of right-wing Americans. Fine. But I'm actually very tough on crime. I just don't see why any person )other than the law) needs to own a weapon of death.

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Chinatown Kid

When guns are outlawed, only outlaws will have guns. If some lowlife thug trys to break in my home and harm me and my family I'd much rather have a gun for protection than not have one.

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I judge entertainers by how well I am entertained....therefore Chuck was great.Rest in peace.

Guns are like condoms I guess; rather have one and not need it, than need one and not have it.

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