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Been looking for this film for Years, Help!


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ok so there is this 1 movie I saw as a kid and never been able to track down, I posted this on the kung fu fandom many years ago and it probably went unoticed, I posted this question again on flashlegs and people came close they recommened martial arts with chan wai man, but I got a hold of that movie and its not it, close but no cigar. I will try again. The movie plot as i remember it is below. I think the key to finding this film is the fact that it starts off as children and the 2 boys fight over the chick, not many kung fu films start off that way.

Movie plot as i remember it.

The movie starts out as children. There were 3 kids, 1 girl and 2 boys. One boy was rich the other poor. I believe they had a fight over the girl, the poor boy beats up the rich one and makes him cry. The rich boy vows to get him back one day.

I believe the poor boy and his father flee the town by this point over fear of retaliation from the rich boys father. The poor boy makes a promise to the girl something along the lines of returning for her one day.

Years go by and both boys are now men and both great martial artist. The rich boys father had paid the best instructors to teach his son kung-fu. The young hero now returns to his village and the girl by this point is either married or has a fiance. The fiance gets either killed by the evil guy or he commits suicide because he is not strong and cannot fight to protect his woman.

In the end the hero and the villain have a duel with the hero coming out victorious. I say this movie was probably released in the 60's or 70's, I do remember it being English dubbed.

If anyone had seen this movie, knows the title, has a copy of it or any other information please post it here. Any info will be gladly appreciated. I need this movie bad.

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hi shape still searching for this film mfor you if i get or watch one of the couple of hundred in mile pile you will be first person to know

regards houndslow

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sup houndslow thanks for looking out.

I cant believe this movie is so rare or hard to track. Im not crazy, I really did see this film as a kid and my description may not be 100% but its very close.

my dad will take me to the video store over the weekend to pick out a kung fu film. I remember how after i finished watching it, I was supposed to rewind the tape before taking it back so i hit the rewind button while the movie was still playing and it got stuck on the vhs player, I was scared cause i thought my dad was gonna hit me, ha ha, but when he came home he just opened up the vcr and removed the tape with the film all scrambled but we fixed it and took it back to the store to never hear from it again. Lost forever probably.

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Do you remember any of the stars or actors ? If yes have you noticed them in other movies? You also mentioned the movie was set in the 60s or 70s did you actually mean released in the 60s or 70s? Are you 100% sure it was swordplay? Are there any vivid fights in particular,settings or odd moments other than what you have already described? Finally how old were you when you saw this flick and what year did you see it on video?

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i was like 10 years old when i saw this flick in the early 90's, other movies i watched around this time i already found, stuff like the ex shaolin monk, like when i watched ex shaolin monk years later i instantly remembered it. So thats why I believe my description of this other movie is not that far off (I tend to have a fairly good memory). Regarding the swordplay, this movie might not be swordplay, since stuff like duel to the death is considered swordplay then yeah this one is definetly not swordplay. I will remove the swordplay portion since its throwing people off.

I was too young at the time and did not know any of the actors, I would say this movie is a very early one not one of those well choreographed shape style flicks so its probably a basher from the 60's. Released in the 60's not set in the 60's. They wore those traditional kung fu costumes. It was a very serious movie no humor in it at all and from what i remember the hero won that battle but he was all f@$%^# up in the end. I think my only option will be to somehow track down the video store owner and find out what he did with those kung fu movies he had.

the one shot i remember is a night time shot when the girl is with her fiance/husband and the villain pays them a visit, there is a well near them. This is the point where the fiance either dies or offs himself, the girl later tells the hero the events and you know a showdown ensues.

theres a $100 bounty on this joint.

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i spoke to the owner of the shop, he mentioned how he sold many over the years but there was one guy who purchased a bunch from him, the store is located in south bronx ny by Westchester ave. So yeah someone from new york has this title in their possession.

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Your plot description reminds me of the film noir classic, THE STRANGE LOVE OF MARTHA IVERS (1946), but of course that had no kung fu in it.

I vaguely remember a kung fu film, though, that opened with the characters as children, as you describe. But I can't cull it out of the jumble of kung fu film memories in my head and figure out which one it was. But if it comes to me and I can confirm key details that might tie in with your recollection, I'll pop in again.

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ok cool at least its stirring thoughts, yes the fact that it begins as children is the key.

now i might be stretching it now but trying to recall scenes, the final duel has the hero coming out victorious but like i said before he barely made it out of there alive, I think after the fight he slowly walks away and he gets on a little boat like a canoe and rides off. I think thats how it ends.

now what is bothering me is that i dont recall what happens to the girl, whether she died in the movie or not.

maybe i should see a shrink and get hypnotized to remember all. ha .

but yeah all jokes aside this movie does exist and some lucky person out there has it.

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Daigoro thanks for the tips but like i said i was too young, i cant pin point any of their faces.

I was not around in the 70's so I dont know if it aired in the kung fu theathre. I thought my best chance of finding this will be through forums since some of these guys got loads of flicks but it seems no one has seen this one. Guess the guy who got the tape dont frequent forums.

I already have around 1600 of these joints and what i do is i play them just for a few minutes to see if it starts out like the one im after but none do. The movie is not Eunuch of the Western palace , i seen that flick before.

Who knows if a movie like this will be put out on dvd since its not even a popular one but there is hope since it was dubbed and not raw chinese.

damn I got everyone here scratching their heads, oh well at least i got to watch this flick once.

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ok Daigoro I emailed the 2 members and now I wait and see.

I understand what you mean by only I can help myself, ha ha. I don't think I can recall anymore but one thing I can try is maybe obtain a log of all the vhs the store had in stock that way I can start crossing titles out until im left with a handful of movies that might possibly be it.

The only problem I see with this is it will not guarantee I will see this movie again if no one has a copy of it but yeah its a start.

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i've seen this movie or atleast one with almost the exact same plot but i can't think of the name of it for anything.. gonna look through my collection

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Theshape this movie really rings a bell and its very infuriating not remembering the title.However I'll like you to try this;when you've got time get hold of these two films; 1) Dragon And Tiger aka Match Of The Dragon And The Tiger 2) Dragon,Tiger And The Phoenix aka Needles Of Death.They might refresh your memory further which could help steer us in the right direction.

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ok cool, i dont think I have those 2 so i'll get my friend to send them to me and ill watch them. Thanks.


I watched a clip of match of the dragon and tiger on youtube

and can confirm that one is not it, they are both dressed in modern clothings.

The one I remember the clothing was of those traditional kung fu costumes, I believe the hero was dressed more like the guy from the bells of death pretty bummy and possibly wore a hat(http://img.verycd.com/posts/0508/post-250280-1124821726.jpg), I imagine him more like this http://www.rarekungfumovies.com/previews/1282.jpg but without the beard.

The rich one wore those silky looking black outfits typical of a villain and I also believe he sported the long braided hair.

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Guest Delightful Forest

The Thunderbolt Fist (1972). A Shaw Brothers movie directed by Chang Yi-Hu and starring Shih Szu, Chuan Yuan, and Nan Kung-hsun.

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delightful forest thanks for helping out but its not the thunderbolt fist, its not one of those china vs japan flicks, its just about a grudge between these 2 guys. The villain cant get over what happened to him as a kid.

rederror i hope you can find it.

I been thinking alot about this movie lately and well the only reason i can come up with the 2 boys fighting is because the rich one bullied the girl and the other boy came to defend her. As they get older they both fancy her so the villain eliminates the fiance/husband.

this thing is like the sphynx riddle.

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Found it, will be getting a copy really soon. Dont know how accurate my description was but im pretty sure the beginning was spot on.


Struggle with Death - 1976

aka: The Knight

aka: Showdown with Death (ocean shores version)

starring: Wong Tao and Philip Ko

Big thanks to Joe for hinting at the title. Was not for him I would never found it.

Case Closed

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got the dvd, ocean shores version called showdown with death. Now i can show how accurate my description was.

starts off as children


the two boys fight because philip ko character was a lil bully


got his ass kicked but took it like a man (i imagined him crying in this scene)


wong tao's character flees leaving the girl behind crying (no promise to return though, no uncle either but a shaolin abott)


wong tao grown up dressed like a bum (like the dude from bells of death i mentioned)


philip ko grown up, dressed in black and sporting the long hair


night time shot when fiance offs himself, the famous well is present


Girl tells wong tao events


showdown with death


philip and wong tao fight with swords at some point (this is what gave me the impression it was swordplay kung fu)


walks away bloodied (not as bad as i imagined)


rides off on his lil boat


gawd damn i still got it. Not bad for 15 years.

I am 100% sure this version I got is cut.

I remember a scene when philips character is growing up he is being taught kung fu by different masters, this scene is not present.

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^^ shouldnt be too hard to find it now, its been spread like the plauge.... get my drift?

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